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We would be leaving in the evening, most of the crew should have been recovered by then. I wrapped my fingers around my mug and stared into the water in my cup.  A few scales flaked from my wrist I brushed them off the table quickly before anyone could notice.  The quiet tavern soon turned rowdy as a new crew arrived, I pulled my hat over my face and hid under the collar of my coat. "Intimidated by other men?" Flint asked. 

"Yes, that's what it is," I sighed and lifted my water to my lips, I fidgeted uncomfortably and shrunk away behind Billy.  "I think I'm going to head to the ship early," I stretched and stood. 

"Did you want me to escort you?" Flint asked. I shook my head. 

"I'll be fine," I walked to the ship keeping to the shadows the best I could. Drunken men stumbled all over the place and hung from the arms of whores. As I reached the port there I saw The Walrus nodding elegantly in the bay, I hurried to the ship as soon as my boots hit the deck I was safe or so I thought. I heard a noise coming from the belly of the ship,  with my hand rested on the hilt of my cutlass I descended down the creaky steps. Using the timber walls of the ship as a guide I made it down the dark path in no time. 

"Hello!" I called, my fingers twitched on my cutlass, a rum bottle fell from behind me I hauled my blade and turned on my heel,  I pointed it at the figure who now stepped into the moonlight as it streaked through the grill in the ship. 

"I know this may seem alarming but I am not going to hurt you, I just needed a place to hide. You see there were men looking for me," he said walking towards me with his hands raised in the air, he was British, his accent strong. His shoulder-length black hair almost gave him a mad look, just by looking at him I could tell he was from a merchant's vessel. 

"How do I know that?" I asked, my fingers tightened around the hilt of my cutlass. 

"Well you're still standing unharmed aren't you?" he asked offering me a gentle smile, I nodded and sheathed my cutlass. We suddenly heard boots on the deck and Flint's voice as he called out the orders to the men. The figure looked me over, he was panicked. 

"Welcome to the crew lad," I smiled. 

"But I don't know how to sail," he said, his eyes grew wide like a frightened deer. 

"You'll learn, but for now hide behind one of those crates, I'll keep you hidden," I said and snatched a bottle of rum from an open crate, and just as I was about to walk upstairs he stopped me. 

"John Silver," he said. 

"What? I asked pausing on the stairs. 

"That's my name, John Silver," he replied. 

"Nice to meet you Mr Silver, I am Tom," I said and walked upstairs where I emerged onto the deck the port long behind us. 

"Where are we headed, Captain?" I called.

"North, the Urca has been spotted sailing in that direction," he replied. 

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