Chapter Ten

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Snowkit snuggled against Silverfur, hoping she would wake up soon.
The three cats had slept huddled up all night and it was now late morning
Snowkit saw Honey stir, she must be waking up.
Honey stood up and stretched, her mouth opening widely in what Snowkit assumed was a yawn, otherwise she was strange for screaming at a time like this. He smiled at his own humor.
Honey padded around Silverfur and licked Snowkits cheek then pulled back and smiled at him.
"Hi," he mewed.
Honey sat down and lifted one of her front paws to touch her belly then point towards her mouth.
"Food?" Snowkit asked.
Honey nodded, padding away.
She must've meant she was going to go get food.
Snowkit stretched as he stood up. If he were back home he would be named an apprentice soon.
Silverfur stirred in her sleep, she didn't seem to be waking up though.
Snowkit decided to let her sleep, she had had an emotional day yesterday.
Snowkit sat up and began grooming himself, thinking about home, what he could be- should be- doing.
Suddenly Silverfur sat straight up, something had alarmed her. She opened her mouth, seemingly a scream, not a yawn.
"Its ok, da cats are gone," Snowkit tried to comfort her.
Suddenly Silverfur was up and stumbling across the clearing and through bushes, the way Honey had went. Was something wrong with Honey?
Snowkit stood and ran after Silverfur, though he barely knew Honey she seemed really nice and she knew Silverfur well.
Suddenly Silverfur stopped, she saw Honey.
Honey was ok, she was standing, just looking across the river.
Snowkit looked across the river, three cats stood there, fur bristled. What was happening?
"What wrong?" Snowkit asked.

"Get lost Silverfur, you and your friends," one of the cats sneered, a tom.
"Who's the kit?" A she-cat mewed.
"This is Snowkit, he was taken from one of the clans by a bird and dropped, which is where I found him," Silverfur mewed.
"What do you mean one of the clans? Did you not ask him?" The first tom asked.
"He's deaf," Silverfur mewed.
"Thunderclan did mention a missing kit..." The third cat, another tom trailed off.
"Thunderclan! That must be where he's from!" Silverfur mewed.
Suddenly a wave came over her, she didn't want to take Snowkit home. She wanted to keep him. She had never had kits of her own, nor would she ever, she couldn't.
"We can take him there," the first tom mews.
"No," Silverfur mews, glancing at Honey, "we want to say a proper goodbye, I want to meet his mother."
"Say what you want to him, he can't hear you anyways," the second tom mewed.
"He can understand us though," Honey mewed, "he's not stupid," she hissed.
The first tom scoffed, "sure."

Snowkit watched as the five older cats spoke, he could tell a few of the words; Mother, Snowkit, Stupid. Was Honey calling him stupid? I'm not stupid, am I? He thought
He turned around and padded back the way he had came.

"Snowkit?" Silverfur stopped the other she-cat while she was speaking, "we'll finish this some other time."
She turned and followed the kit.
She sped up, she needed to get in front of him.
She passed him and spun around to face him.
"am I Stupid!?" Snowkit wailed.
Silverfur shook her head, "absolutely not!"
Snowkit fell to the ground weeping.
Silverfur nudged his head up.
"Honey was defending you," Silverfur mewed, indicating Honey who now stood beside her.
Honey reached her muzzle out to Snowkit.

Snowkit pulled back when Honey stuck her muzzle out, then realized that she wouldn't say that, she was to nice. He stuck his muzzle out and touched his nose to hers.
"I'm sorry," he apologized.
Honey smiled and nodded then indicated herself while she spoke.

"Me too," Honey mewed.
Silverfur leaned against her sister. She was hit once again by the wave of emotion for Snowkit. She didn't want to take him home. She wanted him.

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