| 7 | You Just Do It To Yourself

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Playlist:  alone in a room full of painful thoughts

A/N: Hold up Cowboy, nobody's tryin' to hurt you; you just do it to yourself.

. . .

Currently, Nate was riding in his car, Guy's address put into his GPS. Nate sighed as he looked at his GPS. 'Just a few more miles... A few more miles until I can see him and make sure he's alright; I just wanna be a good friend...' He turned reached towards radio and turned it into his favorite station, and a song he enjoyed so much played at the worst time possible.

I've been feeling so small,

The song brought back memories he never wanted, on how he felt about the entire situation when it took place, he could barely do anything but watch the other suffer. Their relationship was toxic, even he could see that; he wanted to help him get away from it but they barely even knew each other. He remembered that day Guy was in the break room crying his eyes out, he tried to comfort him but was only pushed away further when Guy went on paid leave assigned by their boss.

Watch the clock ticking off the wall,

When Guy first left Nate had gotten used to watching the seconds go by on the clock but eventually, he left it alone and stopped checking back on his texts messages with the hope he'd text him back. He needed his space and Nate went to respect that; he couldn't describe how happy he was to see Guy back in his normal state. And with that, he made a promise to protect him from Ein.

He failed that.

But tonight I'm letting it go,

He was letting nothing go if he could go and see him and find Ein he'd beat him to a pulp. No one deserved the kind of treatment Guy got, he was a despicable person; he wished he'd just leave them all alone once and for all. 

Spend my coin for su-

Nate turned off the radio eyebrows furrowing by the music as he tightly gripped the steering wheel, frustrated with the whole situation. A car served in front of him, he honked the horn of his car at the car, the car swerved slightly by the honk of the horn. Nate sighed. "A drunky on the road again... Why won't they ever learn...." Nate tried to move off the road on the next turn but was stopped once the person in front of him and he crashed into the back of the car. His mind spun as the airbag was shoved into his face. Sirens blared in the distance as he could hear his heart pounding in his ears.

He should have tried protecting himself first...

I'm gonna skip my breaks,

I'm gonna make mistakes,

I just wanna feel alive. . . 

. . .

Zane gasped as he grabbed at his throat coughing, Aaron's mind raced as he tried to put everything in his mind together, what to do, how to help, who to call; everything a mess. He looked back at Zane worried. "Remember, you have your inhaler in your bag right?" Zane looked at him once his coughing fit was over and slowly nodded. Aaron looked back at the road. "Then please use that Zane, I can't help you while I'm driving and it's too risky to pull over and we're almost at your house so try to stay as awake as you can" Aaron informed.

Zane went to open his bag and took out his inhaler until he broke out into another wheezing fit. Sooner or later they got the situation under control; Zane left alone in his room with a water bottle and his inhaler just in case he needed it again if he woke up from his sleep by his side, and Aaron staying in his living room just in case. Aaron looked for the remote and turned on the channel. He flipped through the channel's until he ended up on the NEWS channel with something catching his attention.

"Breaking News!"

"A car wreck on 10th Street caused due to a drunk driver if either of them survived is currently unknown."

Aaron looked at the TV wide-eyed. "That's... Near Carl's Club, did Aphmau, Katelyn, and Kawaii~Chan... No, they couldn't have done that..." Aaron stared at the TV dumbfounded. "I can't date that..."

"| 1.04 | Currently Nate Unknown and a drunk driver going by the name of Kara Ashida got into a car crash on 10th Street. Currently Nate Unknown refused to get service claiming he is fine while Kara Ashida was quickly rushed to the hospital due the injury to her head; the current status of the patient that refuses to get service is unknown but he seems fine from looks. 

We will update you as this story continues, but for now, we will ask those around us to tell us on that exactly they saw what happened..."

Aaron turned off the TV and sat back in his seat trying to understand everything that was going on. 

"Why is everything seemingly going wrong today? Why can't everything just go right for once?!" He sighed. "Why does life have to be such a pain in the ass recently, why can't we all just have fun?!" He frowned. "Why can't everything go as planned?..."

. . . 

| Natey |

Future Bf/Guy:


Are you there?

It's been an hour and you haven't come here yet.


Are you okay?!

What happened!?

I saw the news and I'm scared for you

Please promise me you'll be okay.

I want you to be okay

you promised me you'd be okay too.

we made that pact to protect ourselves


get back to me as fast as you can



I'm fine.

just a few scrapes but I've gotten out alright.

can I still come over to your place tho?

I might need to get a new car but walking seems fine until I get one

Future Bf/Nate: 



you can come over I really need to see you right now


I will

I'll walk there so it might take longer

are you okay with that

Future Bf/Guy:

just call an uber!



alright alright-

I'll call an uber

Future Bf/Guy:

thank you!


alright, he uber is on its way. see you soon

. . .

A/N: Maybe you should learn your lesson the first time.

P.S. Don't drink and drive you, idiot! Call a friend or an Uber!

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