| 6 | Nobody's Tryin' To Hurt You

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Playlist: AViVA - GRRRLS (VØLV Remix)

. . .

| Mr. Perfect |

Little Bro:




Mr. Perfect:



what's happening? why do you need outfit advice? calm down.

spill the tea

Little Bro:

I'm going out with some friends of mine

I wanna look good, how should I look?

Mr. Perfect:

what wait-

you have friends

what look are you going for Little Bro?

like how do you specifically wanna look?

Little Bro:

should I go more cowboyish or more mysterious? Like mask but no scarf? flannel short-sleeved shirt?

Like she keeps on commenting on my ass and how it's nice and maybe I should show that off?

Mr. Perfect:

Proof or no go

but I think you should go less mysterious

Little Bro:

Mr. Perfect:


definitely show off your ass it's your best feature, and she seems to like it too

leggings or tight jeans are your best bet. Those jeans we got a year ago or maybe those leggings

wear them along with that flannel short sleeve shirt

Little Bro:


okay... Anything else?

Mr. Perfect:

who's driving you wherever your going

Little Bro:



going change into my outfit

Mr. Perfect:


Little Bro:

hol up Aaron's here I gotta go

wish me luck

Mr. Perfect:

I wish you fuck


. . .

Zane looked up from his phone and turned it off, he put it in his bag and breathed in a deep breath.

'Breathe in...'

'Breathe out...'

'Make sure you have everything in your bag,' He looked opened his bag and made a mental list of everything he needed. 'Inhaler... Check. Phone, duh. Earphones... Check... ID Card...  Check... House Keys... Check... Everything, in check.' Zane thought, he looked over to the door as he heard more knocking; he shook his head and slung the bag over his shoulder. He walked over the front door but looked back at his house one last time. 'Is this really what I wanna do?' He shook away the thoughts and flicked the lights off. He unlocked his door and opened it to see Aaron waiting in front of the door.

He stood there with a grin, hair in its usual style, he wore a gray tank top with a red jacket hoodie covering it mostly but no sleeves there, jeans, and black shoes. He let out a light chuckle. "What took you so long? I thought I'd have to come in there and get you myself," Zane huffed and pushed Aaron out of the way so he could leave his house and locked the door behind him. "Not sorry about that," He locks the door and shoves the key in his bag. "Now let's go," He turned around and walked down the steps of his house with Aaron following behind.

"No hi or anything? I thought you'd be happier to see me," Zane shrugged and stood in front of Aaron's car. "I'd be happier if you unlocked your car especially when you know that you won't have to wait that long." Aaron pulled out his car keys and unlocked the car. "Gotta be safe just in case. You'll never know who's around the corner ready to hurt you,"

"Really? You're just being stupidly overprotective of your things."

"Just wait, Zane... Wait until someone tries to mug or rob you then you'll know why I'm so overprotective."

"Like anyone would want to stab me, let alone you! You have to have guts to try and stab you, Aaron, you literally look like you can beat me up, along with possible everyone else on this damn street."

"Well, what do you expect on MyStreet?"

"I expect someone to change that name, who names their Street, MyStreet? Lover's Lane is a better name of a street, even Love~Love~Paradise is a better name, and that's a resort."

. . .

The waited in line to Carl's Club it was sort of long with what day it was, it was a Saturday. Zane turned towards Aaron ID Card in his hand. "You got your Id Car or driver's license Aaron?" Aaron nodded, they both stayed quiet until they were a few people away from confirming their identity. "So when we go inside are we just going to wait for them or...?" Aaron asked Zane shook his head. "They texted me earlier saying they arrived earlier so they could get a few drinks in before we came over here. So... Yeah, we'll meet them up at their table while I chill out on my phone," Zane answered.

Aaron looked at him deadpanned. "And how exactly do you have friends again?" Zane shrugged. "I dunno, maybe I'm not that antisocial as I appeared to be-" Aaron raised an eyebrow. "You would live on the moon if it meant you wouldn't have to talk to anyone." Zane shrugged. "I guess I would..."

. . . 

| A(aron) Cutie |


so how's my lil bro doing?

A(aron) Cutie:

he's doing good. I've been keeping him away from the drinks along with the dance floor because Irene knows he can't dance. It runs in your family.


i'll pretend you never said that. have you gotten drunk yet?

A(aron) Cutie:

nope. I've never gone drinking that much.


so you never drink.

look at Mr. Perfect over here! he's never once gone out for a drink

A(aron) Cutie:

not actually, I just don't want to set a bad impression for the fans.


what fans?

A(aron) Cutie:

well I do go out drinking, like maybe once or twice a month. If a friend wants to go out or on a special occasion or when my friends invite me out to drink. I like to stay sober in case something bad happens.



so that's why I've never seen you drunk before.

so what's my bro look like?

A(aron) Cutie:





he actually listened to my outfit advice


I am so proud

i'm actually cryin right now

A(aron) Cutie:

i'll leave you to that.

Aphmau is calling me over to



. . .

Zane got up from the group slipping away from them, being unnoticed by the group and sitting next to a raven-haired male at the bar. They struck up a conversation finding things they found alike about each other, getting along well. 

"So what's your name?" Zane asked, raising an eyebrow to the man. "Name's Ein but you can call me Einstein," Zane let out a light heartfelt laugh. "Ego much?" Ein shook his head with a grin on his face. "Could say the same to you." They both laughed at the comment. "So you like shots much?"

"I like to firm em' but in reality, I've never had one," Zane joked, Ein raised an eyebrow in interest. "Ohh hoho! Did you play with guns? Well, what should have I expected with an emo boy like you." Ein grinned. "I like that,"

"Not that much honestly, I've fired a few guns once in my life mostly because I was brought along but I try." Ein smiled. "I like people who try," Ein looked at the bartender and signaled them to come over, they walked over to the two boys. "Do you need something Ein?" Ein nodded. "Two shots of whiskey, the regular thing." A concerned look on Zane's face formed. "But I-" Ein slapped Zane's back, stopping him from talking.

"But he'd loved to have another one after that, keep em' coming..." The bartender nodded and sent two shots of whiskeys their way Ein drank it as if he was nothing while Zane just looked at it wearily. "Ein... I can't drink that, my... My asthma...." Ein frowned. "C'mon you don't wanna stay that same freak you were in the high-school right? If you do this you can be accepted, people will wanna hang out with you? I thought you were cool man?" Zane shook his head. "I'm not so sure, but... I always wanted to have more than one or two friends...."

Ein grinned at him. "Then all you have to do is drink it, then I promise you I'll help you get more friends and be cooler, how about that Zaney?" Zane tried to get out of his seat but Ein stopped him by grabbing his shirt. "I thought you wanted people to like you, but I guess you're too scared." He let go of his shirt and called for another round of shots, Zane looked to his group and sighed; he sat back down. Ein glanced at him. "So you decided to, eh? Good choice..."Ein looked down at his drink as he downed it

Zane nervously gulped and took the drink in his hands moving his mask out of the way, Ein nudged him. "C'mon buddy just drink it," Zane nodded downed holding himself back from coughing it back up, it burning the back of his throat as it went down. The conversation became quiet as neither of them spoke,  Ein down a shot every few minutes, Zane drinking one after a long while.

"But hey," Ein looks up at him. "I like the thing you did with your hair... It's cool," Ein gave him a small smile. "Thanks, I decided to do it myself. Though, ever since I got it I seemed to get bad luck. Cursed, some would say." He heartfully laughs at the statement. "What are you doing here tonight?" Ein questioned only getting a shrug in response. "Running away from my problems mostly, didn't feel like talking to the group I was in."

"Oh, is that so? Well, you better start running away cause I seem to bring them wherever I go," Zane nervously smiled under his mask and looked away. "Yeah... I can see..." He murmured. He got up after a few drinks about 3 on the edge of being tipsy and flat out drunk, Ein stopped him a shoved a piece of paper in his bag, Zane looked at him confused. "It's my number, call if you wanna have a good time," And with that, he went over and called over more drinks.

Zane walked over to the table he was previously at sitting down next to Aaron who eyed him. Once the girls started talking to each other busy in their own conversation Aaron pulled him aside. 

"Zane! Where have you been, I thought you got kidnapped! How would I explain to your brother and mom I let you get kidnapped!?" Zane rolled his eyes.

"I didn't get kidnapped Aaron, who do you think I am?" 

"Someone who could literally never carries pepper spray even after saying he'd start carrying it around."

"Besides that, I'm fine I was just..."

"Just what?..."

"Just drinking some whiskey with a friend?..."



"You idiot! I told not to do that, you know what happens, we gotta get you back home before... SHIT-"


. . .

| Voicemail |

"So... Hey... Um, if you're listening Kawaii-Chan just wants to say that's she's sorry for how we all acted tonight and possibly pressuring you into doing something you didn't want to. I... Can't remember most of what happened to fight but...We all didn't know that if you drank your Asthma would act up and you'd have a bad reaction and stuff. Aaron messaged me and told us that he'd be taking an Uber with you while you go home... I'm pretty sure he didn't drink that much soooo- I'll be letting him take care of you..."

"So- I'm sorry about Katelyn and that I might have messed you up badly. You probably don't wanna see me so I'm going to leave you alone for a bit. Please... Get better, I wanna see you at the Mall next week alright?... I'm worried about you."

| Future Bf/Guy |


I didn't see you at the bar.

Did something happen?

Can I call you?

Future Bf/Guy:


Guy | Call | Nate

"Guy, you there?"

"Yeah, but I have something to tell you..."

"You can tell me whatever you want to Guy,"

"Look... I didn't want to ditch you and I didn't mean to I just saw him and I couldn't really... I just called an Uber and left, I'm at my apartment now..."

"Who's this 'him' Guy? Do you know him?"

"Look, you remember my Ex? The one that made me leave my job for a few months to go to therapy for?... Yeah him,"

"Dude... Do you mean Ein? I didn't know that... I'm so sorry Guy..."

"No, you don't need to be sorry at all, it's just... I don't wanna see him again, ever."

"So... Um, you're at your apartment right?"

"Yeah... Why do you wanna know?"

"I was thinking maybe I could come over and be there for you, we could drink out there instead?... Maybe- Look what I'm trying to say is that can I come over to your apartment and cuddle with you and make you feel like there's nothing to worry about?..."


"Too much?..."

"No... I think I'd like that, you think you could be there soon?"

"Sure, I'll be there as fast as I can, alright?"

"Alright. I'll see you later,"

. . .

A/N: . . .

I don't encourage drinking.

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