Amber & Clio Are Forgiven

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The next day, Sofia was still dismayed with Amber for not telling her that Hildegard stole her amulet.

"Sofia, I know I haven't been a good sister, keeping Hildy's actions a secret from you," Amber apologized to her younger sister.

"You said it before, Amber," Sofia glared. "Sisters should never keep secrets from each other. That's why you spied on me and Prince Axel when we were setting up a surprise for Hugo. You expect me to share secrets with you, but why did you think it was okay to keep this a secret from me?"

"Because I was being selfish and disloyal," Amber admitted. "I'm so sorry."

Hearing those words made Sofia feel a little better. "You're forgiven," she smiled.

Clio went up and said, "I'm sorry too, Sofia."

Sofia smiled at Clio, showing that she had forgiven her and Amber. Hildegard saw the smile on Sofia's face.

"You're not mad anymore, Sofia?" Hildegard asked.

"Not so fast, Hildegard," Sofia frowned. "Amber and Clio are forgiven because they were sorry for keeping this a secret from me. That doesn't mean I forgive you for stealing my amulet."

Hildegard was upset that Sofia was still mad at her. Now that Amber and Clio had Sofia's forgiveness, they joined her in being angry with Hildy.

"Do we still have to search the entire school for the amulet?" Hildegard asked. "I don't want to keep looking."

"Well, maybe you should've thought about that before you stole my amulet in the first place," Sofia glowered.

Suddenly, Hugo showed up and assured Sofia, "Don't worry, Sof. I know what to do about this."

"You do?" Amber, Clio, and Hildegard gaped.

"I wouldn't be saying it if I didn't," Hugo smiled. "Just wait until gym class today."

"Okay," Sofia nodded. "How's your brother?"

"Much better," Hugo smiled. "We finally helped him get rid of that crazy rash."

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