Four Months to Go

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A whole month had passed by.

Princess Hildegard and Princess Clio came to Enchancia Castle to see Amber.

"What's Sofia up to?" Clio asked.

"Probably still working," Amber replied.

The trio went to Sofia's bedroom and saw that Sofia had so many wood parts.

"How's it going, Sofia?" Amber asked.

"I just finished sanding all the parts, and now I have to put them together," Sofia replied.

"What are you building, Sofia?" Clio asked.

"A guitar," Sofia replied. "It's a birthday present for Hugo, and I started making it last month. Now that all the parts are nice and smooth, I can put them together."

"You're making a guitar for Prince Hugo?" Hildegard asked. "You really should just buy one for him in four months, Sofia. It would save you a lot of time—making one is a lot of work."

"That's the whole point, Hildegard," Sofia pointed out. "Making a guitar will show Hugo how much I care about him, and the results will be worth all the hard work."

"Well, it's good to know you feel that way, Sofia," Clio smiled.

"Sofia, I really don't know if Prince Hugo will want a handmade guitar," Hildegard protested. "What if he wants one bought from a store?"

Sofia was really annoyed. "Well, then you might want to tell that to Prince Axel and King Garrick, Hildegard," she snapped. "They themselves are making a present for Hugo's birthday."

Amber, Hildegard, and Clio were surprised that Sofia snapped like that. She never stood up to anyone like that before.

"What are they making?" Amber asked.

"I'm not allowed to tell you, but I will say that it's 4 times bigger than the guitar will be—maybe even bigger," Sofia replied.

"Well, Sofia, I know you want to make a guitar for Prince Hugo, but you're 10 years old," Amber told her sister. "Do you really think it's safe for you to use wood glue?"

Sofia needed wood glue to put the guitar together, but she realized that Amber was right—wood glue may be dangerous for a little girl.

"Gosh, you're right, Amber—I really shouldn't touch it," Sofia nodded.

Amber and Hildegard smiled haughtily, thinking Sofia forget about making the guitar. But Sofia went over to ring the bell, and Violet came over.

"How's the guitar, love?" Violet asked.

"I just finished sanding all the parts, and I need to put them together, Violet," Sofia explained. "But I can't use the wood glue because it could be dangerous."

"And you wish for me to help," Violet smiled. "I'd be happy to help you."

"Thanks," Sofia smiled.

Amber, Hildegard, and Clio were shocked. The last thing they wanted was for Sofia to ask for help with something that she couldn't do.

"I don't know how or why I encourage her," Amber muttered.

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