| 12 | When A Petal Withers

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Playlist: i'm not crying, it's just raining

. . .

When a petal withers the whole flower follows along with it too, we call it the domino effect.

What happens if that effect takes action in real life?

Chaos ensues.

The domino effect is something to fear, the domino effect is something that will destroy you.

You can never choose if it'll happen to you or not because it control's you, you don't control it.

. . . Very Early November/ Two Weeks Later . . .

Katelyn opened her eye's surprised when her music was interrupted by a phone call. She reached over to her phone and grabbed it; it was a call by Travis. She clicked the answer button and held it up to her ear.

Katelyn | Call | Travis 

"Hey, what's up Tra-"


"Yes, my name is Katelyn, so what you need?"

"K-Katelyn something happened w-while at the shop a-a-and-"

Wait, she knows that tone. Wait why is he panicking, why is he crying?

"Travis, what happened?"

"I-I was trying to work a-at my shop a-and Michi came up to bother m-me and I ignored here a-a-and-"

"Deep breathes Travis, you need to calm down in order to explain anything."

"Okay... Deep breathes..."

"Are you okay now tell me what happened,"

"Well, I was working a-at the shop and Mi-Michi came to bother me and I i-ignored her and before I kn-knew it she was trying to kiss me and I think s-she was going to do more if I d-didn't leave sooner a-and-"

She felt as if her whole world broke in two, everything crashing down along with the sudden realization hit her.

"WHAT?! She's taken this too far this time!"

Travis stayed silent.

"Where the hell are you Travis? Please tell me you're as far away from her as possible?" 

"I'm in the bathroom of the store, I'm hoping she has enough decency to not come in here."

"Alright then, I'll be right there, stay right where you are, I'll be right there."

"I will... Please be here as soon as possible."

"I will,"

She hung up the phone and resisted the urge to crush in her hand. She was furious, no beyond furious at this girl, she had taken it way too far this time.

She grabbed her bag and slung it over her shoulder, her bag phone shoved into her bag, the door slammed open and then closed, fuming with anger. Katelyn stomped down the stairs gritting her teeth, she caught the attention of Aphmau who was currently trying to coax Zane to come over. "Katelyn is something wrong?" Aphmau asked.

"I'm bringing a friend over whether you like it or not Aphmau," Katelyn denounced, Aphmau eyed her, she wasn't usually that angry. "What's wrong Katelyn? I haven't seen you this angry since... Since I can't remember," Aphmau asked peeking over her spot on the couch. "It's nothing concerning you Aphmau, goodbye-" She slammed the door to the house and Aphmau sighed. "I don't know what happened but it must have been bad..."

. . .

Nate walked into the break room, towel around his shoulders hair slightly wet and messy. He smiled, another life saved but that was just his job. He opened up the refrigerator and grabbed a cold water bottle. He turned around closing the refrigerator door behind him only to stop in his steps.

Dark brown hair, sapphire eyes, light blue shirt, pale complexion; it was Guy, the one person he had been avoiding all week. "Guy?..." His water bottle slipped from his hand and fell on the floor.

"Nate... We need to have a talk,"

. . . A Week Earlier . . .

Nate looked at Guy, now wearing his jacket, he smiled at the sight of his friend, happy, cheerful, the side of Guy he always enjoyed. 'Maybe now's the time to say something. But what if he says no and hates me?!' His eyebrows knitted as he frowned, was it worth their friendship. 'Is it worth everything?... Yeah, it's worth everything, I just need to do it now, don't worry about anything else and just do it! It's not that hard.' Nate thought. 

"Nate, are you okay? You look worried," He turned to look at Guy, he shook his head. "I'm fine, I just... Need to tell you something Guy, something really important." Guy tilted his head. "And that is?" 

Nate moved to be in front of Guy his arm wrapping around Guy's torso and to his back."I've known you for a year or so and there's always been this one thing I want to tell you..."

Nate held Guy's chin his other hand sliding down his back, the gap between them slowly closing by the second. "Guy..." Their eyes met, Guy's breath caught in his throat. "I love you..." He pressed his lips against Guy's soft ones, his hand that was once on his chin moved to run through his hair, his other arm wrapping around his waist pulling him closer. Guy's hand rested on his chest, he didn't kiss back but instead he pulled away from the kiss, they looked at eachother wide-eyed a wave of nervousness rushing over Nate. "Guy, why'd you do that?"

"I... I can't, I just can't I thought we were just friends." Guy said and Nate looked at him his eyes wide, Guy scooted away from him. "But I... I wanted to more Guy, I... Are you rejecting me?" Nate asked and Guy just looked away. "Not entirely, I just need time to think about it..."

"Think about what?"

"Think about everything!"

"I just- What is there to think about Guy?!"

"A lot! Now leave me alone!"

"I plan too!" Nate shouted and then he stormed out of the apartment the door slamming behind him.

He sighed and put his head in his hands. 'Am I ready for a relationship? Nate's been so nice to me and... But he kissed me and I didn't want to be kissed, should I trust him after that? But then if I can't trust him anymore who can I trust? He's been so nice to me, been there for me I just.'

'Can we still do all the normal things we did as friends in a relationship?'

. . .

A/N: Everything withers with it.

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