Chapter 84: Reckless counterattack

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

"Okay... Everyone get ready for a large-scale attack !"

Mitsurugi: Are you sure this will work ?

"Look. I know these guys better than anyone. And if there's one thing they excel at..."

Megumin: EXPLOSION !!


"It's annoying the hell out of anyone and anything. Prepare to close the gates if some manage to slip through !"

Devils: W- What, what is this ?! Explosion Magic ?! It's an enemy ambush !

Soldiers: Ah ! Look over there, those people ! It's two Crimson demons and-

Yunyun: Teleport !

"All according to Keikaku ?"

Kazuma: We don't have translator's notes here.

Soldiers: Just like they deserved ! I could see it all the way from the watchtower !

"Don't relax just yet ! There's movement up ahead !"

Darkness: Enemy troops ?!

"Looks like it ! They're so pissed off they didn't even bother getting in formation..."

Adventurers: It's out turn to handle this !

"Oh, don't you worry about that... CARPET BOMBING !!"



"That's about all there is. My power displays its utmost strength in these kind of situation. Not 1v1 duels, but long attrition wars."

Mitsurugi: ... One-man army...

Megumin: EXPLOSION !!

Devils: GAAAAAAAHH !! It's those guys again ! Don't let them get away this time ! Get them ! You dare to kill my comrades, don't think I'll let you live ! Surround them ! Surround them !

Yunyun: Teleport !

Megumin: EXPLOSION !!

Devils: The food ! The food storage has been blown apart ! Dammit, they've come again ! Can they at least not come at the break of dawn ?! Hurry up and call Wolbach-sama ! Tell her to blow those imbeciles away !

Devil: Wolbach-sama just used Explosion as well ! I won't let them go today ! Don't let them use-

Yunyun: Teleport !!

Megumin: Wahahahaha ! My name is Megumin, the number one mage in Axel ! Come, you shall all become my experience points today !

Devils: THEY'VE APPEARED !! Run, hurry up and get outta here !!

Devil: We can't ! if we step away from the forest we'll get burned away from the sky !!

Devil: Idiot, don't group up ! That fanatic crimson demon will fire at places with lots of people ! Go over there !

Devil: No, not there ! We need to split further apart if we don't want to get hit by-

Megumin: EXPLOSION !!

"... This has come to the point where I can't tell which side are the bad guys on..."

Kazuma: Starting to feel some kind of regrets ?

"They declared war on us. They must be ready to complete annihilation at any point. They surrender or they die."

Megumin: Wahahahahaha ! WAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA ! I have come again today !!

French Devils: We understand ! We understand ! We surrender ! We surrender already !! here, do you want some candy ?!

Devils: I still have a mother to take care of back at home, so please... ! Don't you think that the Crimson demons and devils have quite similar names ? Hey, I'm sure we'll make great friends !

Devils: let's talk this out, alright ?! I'm sure we'll come to a peaceful understanding ! War is for idiots, after all ! Look, we've already dropped our weapons, you see ?! The great and elegant Crimson Demons wouldn't attack defenseless people r-

Megumin: EXPLOSION !!

Aqua: Megumin, over there ! Those people look like they're running in different directions, but they're actually gathering up !

Megumin: I understand ! Don't think you guys will get away !

Devils: Waaaaaahhhhahh ! God, please save me ! Wolbach-sama, please !! If I can choose my life and start over, I don't want to be a devil ! I want to be a cat... I want to be fed by a beautiful lady owner everyday... I want to be embraced by her...

Devils: This is just a dream. that's right, when I wake up, my mother who had gone out for a walk will come back with a wild boar to make steak...

Devil: I- I- I'm someone who is a candidate for a Demon King General ! If you let me live, i'm sure the Demon King will pay a great ransom for me... !

Megumin: EXPLOSION !!

Megumin: I won't let you get away ! Why would I let you escape... Ah ! Wait !

Kazuma: ... Alright, that's enough. Let's call it a day for now.

"Why are these guys still here ? The first few times they would always counterattack against us, but now their morale is completely crushed..."

Yunyun: I can't tell which side is the Demon king's army anymore...

"You don't say... Now they kneel and pray anytime they see Megumin coming their way... To think they even gave up on trying to run away."

Kazuma: And whose fault is that ? If they dare to take a step outside the forest, Heaven will smite them down where they stand.

"i was hoping we could force them to desert the army, but it kinda looks like the hierarchy is rather oppressive..."

Megumin: Ah, this is worrisome. I wouldn't be able to level efficiency anymore...

Kazuma: I'm just gonna remind you, but we didn't come here to farm experience points, alright ?

"they already lost over half their troops under the daily assaults... The walls of the fortress are now sturdier than ever, complete with mural decorations... Why can't Wolbach see this is a lost battle already ?"

Megumin: Then Yunyun, let's retreat for today. Even though it's a shame I can't fire Explosion Magic now, we can come again at night when those guys are starting to feel secure. Well then, please prepare the teleportation magic.

Wolbach: I've been looking for you guys for a long time. It seems we finally meet... It seems that person isn't here today.

"Yeah, she's busy making the walls even stronger while we make your army even weaker."

Wolbach: You guys went a bit overboard here... To be honest, I don't want to fight anyone I've talked fondly to, so i'm a bit annoyed.

Kazuma: W- Wait a second ! I don't want to fight you either, after all, we took a bath together before !

Megumin/Yunyun: Ah ?!

Wolbach: ... Please don't mention such things in this kind of situation...

Megumin/Yunyun: Eh ?!

"Maybe you don't, but I do. I came with the firm intention of generously beating a General's face in. I thought I made it clear when we were in the bath last time, I'm about to commit mass arson, as I want all the smoke."

Wolbach: U- Uhm, I feel like there is some sort of misunderstanding...

Kazuma: I don't care if they misunderstand. Since we took a bath together, and you even said you don't want to treat me as a stranger...

Wolbach: I did say that ! I know it's true that I said that ! It's also true that we did take a bath together, but... ! ... I've already investigated you, who have ambushed my subordinates day in and day out. Beldia, Vanir, Hans, Sylvia... Do you still remember these four names ?

"Four, huh. So with you down, we finally start having a chance at breaking through the barrier around the Demon King's castle... Also, your ears are turning red."

Wolbach: Shut up !

Kazuma: I do remember them... But I still don't want to fight you.

Wolbach: Even if you don't want to, I still can't let you go. I also need to retrieve my other half. Also, if you've managed to defeat four Demon King generals... Could you be the hero of that fairy tale ?

"He is the hero with the weakest job, and his special move is peeping."

Kazuma: Shut.

Wolbach: Once I learned of your name, I realize I couldn't let you go. Do you know ? The name of the hero in that fairy tale ?

Kazuma: ... I don't know the hero of whatever story you're talking about. What's his name ?

Wolbach: Don't play dumb. Is it because it happened too long ago, and you've already forgotten ? The name of the hero in that fairy tale was Satou. Yes, the name is the same as yours, Satou. This name is already rare to begin with, so do you think that this is mere coincidence ?

Kazuma: ...'But this is a common name in Japan, right ?'

'Then it just means that so-called hero was a dude from Japan who happened to have the same name as you. They probably think of you as his descendant or something.'

Megumin: Uhm... Do you really not remember me... ?

Wolbach: ... Didn't I tell you already ? I don't remember you... But don't worry, I'll remember you well from now on, as my sworn enemy who killed many of my subordinates...

"... Guys, she's starting to chant her magic..."

Kazuma: Ah ,! Wait a second, I really don't want to fight you... ! Yunyun, hurry up and chant your teleportation magic !

Yunyun: I- I understand ! I'll do it as fast as I can !

"It won't be fast enough ! Everyone gather around !"

Yunyun: Wh- What... ?

"... She's in the edge of my sentries ! SHORTCUT !!"



"Haaah... haaah... Close, very much close..."

Aqua: Huh ? Hey, what happened ? I saw these things in the sky fire at the forest. Did you get caught by that goddess ?

Kazuma: W... we almost got blown away by Explosion magic... And all we could do was run away with our lives... God, that's the first time I feel like my luck is actually good in combat...

"The takeaway here is, you're welcome."

Chomusuke: Mrooow...

Kazuma: ... hey, what is it ? Why are you so excited ? Is your other half nearby or something ?

Darkness: All these attacks concentrated in one point... Since we could even hear it from here, wouldn't that mean that goddess got blown to pieces ?

"if only... She cannot be unscathed after taking that kind of heavy fire while she wasn't expecting it... But I doubt that alone could bring her down so easily..."

Megumin: ... I- I'm sorry ! Even though I have been boasting since we left Axel, I wasn't able to use magic at the crucial moment. Pleas forgive me... !

Kazuma: Did something happen between you and that onee-san in the past ?

Megumin: ... I can't tell you.

"... For you out of all people to hesitate casting Explosion, there has to be some circumstances..."

Guard: Hey, isn't that Wolbach ?!

"What ?!"

Knight: Yes, that's Wolbach alright... Dripping blood...

"Bullseye, My attack did something."

Adventurer: hey, she looks a bit weak right now. If we go now, we could probably beat her, right ?

Adventurers: Alright, then let's go ! The Elite of the Demon King's army have also been decimated ! Even though she looks like a beautiful Onee-san, this is not the time to be focused on that. If we let our guard down for even a moment, we'll get killed. Hey, anyone who is able to fight, get ready to go ! Once we defeat Wolbach, we can press the advantage and clean up the rest of 'em !

"As suspicious as it is for her to come here on her own and wounded, I agree... We have the upper hand, so the logical course of action is to press on and break through. Just be sure to keep a way out clear, and do not let her anywhere close to the cat."

Yunyun: That person... Is a Demon King General, and an evil God. Even though she had invited me to travel with her, even though she made me happy to the point where I have reread that diary entry many times, even though I couldn't sleep for a couple days after I regretted not accepting her invitation...

Kazuma: ... ... ...

Megumin: ... ... ...

"... ... ..."

Yunyun: We are Crimson Demons. We are members of the strongest magic race that was made to resist the Demon King. No matter what happens, no matter our circumstances, we shouldn't get close with a General. It is our destiny after all.

"Very nice, but now's not the..."

Yunyun: I exchanged a few words with that Onee-san before on a carriage. So if she's going to be defeated by the other adventurers who don't know anything about her, I would... I, I... I would rather... !

"... I can get behind that. I can tell she isn't a bad person inherently, but what has to be done, has to be done."

Kazuma: ... Megumin, what do you want to do ?

Megumin: Eh ?

Kazuma: I don't really understand what happened, but something happened between you and that person, right ? Are you going to willingly watch her get eliminated ? Our opponent will use her full power if she can, and if she continues to pursue Chomusuke, then our lives will be endangered. So I wouldn't stop the other adventurers from defeating Wolbach.

Megumin: ... ... isn't... Isn't stealing the spotlight the specialty of the Crimson demons ?

Kazuma: ... if you have an opponent you want to defeat personally, I don't mind helping you. Although you should hurry, before our one-man-army steals all the glory.

Megumin: Ah !

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