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People say I'm the smartest person in our year, as I get straight A's. I sit on the right side of Caedmon, you know those high school chairs as there's one after another in every row.

The teacher recalls his name to the class, he told us to write notes out of page 221 of section 4. Everyone does as they are told, after 3 minutes. I start hearing a buzzing noise, like a fly. I start trying to hit the fly away, it keeps annoying me.

"Dawn what are you doing?" Caedmon whispers to me.

"There's a fly bugging me." I tell him.

The fly goes away and after I thought the fly gone away, the sound of thousands come into my hearing. I look up at the sealing and there was nothing there. I heard whispering over it, mumbles of words I couldn't really understand.

"Dawn! Dawn Mackey!" I look straight forward as the teacher was calling my name.

"Yes sir?" I ask breathing slightly faster then usual.

"Are you done daydreaming? Good. You can read up in front of the class section 12 on page 400." The teacher ordered as I stand up in my light purple dress.

I took a deep breath and walked up to the podium with a book rest.

"Go, red head beautiful!" I heard Carter call out who is a all round Jerk, who sleeps with girls who's family are that rich they have their own island.

"Shut up Carter!Shes actually strawberry blond!" Caedmon yells at him.

"Mr Walker and Mr James enough!" Sir yells out.

"Sorry sir." They both say at the same time.

"Go ahead Ms Mackey." Sir says as I look down at the book.

God, Shakespeare.

"Better three hours, too soon than a minute to late. Our doubts are traitors, and make us-." Then I started hearing the fly buzzing again. But this time it just got louder and louder and louder, getting more louder by the minute.

I look forward and see Caedmon walking up too me.

"I'll take her to get some fresh air?" I hear Caedmon tell the teacher.

Caedmon took me out of the classroom, we started going down the hall.

"Please tell me you hear that?" I ask him as he stops.

" Hear what?" He replies.

"The buzzing and the mumble of someone." I tell him.

"No." He replies.

"I need to get to the bathroom, I feel like I'm going to scream." I tell him as he helps me to the bathroom.

We walk into the females and he lets go of me as I scream.

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