Chapter 85: Laid to rest

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

"... ... ..."

Wolbach: ... ... ...

"... Funny you'd decide to show up, even after all I did to you. You really believe you're in any shape to win a direct confrontation against all of us."

Wolbach: This is not a question anymore. I will defeat you. Now that I know this man is the descendant of the Fairy tale's hero, I cannot let you go.

"That should be my line. The Demon King's army acting all prideful when they specialize in underhanded tactics. But if you're looking to end it all here and now, I'll be more than happy to oblige."

Kazuma: Wait. The winner of this battle is clear, so isn't it about time for you to retreat ? If you promise to stop pursuing Chomusuke and not make us your enemy, I'll let you go.

"Kazuma, I was clear enough about not letting Chomusuke anywhere close to her !"

Wolbach: It's regrettable, but I cannot let that little one go. If I don't retrieve my power from it, then I will disappear.

"... So what, are you something like an undead too ?"

Wolbach: My, how disrespectful of you. I am in my current state because I lost a lot of my power. If this continues, my existence will be devoured by my other half.

Kazuma: ... Um, could I ask something ? If I give this guy to you, how would you retrieve your power ? Are you two going to morph into one ?

Wolbach: No, I will need to destroy it with my own hands. If I lower my guard, it will go on a rampage. When we were unsealed, it followed its nature and caused a lot of trouble for me, so I sealed away most of its power...

Megumin: ... ... When you and Chomusuke were unsealed, did you see a little girl ? A crimson-eyed girl around 5 to 6 years old...

Wolbach: I don't remember.

Kazuma: ... Hey, if we can talk peacefully like this, why did you join the Demon King Army ?

Wolbach: If you want to know, then defeat me.

"Very well. You should already know, but with her, we have two persons with a loose screw and destructive power on par with Explosion magic. In short, no matter who wins, no questions will be answered afterward."

Wolbach: I suppose you're right, then...

Megumin: ... You really remember me, don't you ? When we talked to each other with Yunyun, you asked about her name like this, "By the way, your name isn't a nickname either, right" ?

'Enough of this nonsense, We can't let things escalate any further.'

Kazuma: 'No, let that happen. It's very important to her.'

Megumin: There's something I've wanted to tell you for a long time, something I wanted you to see. The Explosion Magic that you taught me has already reached the stage where I can control it without chanting aloud. My Explosion magic is stronger than anyone else's.

Megumin: ... Thanks... EXPLOSION !!

Aqua: Megumin ! Where are you, Megumin ?! Are you here ?!

"What now ? We finally got out of that damn fortress, can't you at least give us a week of rest ?"

Aqua: She disappeared all of a sudden !

"And ? She's not a kid anymore, just leave her be. Even if i'm still pissed she basically stole my kill, she did it for personal reasons."

Darkness: Aqua, did you see Megumin on your side ?

"You too ? Why are you guys so adamant on finding her ?"

Yunyun: Y- yes... I think Megumin wants to be alone for now. I want to as well... Something happened between her and Wolbach a long time ago, after all...

Darkness: is that so... Mm, there wouldn't be a problem as long as she doesn't leave the inn... Then let's go to bed first.

Aqua: eh... I wanted us to play poker together...

"... Let's leave them be for now. I have a feeling they don't want to be disturbed."

Darkness: "Them" ? What are you talking about ?

"Nothing, nothing... 'Seeker, released'."

Aqua: Gah, fine. I'll just go to sleep.

"You do that. By the way, pretty sure Kazuma's already sleeping too, so don't bother looking for him either."

Chomusuke: *Meow*

"... And here's the little one who holds the secrets. How about it, Wolbach ? Are you happy with how things turned out ?"

Chomusuke: ... ... Meow.

"That so... Looks like I still can't speak cat after all. By the way, you haven't grown at all ever since Megumin took you in, but... I can't help but feel like you got a bit bigger..."

Kazuma: ... ... ... Hrmmmgnnn...

"Rough night ?"

Kazuma: I wish... Why did I mess things up after the most critical moment...

"Hey, at the very least you unlocked the flag. Finally, even though you're still a virgin, you finally have someone in your life. i'm proud of you, boy !"

Kazuma: Gurf !

Megumin: Fuhaaah... Good morning...

Kazuma: ... Yunyun, let's go back with teleport.

Yunyun: I don't really mind doing that, but why so suddenly ?

Kazuma: T- There's nothing really, I just really miss Axel you know.

Aqua: yeah, I want to hurry up and get back to Axel for my heartfelt reunion with Emperor Zel ! Let's go home quickly and have a celebration party ! We beat that Evil God, after all !

Darkness: You're right, we should be proud of our efforts this time. Until now, we fought against the Demon King's generals because we were forced to, but this time around we fought one on our own acord, and managed to defeat her as well.

"To be honest, you didn't really do anything this time either."

Darkness: Eh ?!

"Say, Yunyun, how about you stay with us for a while after we get back ?"

Yunyun: Eh ?! Ah, y- you mean me ? Uhm, erm... If you would let me join you, I would happily... !

"Please don't write it in your diary."

Kazuma: Ah, by the way, i'm not coming back tonight.

Megumin: You're not coming back ? Then where are you planning to go ?! I mean, when you go out with your friends, what exactly are you guys doing ?

Kazuma: Hm ?! T- T- T- That's... Well, shouldn't you understand ? It's just things that friends do together, you know...

Megumin: So you're just doing things with friends ? Then tell them to come celebrate with us. It's a rare occasion for us to gather, so the more the merrier, right ?

Kazuma: H- Heh... ?

"Yeah, I wouldn't mind if Dust and Keith went to party with us."

Megumin: Exactly. Why don't we have a drink with Kazuma tonight to celebrate his achievements ?

Kazuma: Hey you, do you even know why I'm staying out tonight ?

Megumin: How would I know ? By the way, where are you going ?

Kazuma: The cafe, you know, that cafe ? The one that operates 14/7 ?

"... That one, huh ? After all that happened, you try to go to that kind of business right away ?"

Kazuma: Hmm ? Hey, what's wrong, Megumin ? Your eyes are really red... What are you so excited about ? Was it something that happened last night ?

Megumin: ... That store has a lot of sexily dressed Onee-sans. Hmm ? Are they Kazuma's type ?

Kazuma: Huh, so you know about that store ? And the type I like, huh... I wonder what it is... ?

Megumin: ... While we're talking about this, could I ask what type of girl Kazuma likes ?

Kazuma: My type ? Hm, I haven't really considered that before... If I really have to say it though, it would be a "Long-haired, big boobed girl that would dote on me a lot" ?

Yunyun: E- Everyone, the preparations for Teleport are done...

Megumin: ... ... ...

"Angry his preferences aren't closer to you after what happened ?"

Megumin: What ?

"Why do you think no one bothered you last night ? I just decided since he finally grew a pair, I would lend a hand. Well, by the looks of it, things didn't go extremely far, but it's a good start."

Kazuma: Alright, once we get back, I'll use the reward to live outside for a week ! Though I don't really know how large the reward is...

"So, what will you do about all of this ?"

Megumin: ... ... I'll grow my hair longer.

Yunyun: Teleport !

"Now, who's been a good kitty ? Who's an adorable evil kitty ?"

Chomusuke: Mrowr !

Megumin: ... Don't you think you've been feeding it a bit too much ? You shouldn't dote on it so much, you know ?

"Meh. You know how cats are, they just keep asking for more. If it really is too much, then the little guy will stop eating. Isn't that right ? You want to eat lots and lots and become a powerful engine of destruction, don't you~ ?"

Chomusuke: *Purrrrrrrrrrrr~*

Kazuma: ... By the way, there was a letter for you in the mail. Don't really know what's it about, but it looks important.

Aqua: Is it that dragon egg salesman again ? Ever since I bought Emperor Zel, he's been sending these letters every day.

"That dumbass, would you please not lure so many scammers to this house ? Let's see..."

Darkness: If it was sent to him, then it probably isn't something like that... Vanir wanting to try out a new business scheme ? I can't help but feel like I've seen this envelope somewhere...

"Why would he bother sending a letter... Besides, it was sent from the Capital... Mgnn... Nnn... H- Huh ?"

Kazuma: Hey, what's it about ? Let me see.

"Huh, no. First off, it's rude to peek into other people's mail. Second, i- it's just as Aqua said, a letter from that salesman."

Aqua: It's just as I divined ! isn't this great, Kazuma ? The mails sent to me all address me as "This letter is addressed to the one destined to a dragon, and adventurer of great fame and might" !

Kazuma: hey, give me the let-


Kazuma: Who send you this letter ?! Can't you at least tell me ?

"No, because it's private, doesn't concern you, and would make you angry."

Kazuma: ... ... It's Iris, isn't it ?


Kazuma: ... Can't you at least read it to me ?

"Fine. But you won't like anything it says. Hr-hm."

*Dear Onii-sama...*

Kazuma: You were right, I hate it.

"Then brace yourself for what's to come."

*Dear Onii-sama.

I have heard of your great achievements at the fortress nearby. You always seem to dive head-first into danger, so I have been a bit worried about your well-being...

This time, I have a request for Onii-sama, who has become one of the nation's greatest adventurers.

Actually, I am going to meet with the prince of a neighboring country with whom I have an arranged marriage with, so I would like to hire Onii-sama as my bodyguard-*


"That was very rude, and extremely uncalled for, Kazuma."

Kazuma: Sorry, couldn't control myself for a second...

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