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"So you are Nico Di Angelo? The guy that had a crush on me, but also said I wasn't his type?(Sadness...)" I questioned.

If this is Nico, then how in the gods did he get here? Does everyone turn into dragons if they come to this place? Was Nico punished too? So many questions flooded my mind, until the dragon answered my question and snapping me back to reality in the process.

"Percy it's me and you should've been over that by now, it's been months after the war." The now identified dragon who is Nico, said. I took this chance to ask him my questions, as my curiousity was too much to handle in my kelp infested brain.

"How are you here? Why are you a dragon? Is anyone else here?" I asked all my questions at once, which wasn't the best idea in the end.

Nico full on snapped at me, his teeth as sharp as spear heads only inches away from my scaly snout, before Nico shut his jaws. "Would you shut up, Percy! Please!"I gulped.

"Sorry, I'll keep quiet now." With that, Nico sighed and moved away from me before he started to explain everything.

"Hazel and Reyna are back at our world, Jason is here but is out cold after a-certain incedent. We were trying to convince your inoccence, but Zeus only got irritated and punished Jason and I for trying to defend a traitor, giving us the same punishent as you, Percy." I was stunned and angry after hearing Nico's explanation. "Artemis convinced Zeus to spare Reyna and Hazel from this punishment, but they were sentenced to never enter Olympus and Reyna is no longer worthy to be preator."

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