| 10 | Laughter Without Sorrow

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Playlist: things that make me smile

. . .

Kawaii~Chan hummed as she skipped into the store, Alice was watching the counter for a few while she went into the store going by the name 'Lily's Vineyard'. She walked into the shop but was stopped on her steps once she saw a scene, she gasped. "A-a new ship!" She whispered, she pulled out her phone and set it to the camera, ready to take a picture of the two. Before Kawaii~Chan clicked the camera button she moved her phone down to look at them.

Travis crying and seeking comfort in a friend, was this really something she should take a picture of, something that could be worse than she imagined. She looked down and put her phone in her pocket, and shook her head. She walked off and back to the shop.

'This isn't my place, this isn't my place to intervene, I can't help them, I shouldn't take pictures of that; it isn't my place.'

. . .

She held Travis hands in her's keeping their gaze intact, he was upset, clearly upset, she could tell easily. "What happened?" Travis tried to look away. "L-look it's nothing you need to worry about I can handle it myself-" "You were crying Travis, it's something I need to be concerned about." She walked around the counter. "It's nothing, so just leave me alone-"

Katelyn grabbed Travis wrist, held up his arm and pointed at the bruise on his forearm. "If it's nothing then what is this Travis?! What is this if apparently, it's nothing?!" Katelyn yelled and the room became dead silence and Travis looked at her with a fearful look. "I-It's bruises that M-Michi left when she tried to do things to me..." Katelyn took in a deep breath and let go of his arm as it fell to his side, she silently cursed to herself for what she did. "Look Travis I didn't mean to say anything like that it's just I'm worried and I-"

"Just get out!" Katelyn looked up at him with a shocked expression.

"W-what? You want me to get out?"

"Y-yes! Get out now!"

Katelyn starred at him wide-eyed. "After everything? After I tried to protect you from-"

"Katelyn, just shut up! Y-you can't help with any of this I-It's my problem and you can't protect me from everything you want to protect me fro-" Katelyn pulled him into a hug. "But I will, because you're my friend Travis, and you're not going to stop me from saying that." Travis chocked on a sob and started to cry again.

"Look, Travis..."

"I promise, I'll protect you."

"Forever and always,"

"No matter what, I'll be there."

"Remeber that,"

. . .

Nate | Call | Guy

"Hey Guy, how are you right now?"

"Good... Shouldn' you be driving?"

"Uber remember?"

"Ah... So where are you right now?"

"A mile away from you, you?"

"In my apartment... Wearing some shorts and a crop top hoodie, I never left my house but I have your jacket still. Better come quick before I change my mind~"

"You wouldn't dare, I paid a lot for that jacket, I got from high school."

"You mean Phoenix Drop High? I can tell by the PDH logo on it."

"You went there too?"

"No, I went to a different school but I had heard about it, it'll have to shut down soon, saw it on the news."

"Awww, you think one day you and I could go visit it?"

"We'd have to go soon then because remember about my job coming up in a few months, and so is Christmas, I'll probably need to get another job because of the beach during winter, and I have to try and get you a job-"

"Woah woah WOAH! Calm down Guy, you're overthinking it; don't stress about it we have a few months no need to overthink things, let's just focus on the jacket, for now, alright? Then we can worry about the job, Christmas isn't another 3 months so we're okay. Take some deep breathes if you need to."

"Yeah you're alright, I'll try to focus on this right now."

"Good, but you wanna know something you probably don't know about yourself until now?"

"And what's that?"

"You're clingy as hell, why do you think I left without my jacket?"

"Heh... That's exactly what Ein said before he..."

Nate pressed his lips in a firm line. 'Shit, I shouldn't have said that at all.'

"Guy, I didn't mean it like that-"

"-Yeah I know it's just..."

"You don't like thinking about what he did don't you?"

"Yeah... I just hate it how much that word reminds me about him, I just wanna get him out of my head and seeing him that night and remembering about everything he did I just... Just..."

"Guy... Are you crying?"

"N... No, I'm not, I'm fine Nate, everything is completely fine."

"Guy, it's okay to cry I know how you're always so happy but you need to take a break and feel something else once and a while, you aren't going to be happy I thought you learned that from therapy?"

"How did you?..."

"Guy I know vaguely of what happened between you two, I've seen more than you think and I don't know how he treated you but I wanna help you look past that. Listen I'll be there soon enough and just know if you need to vent to someone I'll always be here."

"I know but, you wouldn't understand w-what happened a-and..."

"Then help me understand Guy, tell me everything that he said or did to you if you want to; just know it's your choice to tell me or not, you're in control now, you say the shots now."

"I mean... He never-"

"-He never let you have a say in anything, but now you'll have a say in everything if you want to talk about it you can, if you don't want to you don't have to I just wanna make sure you're alright."

"Alright but... Are you almost here?"

"Just a few more minutes okay?"

"Alright, I'll see you soon."

. . .

A/N: Days without pain.

Comfort for the tears

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