I Rate Writing Locations

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There are various places I have written in, and some are better than others. Here I will have a list of places I have written, and rate how well I could focus and how inspired I felt while there. I should probably point out that this is mostly writing in a notebook.

My Desk: 10/10 — By far the easiest to focus in, especially if I put on some classical music. Only trouble is making myself put the phone on the other side of the room.

School: 8/10 — I can pretty easily write during class and it gives me an opportunity to zone out while the teacher just thinks I'm taking notes. Only problem is when I'm interrupted to actually take notes. Still, a lot of my good writing has been done during math class.

My Bed: 4/10 — comfy, but it's hard to write with the notebook on my lap and laying on my stomach feels weird. Also there is a chance of me giving up and just laying there.

On top of a hay bale at my cousin's graduation party: 7/10 — Quite an inspirational place, it was up on a hill so I had a nice view, and I wrote several pages while there. Very quiet and peaceful. Downside was the wind blowing the paper everywhere and the hay got sorta scratchy after a while.

The toilet: 6/10 — This would be typing on my phone. It's good in that no one will bother me, but bad in that it gets pretty uncomfortable

Car trips: 5/10 — Eh. If it's scenic it'll have some good inspiration, but writing in a notebook makes for even crappier than usual handwriting and typing on my phone for too long leads to carsickness.

Wedding Shower: 2/10 — Nice environment but terrible for focus. A lot is going on and everyone is talking and there are many ways to get distracted.

Visiting Family: 5/10 — It's a change of scenery, which is good, but family will often approach and automatically assume I'm doing homework. Pretty distracting.

While waiting for food at a restaurant: 3/10 — Unless it is super long, generally I'll pass the time by messing with my phone or chatting with my family.

In the woods or other outdoor spots: 7/10 — Nice environment, feels good, quiet, lot of inspiration, but can be really windy and sometimes uncomfortable temperature.

These are all the ones I thought of off the top of my head. Any places you guys like to write (or read)? Any really weird places you've written?

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