| 5 | Hold Up Cowboy

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Playlist: Skyper - The Flight (Why Love Me? Meme Song)

. . .

| Kawaii |


I know where you live


not creepy at all

I'm locking all my windows and doors tonight

hiding all my wine


I mean where you work

wait does lil ole' cowboy not lock his windows and doors and drinks wine too?

that's fancy


yes I lock my windows and doors, you'd have to be stupid not to.

and yes I drink wine, mostly because I can't drink alcohol because of my stupid asthma, but I still have to drink specific wine too so yeah. asthma sucks, you don't want it trust me on that

but besides that where do you work exactly?


Alice's Ink Machine, it's a tattoo place

i actually got a tattoo from there. me and Katelyn both work there, it's three stores down Nara's Art Klub.

the place you work at


if you wanna get a tattoo come to this shop so I can get money


turns out the whole reason you wanted to get my number is so you can advertise your shop. Is this some kind of new advertise bargaining? Because I wanna join


lmao I wish

This job kinda sucks with all the guys that come to flirt with me but I usually turn them down


surprisingly same

they always leave bad reviews but Nara calls em' out and makes them delete their review

i don't know how she does it but she does.


lol I wish

Alice is cool and all but she just calls them out and leaves it at that

besides, they probably flirt on you because of how nice your ass is


lol 😊 probably

so what are you doing right now?



but gotta get off my phone brb



see you later

. . .

Zane smiled his face a light red from the embarrassment of the stupid 'ass' joke she keeps making. He looked up only to see a surprising face, amber eyes, cat ears, bubblegum pink hair, and an all-out pink look to her; is this the gonna be the start to some romance comedy anime?

He jumped back in his seat falling off of it, Kawaii-Chan peered over the counter and looked at him. "Is Zane~Kun alright?" He sighed and shook his head, and then he started to get up. "Does Zane~Kun need a kiss to make it better?" She asked cocking her head to the side.

Zane stood up amd held his hand out towards her in a stopping motion. "Hold up cowboy, calm down I'm working right now if you want to talk we can talk when I'm on break."

Kawaii-Chan sighed her ears lowering with her tail swinging low. "But Kawaii-Chan wants to talk to someone who ships people like her." Her lips curved into a crescent pouting at him trying to convince him to hang out with her. He looked at her deadpan stare. "Look, I can't I have work, I need to make money to survive and so do you." He backed up and sat on his stool. "If you want something to ship, go ship Guy and Nate, they have something between them, besides I saw Nate go to the flower shop earlier today, something's probably going on between them," Zane tipped off.

A few miles down the road, there was a beach that both Guy and Nate worked at. Nate was a lifeguard while Guy was a helper at the said beach, he did multiple things around the beach, as a sort of helper at t but still got paid.

Kawaii-Chan's eye's sparkled like a kid getting the gift they always wanted. She jumped up and down with a huge grin on her face, ears straight up tailing swinging side to side. "I can't belieeveee it! I've been waiting for something to happen between those two and now it finally is!" He smiled under his mask. "Well, you better go and see what's going on then..." She nodded and skipped out of the shop, his eyes widened with a sudden realization. "W-wait Kawaii-Chan! How are you going to get there?!"

She giggled and peeked from the side of the door. "Kawaii-Chan has a car~ Zane-Kun probably doesn't~" She sung in a taunting voice, Zane frowned eyebrows furrowing. "Hey! Bikes are fine at least their not that expensive as cars! Besides you have a job too!" Kawaii-Chan smiled. "Kawaii-Chan gets off early cowboy, see you later~" And with that, she skipped off.

Zane crossed his arms and huffed. "I'm not a cowboy!... I left that long behind since I was a kid..."

. . .

Kawaii-Chan arrived at the beach with expectations high in normal clothes only to learn that the flowers were for Guy... Because he was sick at his apartment, betrayal... Well not really he did say he was getting flowers for him...

"How dare he lie to me like that..." She crossed her arms. "His time's ticking it'll be very soon till I hear those words come out of his mouth." Her lips curved. "Soon cowboy... Soon...."

| Future Bf/Guy |

Future Bf/Guy:

hold on someone's at my door



did you get me these flowers?!



Future Bf/Guy:

Awww thank you!

Where did you get them??? They must have so much

now I wanna get you some now :(


awww now your making me feel bad

don't worry about it, just worry about getting better

Future Bf/Guy:

but it must have cost so much though


it cost nothing

but I'm about to have to go back to work but can you try to get better for me?

Future Bf/Guy:

I'll try to get better for you Nate :)


thank you

I worry about your health with sometimes and how much you ignore your health

Future Bf/Guy:

Awww! Thank you for worrying about me!


Seriously though you need to know when to take a break, I know you love your job but you were really sick today and were on the brink of exhaustion or even getting worse. You need to chill out with work dude, if you keep doing this you'll end up in the hospital, you're lucky it wasn't any worse then when the boss found you. What are you going to do when you end up the hospital Guy?

Future Bf/Guy:

I'll try


No, you'll promise

promise me that you will

Future Bf/Guy:

I promise I'll be more concerned about my health


You better

now I have to go back to my job and I expect to see you back here tomorrow alright?

Future Bf/Guy:

alright I'll try

. . .


Are you not at work today?

Future Bf/Guy:

I'm about to be there, I decided to walk and something happened so I'm going to be late! 😓


how long?

Future Bf/Guy:


3 miles


dude that's an hour!

do I need to do and pick you up?

Future Bf/Guy:


okay finneeee.


Where are you?

Future Bf/Guy:

3 miles on the main road to the beach



stay safe I'll be there as soon as possible

. . . A Few Days Later . . .

Kawaii~Chan | Call | Zane Ro'Meave

"Hey there,"

"Hey, Zane~Kun! Can I ask you a few questions maybe?..."

"Oh... Sure... So, um- what kind of questions?"

"Ah... Kawaii~Chan really shouldn't have started out a conversation with that shouldn't she?"

"Yep... But ask whatever you need to Kawaii~Chan,"

"Aphmau~Senapi was wondering if you could maybe come drinking with, me, Katelyn~Sama, and Aphmau~Senpai today? So we could get to know eachother more, and see if we hate eachother or not? Like at around 9:30 or 10 at Carl's Club?"

"Sure but can I bring Aaron along too?"

"Why does Zane~Kun want to bring Aaron~Kun along?"

"Many reasons, besides wouldn't this be good for... Whatever you call it?"

"Aarmau! My shiiiipppppp~"

"Let me see if I can get him to come over, I'll text you back when I do; alright Kawaii~Chan?"

"Alright, Zane~Kun. Talk to you later!"

| Aron |


Hey Aron wanna go get drunk with Katelyn, Kawaii-Chan, and Aphmau


You mean me Katelyn, Kawaii-Chan, and Aphmau get drunk while you sit it out like usual?




Just remember to bring your inhaler this time; got it?

We don't need another incident like the last one.


Alright, MOM.



what's the time?


about 9-10 at Carl's Club.

your driving like usual?


no way I'm riding on a bike with you


if it was Aphmau you would


aww shut up! 

when do you want me to go pick you up?


around 8:30

alright gotta go


see you later

| Kawaii |


we'll be there

see you soon Kawaii~Chan

A/N: . . .

Zane, she'd be a cowgirl.

Oh yeah if you're looking for more content like this go check my book called "Make Me Come Alive". :p

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