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last chapter :)


[ third person's point of view ]

eun rae and jackson was ready to leave. they checked everywhere in the house, making sure that they did leave anything behind. in the mean time that they were in england, this apartment was going to be empty and it was told not to be sold as they would come back and live here.

"jackson?" eun rae called out, as she tapped her foot impatiently on the ground while glancing at the watch that was hanging tightly on her wrist. it was almost time that they should leave but jackson was still taking his own sweet time checking.

"coming!" jackson replied as he came out from the kitchen and approached eun rae who was standing beside their luggages.

"let's go," eun rae said, taking one last look at their apartment and they went outside.


"alright boys! have you gotten ready?" their manager shouted. all the boys got out from the dorm and entered the van. they sat at their usual seats, with namjoon and jin in front, yoongi and jimin with hoseok beside them in the middle, and jungkook with taehyung at the back.

the boys were going for another fansign which was in daegu. it was going to be a long ride so their manager wanted them to leave early and arrive there to prepare themselves.

the ride was unusually silent because hoseok wasn't making any noise. instead, he plugged in his earphones and drowned himself in sad music as he stared out of the window, admiring the scenery.

the typical hoseok would fool around and he would be the one who has endless topics to talk about, regardless if the members are listening to him or not.

he was still thinking about her. he can't seem to stop thinking about her. he instantly regretted after he sent his last snap, because what he said wasn't true.

he wasn't coming to the airport to send her off. he couldn't come. the manager insisted that all of them should be at the fansign unless they have personal matters. and hoseok couldn't possibly tell the manager that he wanted to go to the airport because of a certain girl he likes. he would be too guilty if he lied instead.

his guilt was slowly eating him up. he imagined if he were to be present at the airport, everything would be so much better. he could have send her off without any regrets but he just had to be an idol who has schedules to attend to.

at times like this, he wished that he was a normal human instead. a normal human with a normal life. but cooked rice couldn't be uncooked. he shouldn't be so negative about being an idol.

he didn't know that he was drowning in his own thoughts until he heard a certain member calling his name. it was jimin. hoseok sat up and unplugged his earpiece.

"manager hyung said that we should stop by the gas station and buy some food. namjoon hyung's filling the gas of the van right now, i think manager hyung went to the toilet." jimin explained. hoseok nodded his head but jimin frowned.

"the problem is, who should go down and buy the food? all of us can't possibly go down." jimin said again.

"i'll go," hoseok volunteered. he needed something to do to take her off his mind so he suggested that he should go instead which the members agreed to and bombarded him with the things they want.

bobbing his head repeatedly at their request, he got down from the van and walked into the mini store. the cool air gently slapped his face as he sauntered further inside of the shop.

grabbing all the necessary things he wanted, he went to the counter and paid for the things. he didn't get anything for himself because he didn't need any.

the cashier gave him his change and he walked out of the mini store. on the way back, his eyes catched a familiar figure standing near the toilet. his eyes widened as he almost dropped the plastic bag that he was holding.

"e-eun rae?" he whispered to no one, as he found himself walking closer to the girl. without thinking about his actions, he yanked the figure which resulted her turning around to face him.

hoseok's face colour drained. "s-sorry," he mumbled apologetically. he had mistaken another random girl as her.

he wanted to laugh at himself for how pathetic he was. of course, crossing paths with someone wasn't easy at all. it was all destined to fate, it couldn't be controlled.

"hoseok, what are you doing here?" a voice appeared out of nowhere. it turned out that their manager just came out of the toilet and saw that hoseok was standing there so he approached him.

at that moment, hoseok decided that he should go. he didn't care about anything. he just wanted to see her one last time before she leaves.

"manager hyung, i'm sorry!" hoseok yelled before dumping all the plastic bags on the ground as he ran all the outside to where the cars are. luckily, the gas station was close to incheon airport. it was like a 10 minute drive there. the traffic was congested so he deicded to just run all the way there on the pavement. he couldn't care less.

he wanted to see her at any costs.


the airport was packed like sardines. it was even hard to walk between humans as there's only a little gap. but hoseok managed to squeeze in between the gaps as he panted, trying to look for her.

"flight 901h to england, please proceed to the check in point at counter 6 now,"

hoseok's ears perked up at the announcement. maybe luck was with him, because right in front of him was counter 6. but there wasn't any sight of her.

"i repeat. flight 901h to england, please proceed to the check in point at counter 6 right now immediately."

he continued to look at the people who were queing up at the counter but there was still no sight of her. had she perhaps take an earlier flight? but no, usually to foreign places there would only be one flight each day.

"flight 901h check in point has closed. no one will be allowed at the check in point right now,"

she still wasn't appearing.

his phone then made a sound, and it was notification. his eyes almost popped out of his socket as he looked at the notification.

'you received a snap from motherfuckefchicken'

his heart raced as he opened the snap. it was a picture of the airport, but the design on the floor was different. he recognized it not as incheon airport.

the caption wrote, 'thank you, hoseok. i'm leaving. i'm at gimpo airport right now.'

gimpo airport needed almost an hour to reach from incheon airport. hoseok wanted to scream out loud in frustration, he wanted to punch the wall so badly. he wanted to do anything that would vent off his frustration.

he had gone to the wrong airport, and he wasn't able to see her.


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