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I wake up and see a drip connected to my arm and Kat is sitting in a chair next to the bed. "What happened?"

Kat stands up and she moves over to the bed and sits next to me. "What do you remember?"

Frowning I try to remember the last thing that happened. "I went to the bathroom and threw up again. Then when I got into the waiting room I felt dizzy and then nothing."

"You collapsed. While you were out the doctor took a blood test and they said they'll have the results from the test in a couple of hours."

"Doesn't it usually take days for those tests to come back?"

"Yes, it does. The doctor here rushed the test because of everything you've been through. He wants to make sure that it's nothing serious."

Looking at the door I see Mom walk in and she drags her foot across the room to me. She rushes out. "When Kat calked I knew I had to come. Are you okay?"

"I have a little headache, but other than that I'm okay."

"Bullshit," Kat folds her arms and says. "You were dehydrated that's why you have the drip in your arm. That's what happens when you don't look after yourself."

"Language, Kat. You know how much I hate it when you swear." Mom says.

Sticking my tongue out at her I say. "Yeah, no swearing Kat. I wonder if your kids use that language with you."

"They use other words. Ones that my husband and our brothers use in front of the kids. I'm glad they don't say it front of you."

Ring, ring.

Kat's phone rings. She looks at it and a smile spreads across her face. "It's Bas. I'll be right back." She answers the phone. "Hey, hon. What's going on?"

The door opens and the doctor walks into the room. He walks over to the drip and looks at it. Before asking. "How are you feeling?"

"I'm fine."

Kat walks through the door at that moment and says. "She keeps saying that, because she doesn't want anyone to know how she's actually feeling. She has a headache, doc. Can you give her something for that?"

"I'll see what your sister has to say after I give her the results of the blood work we took from her." He looks at the chart and says. "Congratulations, you're pregnant."

Pregnant? How the hell am I going to raise this child on my own. All the plans I had was tied in with Austin and now he's left me alone and fucking pregnant. I didn't think it would be this quick before I got pregnant.

Mom holds my hand and looks at me. "Are you Okay?"

Shaking my head I say. "No, I'm not. The one thing I'm sure of is that I don't want to raise my child in this town. I don't want her or him to know who the father is."

A smile spreads across face. "you're going to move in with my family until you find your feet. I can also help you find a job until you find something that you want to do."

"Thanks, Kat." Looking at my bag I say. "Kat, can you pass me my bag, please."

Kat gives me my bag and I pull my phone out. I send a quick message to a friend and wait for them to reply. My phone dings and I look at the message.

Tell you're parents to sell the club. They'll get more money, but the offer expires tomorrow night at midnight. Spread the word to other land owners about the price before its too late for them.

"Mom, you need to tell dad to sell the club. It's the right time now."

She laughs. "Isn't it a convenient time? You're leaving town and the price has gone up for the business land. Are you trying to get your father and I to move to the City as well?"

"That's exactly what I'm doing. I want to find a place for all of us to live in before Dad and you come to the City."

"Okay, but we also need to have a good doctor for me. I'm sure the one in town knows some great ones in the City. I'll talk to him at my next appointment." Mom pulls her phone out of her pocket. "You're father is waiting downstairs. He wants to see you, Liz."

"Send him up, Mom. He should hear he's about to become a Grandfather again."

She calls Dad and walks out of the room so she can hear him better.


Kat's phone goes off and she looks at it. A frown forms on her face and she looks at me. "Jasper, Dylan, Nina and Chloe are all at the house. They're waiting for us, Mom."

Looking at them I say. "It's a good thing I'm in the hospital. I don't have to see any of them."

Mom returns to the room a couple of minutes later and she looks between Kat and me. "What's going on girls?"

"Ah," looks looks everywhere but at Mom. "Dylan, Jasper, Nina and Chloe are at the house. All four of them came home for a reason."

Mom walks over to me and hugs me. "I'm not leaving your side and as for your siblings I'm sending your father home to get rid of them. I don't want any of them to hurt you again, Liz. I love you and I'm on your side always."

"Ditto," Kat says. She looks between us. "I'll go with Dad to the house. I think tomorrow will be a great day for us to deal with the our siblings."

Kat's trying to be the peace maker, but it's not working between my siblings and me. I don't have it in me to keep going around in circles with them I'm cutting the ties with them if they're still at the house tomorrow. I don't need them to be part of life.

After everything they've done they don't deserve to have me in their lives. I know it's not just me that it's going to affect, but the kids as well. If they're parents knew how to act around me they wouldn't be caught up in this mess that their parents have created.


Kat's phone goes off and she shows me the message.

Jasper: The neighbours told us that you were at the hospital. We're on our way.

Bloody nosey neighbours. Telling my siblings where they can find us.

I try to the pull the drip out of my arm, but Mom stops me bye placing her hand over mine. "Eliza Donoghue. You better stop trying to take that damn drip out of your arm. You need the IV in there. They're not coming to this room. It's the last thing that's going to happen." Mom looks at Kat and says. "Get downstairs and make sure they don't come anywhere near this room."

"Yes, Madame." She walks out of the room and closes the door behind her.

A couple of minutes later, Dad enters the room and looks at us. "Is everything alright with, Eliza."

"Yes," Mom answers for me.

Looking my father in the eyes, I say. "I'm pregnant."

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