68.kinky sexy time

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It had become tradition for everyone to meet at Sam and Colby's apartment for dinner, drinks and 'conversation', whenever something special happend.

Every single time Devyn was as far from the vodka, or alcohol in general, as one person could be. This night seemed to be an exception to the unwritten rule. All had wondered how many drinks it would take for her to lose control. It did not take long for them to have their answer. It only took four shots.

"I've got a question," piped up Devyn, with a goofy grin on her face. "What is everyone's sexual fantasy?"

The rest of the people in the room sputtered and stared at Devyn as if she had grown a new head. However, Devyn was oblivious and went about happily drinking through her brightly colored pink straw.

"Er...well...I've always....er...you see...pirates...and...er...I'm a prisoner...and er..." Sam sputtered, red faced.

Corey let out a chuckle and shook his head in a meaningful way. "Sorry mate, no way that fantasy is ever coming true. You got yourself stuck with Colby and no way could he ever be a pirate. He's too...adorable."

A howl of protest came from the right of Sam and it would not take more than one guess from who.
"Shows how much you know Scherer! I would be the perfect pirate. All yo-ho and bottles of rum. I could do that."

"Oh come off it, Colby. The only thing you could pull off is a 12 year old."

"Why you! I'll show you 12 year old, ballet boy."

Colby made to leap off the couch but Sam grabbed his arm just in time. "Colby, no!"

"Let me go," Colby sneered, "I need to teach someone a lesson."

Sam shook his head, while Corey smiled triumphantly.

"Come on just a little lesson, Sam. I won't do much."

After another head shake, Sam turned his attention to Corey. "And you! Be nicer to Colby."

Devyn let go of her drink and leaned in towards Colby. Whispering in what she probably thought was a discreet voice she said, "Pst. Colby. Meet me later and I will help you become a pirate. A real yo for Sam's ho."

Maybe it was all the pina coladas but that struck Colby as hilarious.
His laugh was contagious, causing everyone else to join in. Everyone that is but Devyn, who just looked dazed at what was so funny. With a shrug, she went back to her drink.

"I've always thought about going at it in a tree while it is raining," Elton said, wistfully, after the laughter died down.

Amanda looked at him, considering things for a moment. "You know, it's supposed to rain tomorrow," she purred, batting her eyelashes.

A hopeful look came to Elton's face at that admission. "Is it now? I've always been fond of the trees growing around my building."

Amanda grinned wickedly and began to plot the greatest of all seductions. Her crush on Elton was epic but she had never made a move. It was all thanks to the article -- 'How to lose your best friend in ten easy steps' that she made the first move.

Everyone was feeling great and wanted to party and do the normal things, people do at partys.

Sadly, Colby was feeling anything but kinky at the moment, instead, pouting into his drink. How dare Corey and how dare Sam not say a word about Colby being rugged. He was manly!

The brunette could out grr anyone, anytime.
A few more drinks and giggles later, everyone was leaving for the night. Colby for one was relieved. He had thought a drunken Devyn would be hilarious but she was just plain exhausting.

Sam did not waste any time after the door had closed to advance on Colby. He had the -I'm-going-to-shag-you-all-night- look in his eyes. "I'm going to shag you good," Sanm informed the brunette.

"The only thing you are undressing tonight is the couch," Colby retorted with a roll of his eyes. Honestly, Sam did not understand anything.

Confusion lined Sam's face. Colby was using too many words for his alcohol filled brain to comprehend. He needed shorter phrases like -- give it to me, oh baby yes, more of that. "What?"

"Think about it Sammy," Colby replied lazily. "While you do I'm going to bed. Night."

Before Sam could respond, Colby was in their room with the door shut tightly. Sam scrunched up his face for a minute, and then crashed down onto the couch.

"Stupid Colbs...stupid big-mouth Corey....drunken Dev..."

Safe to assume Sam did not sleep well that night at all.


The next day Colby and Devyn went to an adult costume shop and supplies. Colby was going to show that boy-who-didn't-know-a-thing, that he could be the greatest pirate of all time. Oh yes, he was going to make Sam squeal like a animal.

Colby walked through the aisles, nothing catching his eyes until he came upon a little black number with red detail. Excitedly, Colby snatched the costume out from amongst the others and held it up to his frame. Oh yeah, he would look excessively sexy in this and that was the kind of sexy he always went for.

Devyn approached him with a large bag in her hands. "Colby! That costume is perfect. Sam won't know what hit him!"

A smirk filled Colby's face as he nodded his head. "Hey. What do you have in the bag?"

"Oh nothing. Just a few items I have needed for a while. Here let me take this costume up to the counter while you pick out the rest of the things you need."

"Okay, if you insist."

Devyn smirked in a way that looked far too similar for Colby's comfort but he really did not have the time to worry about that right now.

It was hours later before the pair finished but it was not that big of a deal. Corey was going to keep Sam busy all day, even if he had complained loudly for being apart of Colby's pirate seduction.

He kept moaning something about horrific images burned in his brain. Honestly, Colby did not see what the problem was. It was not as if he was asking Corey to join in or anything. This would be kinda terrifying.


Sam was beyond frustrated and annoyed by the time he arrived back to his apartment. Corey had dragged them both all over the city to see places that Sam did not care one lick about seeing. He had wanted to leave numerous times but Corey had always pulled the -I-never-see-you line and Sam had relented. He seriously needed to grow a tougher backbone, being with Colby was making him too soft.

Sam had barely stepped through the door when a thick net yanked him up into the air.
"Arggggg," Sam screamed.
What the hell was going on? He peered all around but did not see nothing out of the ordinary.

"Aye! See I have caught me booty!"

Sam twisted in the net to look down, the sight giving an altogether different sort of problem. Shifting awkwardly, mouth beginning to salivate, Sam was speechless.

Colby was wearing a gauzy lien shirt that puffed just perfectly at the arms, on top was a black embossed leather trimmed vest, belted with a thick blood-red sash. The pants he was wearing were of a material that Sam did not recognize but they hugged in all the right places and tucked into leather boots. A red bandana and a single skull earring placed in his left ear completed the look.

"Is me prisoner mute?" Colby asked, staying absolutely in character, but inside he was dying of laughter.

Sam shook his head, which did not mean much given the question. "I-I...er...no...I...er...C-Colby?"

Colby stalked back and forth underneath Sam, enjoying the way the other's eyes followed his every movement. "No Colby here, mate. The names Silver Sparrow."

After a few more paces, Colby took his sword and made a slashing motion, which dropped Sam out of the net. Before Sam hit the ground, Colby caught him within his arms. "Off to the plank with ye now prisoner."

It was better than any fantasy, Sam decided, and he sure as hell hoped Colby had bought this costume. It was going to get more than one night worth of play.

"Ye stay here," Colby said after disposing Sam onto the bed. "But be clothes-less by the time I get back."

Sam did not need telling twice to get naked. It was exactly what he wanted, well, Colby naked too would be more like what he wanted. However, that was merely details now. Sam quickly stripped out of his clothes and disposed them onto the floor.

His eyes grew wide as Colby stalked back into the room, proudly displaying all his nakedly goodness. If Sam had had the strength to move, he would have yanked Colby to him. The prat was going much too slow and he was surely enjoying the way he was making Sam squirm and softly moan. Colby had not even touched him yet and Sam felt like he was going over the very edge of his sanity.

"Ye not going to be able to speak by the time I'm done with you," Colby boasted. He pressed Sam slowly backwards and climbed on top of him. His lips burned a path from Sam's ear all the way down to his belly button. He moved downwards a little bit more but before reaching 'the peg', he pulled back. Colby licked at Sam's bottom lip, pressing their lips together.

Sam kissed him hungrily, his entire body felt like it was flamed and Colby was the only thing that made any bit of sense. "Please," Sam managed to moan when they pulled apart for breath.

Colby was busily kissing Sam's neck and almost missed what Sam had said. "Please, what?" He went back to kissing Sam's neck, while running hands down his body, exploring every inch and passage.

"Want you! Now!" Sam shouted in frustration, hands tightly clutching at the sheets. He had wanted Colby since last night and seeing couples all day had not alleviated his sexual appetite. If he did not get some soon he was going to explode!

There was a chuckle against his flesh, but Sam did not care at all if it got him what he wanted. Never really the patience one but often was not this demanding. Colby always made the first move; it was all his idea to try role-playing in the first place. Sam did not need all that, hell; all he needed was a bed and naked Colby. Then he was one happy guy indeed.

Flicking his tongue against Sam's erection, Colby plunged his fingers inside of Sam, twisting them around and around until Sam was withering in a heap on the bed. Colby kept up the teasing a little longer until he could not stand it any longer either.

Adjusting himself, Colby removed his fingers and grabbed for the lube they kept on the bedside table. His slick fingers caused the bottle to drop to the floor. "Damn it!" Pulling himself off Sam, who squeaked in protest, Colby fumbled around on the floor for the bottle.

"Bloody hell, Colby! Forget it. I don't care. Just do it now." Sam grabbed for Colby but could not quite reach.

"Got it!" Colby exclaimed in triumph. "You know this reminds me of our first time."

Sam did not say a word, hoping that would prompt Colby back into action. There was a time for reminiscing and this was certainly not it.

"Oh yeah!" Colby continued, "The pirate bit. Forgot that." Rearranging his face, Colby squinted slightly. "Aye. Ye are in for it now prisoner!"

"Ouch!" Sam burst out; rubbing his arse, that Colby had just pinched hard. Retaliating, Sam pinched Colby back.

"Watch it! Ye aren't supposed to pinch the pirate master!"

Colby scowled a couple more times at Sam, laying there amongst the dark blue sheets. He looked like every girls wet dream and he was all for Colby. It made his heart swell with a peculiar sort of emotion he could not put his finger on. Oh well, there were other things he wanted to do with his fingers, productive things, and naughty things.

Popping open the lube, Colby covered his own erection with it and guided over to Sam's entrance. He pushed slowly inside or at least he tried to. Sam was not having that slowness and Colby was fully inside before he even knew it. "Hey! Stop topping from the bottom prat."

Sam snickered and gave him that innocent look. "Then stop acting like a bottom-like top!"

Growling, Colby pulled out and plunged in roughly, causing Sam to break out into a loud moan. "No more words out of you Golbach," Colby said, breathlessly.

Sam arched his back, meeting Colby thrust for thrust. Soon their skin were dripping in sweat and the extra friction it caused was pleasurably wonderful. Hands and tongues were all over the hot sweaty skin, creating more moans and groans. There was nothing gentle about the coupling. It was rough, frantic and all consuming. The kind that made you forget everything but feeling.

If anyone had asked Sam for his name at that moment, he would not have even been able to answer. All he could think about was the sparks of intense pleasure washing over even inch of his entire being, both inside and out.

He was so full of Colby that he could not tell where he began and Colby ended. It was one of the very reasons, topping never appealed to him. He liked when Colby dominated him, well, only in the bedroom mind. Any other time, Sam was sure to put the wanker in his place.

"I-I-can't." Colby groaned before spilling all inside of Sam. The way Colby clenched onto him did it for Sam and he was coming more powerful than he ever had before.

They both collapsed onto the bed, Sam snuggling up to Colby, who wrapped his arms tightly around Sam.

"Good?" Colby asked.

Sam nodded his head, kissing Colby's neck. "Bloody brilliant."

They were silent after that, still regaining their senses and descending from the ultimate seduction.

"Hey what is your fantasy?" Sam questioned, suddenly thinking of it.

Colby furrowed his eyebrows, considering what would turn him on the most. "Got a spare cowboy hat?"

Sam laughed and placed another kiss on Colby, this time on his chest. "Yee-haw!" He shouted as Colby shook his head.

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