Chapter 4 Humiliation

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       Marinette's  POV:

        Marinette thought to herself the next day, when will the humiliation end?  

     She felt as if nothing she did ever mattered to anyone.  Was she right?

         As Marinette, got ready for the day as if she was going through the motions. She was not sure what else to do. She knew it was expected of her from her boss, and from the boy who she found out was Adrien. 

    She put on a small smile as she finished, and headed to work. She hoped it would be a better day than yesterday. 

  Manager's  POV:

   The manager at the local restaurant or diner to most of the residences was displeased with the way things turned out previously.   He expected improvement since he reported the disgruntled family.  

    Nothing prepared him for the results that were about to happen. 

   Adrien's  POV:

       Adrien considered staying home, but went to the place anyway.  He thought what better way for him to ensure the lady he supported her than to return.  He walked a few feet his car, climbed inside it, and drove  to the establishment. He parked in his usual spot outside and entered through the front entrance.

     He sat at the same table everyday. This made it easier to have a good view of her and to pay attention to anything going on around him. It also, made it harder for him to slip up as he felt like all eyes were on him from where he was sitted.

     Other Regular's  POV:

      Some of the other regulars sitted across from Adrien noticed the glances he gave the young worker.  None of them said anything about it since they considered it not to be there business anyway.   A few of them snickered though because they thought it rather amusing that the young man came in day after day, and stared at the waitress.

     "Not to say she is not good looking,mind you, cause she is, but the way he goes on you think he was in love with her," An old man stated.

     "Well, George, perhaps he is my friend," Another man pointed out.

      "You know something that is first time I ever agreed with either of you, but I do believe you are right," An elderly woman responded.

      Most of the other customers just sat there in silence unsure how to respond to the reality that Adrien Agreste was one of the younger guys who came in rather consistent like.

        Marinette's  POV:

           Marinette kept track of the orders at each table and repeated them to make sure she did not mess anything up.  The last thing she needed was to be fired, lose her home, and be forced to move back home with her non-loving relatives.  It was a fate worse than death itself to be anywhere near them let alone in close quarters with those people.

        She  finished her rounds and found herself at his table. She smiled shyly at him and wondered why he was so hospitable to her.  It was like he could read her mind or something. 

       "Would you like your usual today or may I interest you in something else?"  Marinette asked.

          She heard others as they chuckled under their breathes, but paid attention only to Adrien.

       Marinette watched as he shoke his head and explained what he preferred this time. She nodded her head in agreement, took the menu from him, and smiled.  

   "Ah, yes, that is a excellent choice.  It also happens to be my favorite." She told him.

      Marinette walked away and though ugh, why did you tell him that for anyway.  It is not like he needed to know her favorite food.  Besides, he is not her friend he just a paying person like all the others.

      Adrien's  POV:

       Adrien grinned after  Marinette spoke to him. He was amazed that she said anything more than hello.  He sighed as he thought that was a definite first.  He darned not tell her he wished she would speak more.  It would probably make her think he was a total wack job or something.

      So, he held his tongue and listened as she acknowledged his order.  Then, watched as she faded into the background. Well, he knew she had not truly faded away she was just in the kitchen, but still out of his rage of view for the moment.

   He sat and patiently waited for his lunch.  Since he was the boss to the company he worked for it is not like he would get repremainded for being late.  He looked up when she placed the cup in front of him then his food.  

    "Oh, here is your napkin and silverware, sir.  Is there anything I might bring you?"  

     "Thank you, and yes, I would like the ketchup if it is no trouble," Adrien answered.

      "S-Sure, I will be right b-back,"  Marinette mumbled.


  Marinette's  POV:    

    Marinette returned shortly with the ketchup bottle and set it on the table. She also gave him a few minutes, and some creamer for his coffee. She remembered he always did take two for it. As the hem of her skirt swished in the dining area, Adrien  thought wow she gave me the creamer and I did not have to ask for it. 

    She cleaned the dishes and hummed a bit.  It was the first time in years she felt like humming. She was not sure what brought it on since she was not wanted.  Yet, her she was in a dreamy like states as she scrubbed the pots, pans,bowls, and other dishware. She dried them off and was putting them away when she accidentally dropped a coffee mug.

    "Oh, no!" She blurted out. 

    She felt bad that she had broken it.  She grabbed the broom and swept up the mess. Then, out a small shop vaccum and used it to get up the remains of the broken glass shards.

     The manager walked in just as she put the vaccum away and empited out the bag.


The Manager's  POV:    

 "Well, good for you cleaning up the cup and do not worry there are plenty more what that one came from Marinette," The manager said.

   "Also, I commend you for working so well under press," He remarked.

    He noticed she looked stunned so he explained how he saw to it the awful couple and their equally horrid adult children were not welcome back.

   "It is on account of your one of my best employees see, and I can not have you quit because of them,"  He told her.

    The manager  saw her tears and wondered what brought those on was it the fact he stood up for her or something. He was sure he was not the only one who felt this way and knew he was right when he saw a certain blonde-haired man work his way towards the back.

    He grinned,  "I leave you two alone to get better aquainted now."


 Marinette's POV:    

   "Wh-why?  Did you come to gloat or complain?"  Marinette questioned.

    She saw him shake his head no.  She did not understand if it was not a complaint what did he want then.  It was not like she knew him that well.

     Marinette yelled, "Oh, I suppose you are here to humiliate me too then!"


Adrien's  POV:

 "It is not like that at all, miss," Adrien tried to explain.

    "I came back here to tell you that I saw what transpired the other day and found it be rather distasteful how that group misbehaved towards such a kind, hardworking, and lovely lady as yourself," Adrien blurted out before he could stop himself.

     Adrien hugged her then let go unsure if was proper for him to do such a thing. He saw her blush and  waved bye.  Then, he left to go back to his job. Somehow he knew that the day was about to get better.

  Marinette's POV:

     Marinette thought wait, how could he just come in her and hug me like this when no one ever hugged me before in my life.  Not even my mother, father, brother, or sister hugged me.  For that matter, she did not recall a time her grandparents had hugged her. 

   She did not understand why he was so nice to her when everyone in her family was the complete opposite. She always thought she had to guard herself against love since she was sure it was something bad.  It was all due to her having none her whole life.

    Not that she was in love, goodness no. She was glad though that Adrien was the one the manager referred to when it came to the other one who stood up for her. She felt relieved somehow.  

     Find out more in Chapter  5

    bye, bye, little owlets!

   -Summer out!

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