Chapter Nine

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Snowkit stumbled around the clearing, running in circles.
He sees Silverfurs mouth move quickly but he keeps going. He's not sure weather he's having fun or freaking out at this point.

"Snowkit, stop!" Silverfur screams, "what are you doing!?"
Snowkit rushes past her for at least the fifth time.
"Snowkit!" Honey yells.
Both of them know that the young tom can't hear them but they continue yelling.
"You're going to get hurt!" Silverfur stepped in his path, hoping that intercepting him would make him stop.
The tom ran straight past her and into the bushes.
Silverfur runs after him, Honey right behind her, neither of them being careful as to where they step.

Snowkits mind whirls, he wants his mother back. Silverfur showed him all the kindness she could, took care of him, but she wasn't his mother.
He kept running, through bushes, over fallen branches, even the thorns didn't stop him.
Suddenly he stumbled into a small clearing and stops at the sight of two other cats there with him.

Silverfur hears Snowkit's steps stop suddenly.
She stumbles through the bush ahead of her, suddenly seeing two cats rubbing muzzles just in front of Snowkit.
Honey stumbles forwards and pushes Silverfur into Snowkit, who immediately nuzzles into her short fur, probably scared and confused about the strange cats.
Silverfur looks at the female, an exact replica of her mother.
"Mom!? I thought we lost you!" She wailed.
"That's what I wanted you to think," her mother gives a wicked laugh and she and the tom turn and wander away.
"Mom!" Silverfur steps away from Snowkit before bounding after her mother and the tom.
Honey takes a step forward, staying near Snowkit, "Is he why you left us!?"
There was no answer, they just kept walking.
"Mom!" Silverfur screamed, "we would've understood if you took a new mate!"
She collapses as a wailing fit takes over her.

Snowkit looks at Silverfur through the hole she left imprinted in the bush.
He watches Honey rush to her side and decides to follow to help to comfort the she-cat who was obviously upset.
"Wha wrong?" Snowkit asked.
He didn't hear a response, he never did, he most likely never would.
Honey stroked her tail along Silverfur's spine.
"Silverfur?" Snowkit mewed, "Are you ok?"
Honey shook her head. Silverfur now lay in a heap of silver fur on the ground.
Snowkit nuzzled Silverfur's cheek, he knew that could help make her feel better.
Silverfur looked up at him then pulled him closer.
He let himself be absorbed in her warmth. He could feel the wetness of her tears on the ground and on her face.
Honey layed down on her other side and the three of them created a huddle as Silverfur's breathing eased and she settled down. Snowkit could feel her become less tense as she fell asleep.
He stayed awake, still wondering why she was so upset about seeing the two cats. Although he was confused and didn't like seeing them either he wasn't going to cry about it. There must be something he's missing. If only he could hear to figure it out easier.

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