| 13 | The Thorn of The Girl

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Playlist: No matter what I will be there for you

. . . 

Nate chuckled his side tilting to the side showing a slight grin on his face. "What are you talking about? There's nothing to talk about," He said which only resulted in a frown by Guy. "What do you mean there's nothing to talk about Nate, there is something to talk about, you've been avoiding me the entire week!" He walked towards him arms crossed. "If there's nothing to talk about explain that Nate!" He unfolded his arms and his hands clenched into fists. 

"I know I'm not one to say this stuff but I don't want this one situation to end out relationship entirely! Even if I did end up feeling the same way towards you, in the end, we have to address this! This isn't healthy, and even if it was we shouldn't do this either way!" Guy ranted. Nate eyed him but sighed in defeat. "You're right, I'll give you that but in order to understand I need to know this," Nate said. "What is it?" Guy inquired.

"Do you like me... Like, like like me, like have feelings for me; like I have feelings for you?" Nate coaxed his face slightly red. "I literally just said I feel the same feelings for you, Nate. Of course, I do! I just... Just needed time to think about it and think if I'm ready to be in a relationship after the past incident, and I think I'm ready for one." Guy affirmed. "Are you sure?" Nate questioned. "Yes, I'm completely sure of it," Guy confirmed. "Well if you're sure of it, can I do this?..." He walked so that they were only a few inches away from each other, he wrapped his arm around his waist. He nodded.

"But can I do this too?..." He cupped his cheek and looked into his sapphire eyes, Guy smiled at him cheeks dusting light pink. "Sure... I mean if you want too," Guy said and Nate leaned in closer. "I'd love to..." Nate closed the gap between them and softly kissed him, taking is slow and gentle savoring the moment before pulling way cheeks flushed red, he looked at him with his eyes wide now. He cupped his face with his hand.

"W-why are you crying? It wasn't that bad of a kiss was it?" Nate asked but Guy only smiled at him as tears rolled down his cheeks. "I-I'm just so... Happy, I've never had someone treat me like that before and b-be so nice to me like that, and not f-force me into a kiss I-I didn't want..." He smiled, Nate's expression softened. "Guy..." Nate said. "Can you... Um, do it again? Like, kiss me like that again?" Guy asked and Nate nodded. "As long as your okay with it I'll do it," He leaned in closer and pressed a soft kiss to his lips.

He pulled back. "Is that better?" Guy nodded the tears stopping. "Yeah, but can you promise me something, Nate?" Guy asked Nate nodded gently stroking is cheek. "Anything,"

"Please, don't turn out like Ein did, please." He leaned onto his chest. "Even if I don't know what half of what Ein did I promise not to be like him, I promise on my own grave," Nate promised. 


"What tonight?"

"Tonight... I'll tell you everything he did, you deserve answers for everything,"

"Guy you don't have to-"

"I want to, I want to move past everything now. I don't want you to hurt me not knowing what you did, you deserve an answer for everything, I don't want you not know the things you deserve to know. I don't want you to hurt me and feel guilty about it when you don't know what you did."

. . .

Katelyn could barely remember how long it took to get there but she could remember that she angrily walked there. When she walked into the store she didn't know what to expect but of course, she'd see Michi leaning over the counter a pouty look on her face because she didn't get what she wanted; her face was so punchable right now after what she did. She stood at the entrance of the shop, Michi knew she was there but ignored her. She entered in a previous conversation.

| Flower Boy |


surprise? what kind of surprise?

Flower Boy:

A surprise at the shop I work at! think you can come by later on today?


I mean sure. an hour maybe can it wait that long

Flower Boy: 

it can wait that long

I can't wait for you to see it! you'll love it!


I'm sure I will

alright, I'm on break I'll make a stop by your shop on my way to lunch.

Flower Boy:

I'm so excited!


I can tell

She sighed and looked down at the ground, a pang of hurt in her heart; just a few weeks ago everything was fine yet now everything was going downhill all of a sudden. Life was being unfair, especially to him, especially to someone who did nothing wrong.

| Flower Boy |


I hope you don't mind my roommates being at my house

I'm here you can leave the bathroom.

She looked up from her phone placing it in her bag when she heard a door creaking open to see a distressed Travis peeking out from the door, his face slightly red, he had been crying. Once the door open Michi perked up, ears and tail slightly raising once she heard the sound. Katelyn stormed past her hands formed into fists, she stood by the side of the door, arms crossed sending a glare Michi's way; her ears dropped along with her tail disappoint displaying across her face. 

Once he saw Katelyn he quickly exited out of the bathroom, he looked slightly disheveled, as if something did happen and he wasn't lying. Katelyn didn't know how it was possible but she was even more disgusted by the fact that it did end up happening and it wasn't just some sick joke, it wasn't. The fact that someone tried to force him into something he didn't want to do was wrong, completely wrong and she hated seeing the fact that someone she knew had to go through it. 

The door closed behind him making a sort of quiet sound Katelyn grabbed his wrist and quickly led him out of the shop she sighed once she the unstable form of her friend. "Are you alright, do you have everything you need? Because I think it's best if you leave, I'm sure your boss will understand, she better understand." He nodded. "My apron needs to be hung back up but that's it," Travis answered. "Then give me your apron, I'll deal with it. I'll deal with everything," Katelyn said and Travis shook his head. "Katelyn you can't! This is my job I have to do it myself-"

"No. You can't, Travis please, you've been through enough I just want you to stop being so stressed for once and let me help you, I promise I won't do anything rash; just give me your apron and I'll do the rest." Katelyn promised. Travis reluctantly nodded and gave her his apron. 

"Sure, just... Where do I go if Michi tries to go after me?"

She pointed to the shop across from the one they were at, Nara's Art Klub. "Kawaii~Chan has a friend that works there, you'll be safe there it's full of nice people," Katelyn informed and Travis nodded. "If anything happens then go there and tell me, alright?" "I got it,"

"Alright then, I'll do the rest just wait for me here or at Nara's Art Klub, I hang up your apron and deal with your boss just be careful"

"I'll be careful,"

. . . Later On with Nate . . . 

Nate walked to the bar of the beach sitting down and watching the people in the water arms crossed over his chest as he watched just in case something happened. The beach was crowded, busy as it usually was, the sand almost hot, a nice cold breeze sometimes crossing the beach once and a while. You didn't need a jacket but you could bring one, it was nice.

Eventually, he heard a familiar voice he turned his head to see Guy waving him over, he smiled. He got up from his seat and walked over towards him. "Nice to see you again-" He looked over his shoulder to see a Meif'wa with purple hair and green eyes in a scandally-clad bikini, he sometimes wished outfits like that never sturred a reaction in him sometimes. "-Guy... Who's that?" Nate asked and Guy only smiled at him.

"It's my new friend Michi! She wants a tour of a beach and I agreed I'll gladly give her a Guy~ed!" Guy beamed the girl only let out a small laugh. "Yeah, my name is Michi, who's this cutie Guy?" Michi asked. "Ah, that's Nate, he's the lifeguard, a really nice one in fact! He's saved a lot of people here," Guy smiled, Nate gave the girl a nervous smile. "Yeah, I have, it's just my job, and I enjoy it." 

"Sooo, that's nice," She walked around to the side of Guy. "So Guy, are you doing anything today? Like after your job and-"

"He's doing his job, don't bother him unless you want a guide around the beach or something like that. Wait until he finishes work or something like that."

"Well, if you paid attention earlier he is taking me in a tour around the beach, maybe you should ask that before you assume."


"Well, I just wanna have a good time and Guy seems to be walking me around the beach and showing me where to go if something happens or if I need something." Michi grinned with a sly look on her face. "Soooo if you mind us, he'll be showing me around and you'll be making sure that person doesn't drown!" She pointed behind him a grin on her face. 

He turned around a look of shock on his face, he looked around to see no one there, he looked back at her. "Hey, no one's drown- Eh!" He turned back around and took a step back, the shocked look still on his face 'Who lies about someone drowning and wait- what the hell is she doing to Guy?! Right in front of his boyfriend, why is my life like this?! Why is my life filled with drama?!' Her arm around his waist moving to place her head on his shoulder. He moved away from her. "Sorry I have a boyfriend," He muttered and Michi just stopped in her steps. 

"Oh... I-I don't like or date gay boys..." She looked to Nate. "So how abou-" 

"I'm his boyfriend," She stopped in her tracks and looked to Guy and then to Nate, back and forth for a few moments her mouth slightly agape. "Mind fuck much?" Nate smiled at her and nodded. "Fuck this, every possibly hot guy is gay..." And with that, she stomped away. Nate chuckled. "Brat much? She can't even accept people for who they are," Guy nodded. "Well, I gotta go Guy~ed some people about the beach and what we have here," Nate smiled at him. "Ahh... Puns, I miss those..."

"Yep! See you later tonight Nate!" He waved to him goodbye and began to run to the other side of the beach a smile on his face. He waved back to him. "See you later tonight,"

"Tonight... When I find out everything that happened..."

. . .

Aesthetic by me it can be seen in other books of mine.

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