Three Months to Go

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Another month passed by—Hugo's birthday was now only three months away.

Sofia had finally finished putting the guitar together, and now it's ready to be painted.

"Finally, I can paint it," Sofia sighed.

Meanwhile, at Albuquerque Palace, Hugo was sent to take care of some royal duties. He knew that Garrick and Axel have been acting strange for past two months—and Sofia too.

Garrick and Axel were in the vacant room. The walls for the rink had been set up precisely, and the rink was ready to be filled with water.

"You know, Axel, despite the windows shining light in this room, it may be dark in here for Hugo, especially at night," Garrick remarked.

"If only we can get some extra light in here," Axel wondered.

Garrick had an idea. "Your mother has a star-stone tiara, and star-stones glow in the dark," he said. "If we had star-stones, we can put them on the wall, and it'll be like Hugo is ice-dancing under the stars—indoor stars."

"I like that idea," Axel grinned. "But Hugo said that star-stones can only be found on Swamp Rock Hill, and that's located in Enchancia."

"And it's too cold to go camping outside," Garrick frowned. "We have a star-stone in the royal museum. Do you remember when Sofia's brother and sister put that copying spell on her? We can use that to make more star-stones to put on the walls."

"Sounds good, but that's a tricky spell, especially for someone who's not a sorcerer," Axel noted. "Amber and James messed up the spell, and Sofia's copy was the complete opposite of her."

"You're right, and our royal sorcerer is on vacation," Garrick agreed. "Maybe we should see Sofia's royal sorcerer."

While Hugo was still out, Axel and Garrick went to Enchancia Castle to see Sofia. They told her that they needed her royal sorcerer Cedric to use his copying spell to make copies of their star-stone.

"I'll ask him," Sofia nodded.

Sofia led Garrick and Axel to Cedric's workshop. She explained that they needed more star-stones for Hugo's ice rink, but it was too cold to camp near Swamp Rock Hill—so they had no choice but to make copies of Garrick's star-stone.

"And the reason you're asking me to help is because you know how dangerous it can be," Cedric smiled. "Well, when it comes to safety, there is no reason to complain. Speaking of safety, I think it would be better if I made more star-stones at Albuquerque Palace, not here."

"Why?" Sofia asked.

"If I made the star-stones here, they'd make your friends' flying coach too heavy," Cedric reminded her.

"Oh, we can't have that," Garrick frowned. "Well, off to Albuquerque we go."

"Well, I could use a break from making Hugo's guitar," Sofia said. "That paint needs time to dry anyway."

Sofia and Cedric went with Garrick and Axel to Albuquerque Palace. In the soon-to-be-ready ice rink, Cedric recited the copying spell, "Doppler Duplicato!"

Cedric continued to make copies of the star-stones until there were more than enough for the rink.

"Thank you, Cedric," Garrick smiled.

"You're welcome, Your Majesty," Cedric smiled back.

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