Chapter 011~ My Stupid Life

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"And that was it barrister."I breath out, looking at the teary face of my lawyer in front of me. It's my lawyer, Miss Yetunde Mayowa.

"Wow...Your story, It's really painful and touchy. I must say you're quite a strong person to have endured these pains for all these years." She wiped the tears off her face after listening to my story.

"It's nothing actually. Poverty, I would say... Is the killer of man." I muttered with a convincing smirk.

"And God is our Helper, our Judge. Don't worry, I'll look into your case, find as much evidence as I can. Even if there seem to be no hope at all. I believe there is light at the end of your tunnel, Mr. Tunde. She smiled and left.

It's been 4 hours we've seated here. I was finally taken into the cell, where I've spent 14 years. It's a year remaining to complete the judge's sentence, my stay here... quite a long time. And I believe something can be done. Barrister Yetunde is the first lawyer to look into my case after all the years.

"I know you would ask... What about the rest? Daniel, Samuel and Oyin? Hmm... those three."

"Daniel's father sent his wife out, knowing she bewitched him to under his control... Her secrets lied opened one after the other and she was thrown out of the house. It was later confirmed that she did that to rich and famous men in order to possess their wealth and inheritance."

I looked at her jotting something Dow from what I just said. Then I continued.

"Perhaps, she was once a prostitute and had gone through abortions for seven different men. She was barrien. Daniel's father who was a lawyer came to defend his missing son, I was forgotten.

"It's five years now. Samuel and Oyin's unknown family members came up with a competent lawyers one day. They too was released."

"Hmmm... Such is life, Mr. Mayowa. I promise to do my very best to get you out of here." She smiled as she concluded. "I'll take my leave now."

I nodded my head, without even looking at her direction. Not because I wasn't happy but because it's a very difficult thing to do. People see promises as an easy thing they can say but it's difficult to keep.

"I remember my mum told me... You can break anything but never break a promise. You can't keep anything but always keep a promise. Promises aren't mere words, they can cut one's heart deeper and a knife."

I pray God fulfills this promise... I can't help but to imagine how life would be if I leave here. Would it be as miserable as it was? Or would it get even better?


Hi Loves,

Hope you all had fun reading this chapter as I enjoyed writing it?

Don't forget to press the little orange star ★ at your left. Leave a comment if possible and feel free to P.M me if you have any questions. Thaks for reading, Stay blessed.


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