Sofia Gets Her Amulet Back

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When it was time for gym class, Hugo opened his locker. There was something glowing in his bag. He opened the bag and inside were Sofia's amulet and Hildegard's ruby necklace.

During gym class, Sofia was doing a few sit-ups. Amber, Hildegard, and Clio were watching. Suddenly, Hugo showed up, wearing his gym clothes.

"Princess Hildegard, I believe this belongs to you," Hugo declared. He held out the ruby necklace.

"You found my necklace," Hildegard grinned. "Thank you." She put the necklace back on.

Hugo went up to Sofia and said, "Sofia, you can't wear that dress without this." He held out Sofia's amulet.

"My amulet," Sofia gasped.

Hugo put the amulet on Sofia.

"Thank you, Hugo," Sofia smiled. She happily kissed Hugo on the cheek, making him blush.

"No problem," Hugo giggled.

"Where did you find it?" Sofia asked.

"It was in my gym bag the whole time along with Hildegard's ruby necklace," Hugo replied. "It's like my dad said: Sometimes the answer can be right under your nose. Things aren't always what they seem."

Sofia smiled at Hugo. Now she has her amulet back, and she was so grateful that she wanted to do something nice for Hugo.

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