Another Surprise for Hugo

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A little later, Axel was in the palace library, where he saw Garrick putting away some books. Garrick could see that Axel was thinking, and he wondered what was on his oldest son's mind.

"Is something on your mind, Axel?" Garrick asked.

"You know, Dad, Hugo really loves ice-dancing," Axel remarked. "He only gets to do it in the winter."

"Yes, that's true," Garrick agreed.

"I know how much the little guy enjoys having variety in his life, but I wonder if he wishes to ice-dance in the summer because it's always burning hot at that time of year," Axel sighed. "Sometimes in the summer, Hugo gets itchy feet because it's too hot to go outside."

Garrick felt like he knew what Axel meant. "Well, if Hugo were to ice-dance in the summer, he'd have to do it in an indoor ice rink," he said.

"I guess, you're right, but Sofia said she was already working on a birthday present for Hugo—and that got me thinking about what I should do for him," Axel sighed.

"Well, his birthday is in five months, so you have more than enough time to think about it," Garrick assured him.

Axel was sorting out a few DIY books when one of them caught his eye. The book cover had picture of an ice rink, and the title said...

"How to Build an Indoor Ice Rink in Less Than 5 Months?" Axel read the title.

Garrick peered over Axel's shoulder and said, "Well, it looks like the answer is right under our noses."

Seeing this book gave Axel a great idea. "And since Hugo's birthday is in five months, this indoor ice rink would make a great birthday present for him!" he beamed.

"I like that idea," Garrick smiled. "But we need to find ways to keep your brother distracted while we're building the rink."

"Especially since Sofia will be busy making her own present for him," Axel added. "Well, my school gets out early tomorrow, so we'll have plenty of time to get started before Hugo comes home."

"Sounds like a plan," Garrick smiled.

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