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Siddhu reached the police station and got out of the car. He rushed inside after locking his car. After greetings, he was shown the photograph of the person. "Sir, I don't identify him at all, I have never seen this man before," he said. "So then please bring your wife here, maybe she can identify," the inspector suggested. "Sir, she lost her memory, she doesn't even remember me," he said. "How many years has your marriage completed?" asked the inspector. "Sir, just one year," he told him. "So then maybe it's like she just forgot that one year of her life only," the inspector said.

"Sir, maybe you're right, because she identified her mother right away. But sir, she also identified me, but not as her husband, as an actor," he told. "That's a good thing, well, let's bring her here, maybe she can identify," said the inspector and he nodded and began to leave but then turned. "Sir, what if I only ask her? You can give me the photograph for that," he suggested. "Mr Siddhu, we understand you don't want any pressure on her right now, so okay, we will lend you the photograph," said the inspector and he thanked him.

They gave him the photograph and he left from there. He opened the door, sat in his car and closed the door. He fastened the seatbelt and started the car. His gaze went on the photograph. "Whoever you are, I swear you won't be spared and would be given a big punishment by the law. You and your crime won't hide for long, neither from this world nor from the law," he said creasing his eyebrows and drove off. After driving for approximately fifteen minutes, he reached Shreenidhi's house and halted the car. He unfastened his seatbelt and opened the door. He got out and locked the car.

He walked towards the house clutching the keys in his hand and the photograph in the other hand. He rung the doorbell of the house, Shreenidhi came to answer the door and she was surprised to see him. "Siddhu? Come inside," she said, he nodded and walked inside a few steps. She closed the door and hugged him from behind surprising him. He looked down at her hands on his chest and felt her head on his back. He smiled, the moment felt very heavenly as she hugged him.

"Umm Shreenidhi, baby, can we talk? I am happy to feel this hug but... I also don't want this moment to fade away, but it's just that, it's important to talk right now," he said and she broke the hug and came in front of him and looked directly in his eyes and then looked down. "Ask what you want to ask," she said. He held her shoulders and he took her to the couch and made her sit. He also sat beside her. She folded her arms and he showed her the photograph. She widened her eyes and took the photograph from him.

Her hands began to tremble seeing the photograph and she stood up. He also stood up and looked on as she stared at the photograph. She looked at him and the photo fell from her hands. He gave her a questioning look and she held his head and began to feel drowsy. "Nidhi?" he said and she was beginning to lose her senses and felt weak on her knees and eventually began to fall closing her eyes. He rushed to her and before her head could touch the floor, he sat down and her head fell on his lap.

Her eyes were closed. "Shreenidhi?" he said and tried to wake her up. He saw a glass of water on the glass table near him and took the glass. He splashed the water on her eyes and she opened her eyes and sat up holding her head. He rubbed her back a little, she looked behind at him and then stood up on her feet and sat on the couch. He also stood up and sat beside her. "Are you okay?" he asked and she nodded. "How did you faint? Did you recall something strange? Something very triggering?" he asked. She nodded. "That person in the photograph, he was my best friend at one time, his name was Gagan. We were always together, we were inseparable, he mistook this friendship to be love and proposed me one day, the strange memory, I can recall only half the scene," she told him.


"Please give me these flowers, I would give it to my best friend and propose her today changing this friendship into love, I will give you triple the amount of money you ask," he said to a flower vendor who agreed and he gave the money and got the flowers. At the same day, he had decorated his house, called their common friends who helped him in all this as it was Shreenidhi's birthday. "Gagan, so you're finally going to propose her today?" asked one of his friends. "Yes, its her birthday today. So I will wish her in a grand way and gift her myself as a birthday present," he said, his friends cheered for him and he blushed. "Okay thanks for helping, now you all go, okay," he said and everyone went from his house bidding him bye.

Later Shreenidhi arrived, the lights were off and he switched them on. "Surprise!" he said and flowers rained over her. She was left amazed. "Happy birthday Shreenidhi," he said and she thanked him. They cut the cake and fed it to each other. She got surprised as he went on his knee and presented a bouquet of roses before her. "Shreenidhi, I am deeply in love with you. I really love you, I feel so comfortable around you. I feel as if we both are made for each other. The way we bond and the way we understand each other, its all the signs of love, I am madly in love with you, will you marry me Shreenidhi?" he asked.

She hesitated and sighed. "Gagan, thanks but, I can't marry you yet I love you but just as friends do, you mistook our friendship for love. Gagan, what you think can never happen, I never saw you that way. I am sorry Gagan," she said. His smile dropped and he stood up. "Why? Do you love someone else?" he asked.

Fb end.

"After that, you don't remember anything?" he asked and she shook her head. "No," she said. He looked on and she placed her head on his shoulder. "No matter how hard I try to recall, I can't. I think something very wrong happened," she told him, he caressed her face. "Yes don't try to recall. You recalled a little and that's fine. You told the facts you remember and it's completely okay if you can't recall after that. To get to know the rest is police's work to do, it's their job to investigate, so don't stress and relax, it's okay Shreenidhi," he said lying his head over her head and could feel her smiling, he also smiled. "Thank you for understanding, Siddhu," she said.

"If I won't understand so then who would?" he asked and she entwined her hand with his hand. The moment was just so peaceful, none of them said anything, just felt the moment. Then, all of a sudden, realization struck her and she tightened the grip on his hand. "Siddhu? Why did you ask about him all of a sudden? What kind of photograph was that? What's happening? Why is it police's work to investigate? Has something happened to him? I just don't understand anything? Can you explain? If you keep quiet, my curiosity would kill me eventually," she said.

He lifted his head and so did she. They looked at each other. "You would be shocked to know it Nidhi. The cause of your memory loss is that accident which you don't even remember happening, but the cause of that accident is Gagan. He caused your accident which effected your memory. It was a police case and so they got the footage of that area and captured Gagan doing all this, sorry Nidhi but that's the reality. Your childhood friend only became the enemy of your life, he only wanted to take your life," he said and she had a frown on her eyebrows.

She shrugged. "Maybe because I would have rejected him, and he would have got so hurt that that day he saw me walking in the middle of the road and decided to kill me then and there. He doesn't know I already got my karma when I married you and you didn't love me back. You only told me we didn't even have any mutual understanding between us let alone love, right? It was my karma, even my love was one sided," she said. "But now the love between us is double sided, if he thinks he can change that then he can't," he said, she smiled and hugged him tightly, he hugged her back even more tighter.

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