Parody Song for Black Butler

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so it's early morning and I've been wanting to write this parody sense yesterday. The original song is called Beautiful and its from the musical Heathers (hint: its that video right there if you wanna check it out). Okay, here we go.

Also this parody takes place at Weston and Hope is there cause I couldn't think of anyone else to play Martha (Veronica's best friend in the musical). Cause Marius doesn't have any other friends other than Thorn Mallory and honesty Thorn would be JD-- in other words just act like Weston isn't a boys only school.

Marius: September 1st, 1868

Dear Diary,

I believe I'm a decent human, I believe everyone has a bit of good in them.

But here I am, starting my fifth year!

And... I look around at these kids I've known forever and ask myself... what happened?

Chorus: Freak, nerd, weakling, four eyes, wannabe, lame ass!

Marius: We were all so chill, carefree, no need for pills. No stress brought us down. ((A/N I don't know if I ever said this but Marius does take some form of anxiety med. Idk what exactly but he has one.))

Chorus: Freak, nice guy, loser, ugly!

Marius: Studying and reading,

Nothing but dreaming,

Dorm sleepovers and cuddle piles.

Chorus: Bottom, shit face, shakey!

Marius: Than we grew up,

And that was the starter,

Like the British Empire invading the free world world.

[Marius accidentally bumps into someone]

Marius: Sorry!

Welcome to my school,

This ain't no high school, ((A/N pretend it's a high school and not a college for the sake of lyrics going together well))

This is the killing grounds.

Hold your breath and ignore the passing days, they're all blurred into one.

The quarter will be over soon.

Chorus: Small ass!

Marius: Summer break will be paradise if I'm not dead by June!

But I know. I know, I can be someone

I can be, I can be more than just a stand by to them.

If I changed so quick, why not do it again?

I can be someone to them.

[A Green Lion Member shoves a Violet Wolf down]

Marius: But not quite yet. *to the purple house member* hey, you alright?

Purple Student: Get away, freak!

Marius: Oh, sorry.

Chorus: Freak, bottom, four eyes, homo, homo, homo!

Marius: Things will get better,

Soon as a letter comes from my grandparents, uncle, or family friend.

No more near to poverty,

We'll be living wealthy,

Than I can go to a private university,

Dream of my dad's smile when he gets the news,

No more stress for him.

[Marius bumps into Edward]

Edward: Watch it.

Marius: Fight the urge to snap and bunch this blond bitch in the face.

[Edward 'yawns', placing his arm around Marius in the process.]

Edward: oooooops.

Marius: *introducing Edward to the audience* Edward Midford. Just won the Green Lions the cricket tournament... for three years in a row. To his mother he's an innocent child, but really? He's a huge dick.

Edward: What did you say?

Marius: Nothing!


But I know, I know I can be someone,

Life can give me something big,

I can be, I can be more than just a standby to them.

If I changed so quick,

Heck, I can do it again,

I can be someone.

[Hope bumps into Marius]

Marius: *stumbles back* oh, hey Hope!

Hope: Hey.

[Marius helps Hope up]

Marius: *turns to audience* Hope Everheart. My favorite cousin and pretty much sister since... forever.

Hope: We still on for a sleepover tonight?

Marius: Yeah! You're in charge of details.

Hope: I figured we could cuddle and read. I borrowed Ciel's copy of Great Expectations-

Marius: woah, again? Haven't you read that seven times already?

Hope: What can I say? I'm a sucker for bittersweet endings.

Cheslock: Hope Everheart, light load! *knocks Hope over* hah!

Marius: Charlie call-me-my-name-and-I-kill-you Cheslock. He's the most athletic kid in the fine arts program... which is kind of like being the tallest dwarf. *turns back to Cheslock, helping Hope up* Hey! Apologize, right now!

Cheslock: Who are you talking to? Surely it isn't me

Marius: Yes it is, actually! I want to know what gives you the right to bully my cousin like that. You're a soon to be high school dropout! A begger on the Queen's doorstep!

Cheslock: *looks down* You're the one with a boner right now.

Marius: *turns bright red*

Dear Diary:

Why do they hate me?

Harcourt: Why don't I fight back?

Edward: Why do I act like such a creep?

Cole: Why won't he date me?

Cheslock: Why did I hit him?

Violet: Why do I cry myself to sleep?

Everyone: Somebody hug me!

Somebody fix me!

Somebody save me!

Send me a sign, God!

Something to hope for, something to live for!

[Redmond, Greenhill, and Bluewer enter]

Chorus: AH! The prefects~ Redmond, Greenhill, and Bluewer.

Marius: Then there's there's the prefects... they float above it all.

Chorus: I love Redmond, Greenhill, and Bluewer.

Marius: Lawrence Bluewer. Smartest guy in school, only he doesn't get picked on for his brains like the rest of us.

Chorus: I hate Redmond, Greenhill, and Bluewer.

Marius: Herman Greenhill. Toughest guy in school, voted via yearbook. No real personality, every whore in school is after him.

Chorus: I want Redmond, Greenhill, and Bluewer.

Marius: And Edgar Redmond. The Almighty.

Chorus: I need Redmond, Greenhill, and Bluewer.

Marius: He is a fucking bitch.

They're all... so relaxed.

Never picked on, I'd give... anything to be that.

McMillan: I'd like to be their fag.

Chorus: That would be wonderful.

Cole: If I sat at their table, guys would notice me!

Chorus: So wonderful.

Hope: I wish they'd seem more approachable...

Chorus: That would be beautiful.

Derrick Arden: I want to kidnap a prefect and hold a knife to his throat until he says he'll hand power down to me...

Everyone: ....

[Bell rings, prefects being in the bathroom when it does]

[Marius walks into the bathroom, blinking when he hears Greenhill vomit]

Redmond: Are you okay Herman? You've been getting sick like this ever sense the sports season ended.

Bluewer: Maybe you should see a doctor, Herman.

Greenhill: Yeah, Lawerence... maybe.  

[Teacher walks in]

Teacher: ah, Redmond and Bluewer.

[Greenhill throws up]

Teacher: and Greenhill. Did you not hear the bell over all the puking?

[Marius starts scribbling on a piece of paper]

Redmond: Greenhill's sick. We're helping him.

Teacher: Not without a hall pass you aren't. Weeks worth of detention.

Marius: Actually, sir, we're all out on a hall pass from our library study hall. *hands teacher a forged note*

Teacher: Well, you're all listed... Hurry along quickly though. *Walks out*

Redmond: *Takes note* this is an amazing forgery... who are you?

Marius: Everheart, Marius. I have a request.

Redmond: oh?

Marius: let me hang out in the Swan Gazebo just once. If people think you tolerate me they'll leave me alone. Before you answer, I also do report cards, permission slips, and absence notes.

Greenhill: What about doctors notes?

Redmond: We're taking you to a real doctor Herman.

Greenhill: Sorry Redmond.

Redmond: *examines Marius* For a nervous little loser, you're quite handsome...

Bluewer: *Nods in agreement* Your face is so symmetric... that's very important.

Greenhill: couldn't hurt to add a bit of muscle though.

Redmond: You know, you know, you know,

This could be something big.

Mascara maybe a bit of liner,

Don't forget to smile.

Let's get this boy a nice tie,

Oh, you must be glad to be alive.

Let's make him wonderful.

Bluewer: Let's make him wonderful.

Greenhill: Let's make him wonderful.

Redmond: make him wonderful, okay?

Marius: Okay.

[Back to lunch room]

Cheslock: Out of my way geek!

Violet: I don't want trouble!

Cheslock: Our date's at 3 pm!

Violet: wai-

Cassidy and Omar: Don't you dare touch me, get away pervert!

Violet: What did I ever do to them?!

Chorus: I can't survive this,

I can't escape this,

I think I'm dying!

Teacher: Who's that with Redmond?!

Chorus: Woah! Redmond, Greenhill, Bluewer,

And someone.

Redmond, Greenhill, Bluewer,

And a cutie.

Redmond, Greenhill, Bluewer, and-

Hope: Marius?!

Chorus: Everheart?! Everheart?! Everheart?!

Marius: And you know, you know, you know, I kinda made it big.

I hoped, I dreamed, I pray, and thing's are starting to look my way!

Ask how it feels, not a care in the would.

My God, it's wonderful.

I might be someone!

And when you're not invisible,

The world is looking your way!

Chorus: Redmond, Everheart, Greenhill, Everheart, Bluewer, Everheart.

Everheart! Everheart! Everheart!

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