Chapter 2 - catching a cold/an angered brother

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Tails was at his workshop minding his own business when he heard a rapid knock on the door. Tails went to the door and saw it was a worried Knuckles holding Sonic who wasn't looking too good....shocked Tails open the door and said, wh...what happened to him? Knuckles said as he held Sonic in his arms, I....I don't know....he was really upset, he kept on saying we didn't care but.... Tails didn't have time for baffling he just cut it short and said, okay...okay...come on in and lay him down.... Knuckles thought in a very worried tone, oh man this is real bad if Manic finds out about this he will not only kill me but will take Sonic back to mobotropolis permanently and if that happens Sonic will forget all about being a leader of his own team, he'll forget about having four friends, he'll forget about living here, & importantly he'll forget about....*gasp* he will forget about me... what should I do? Tails was finished cleaning some of the mud off the blue hedgehog but most of it was still visible...Knuckles was really worried as if things couldn't get any worse... already had.... there was very harsh knocking at the door and very loud sirens screaming loud... Knuckles already knew what that meant as he thought, oh no....I am in much trouble. Tails got startled as some unfamiliar yells yelled out, THIS IS THE POLICE!! YOU BETTER OPEN UP OR WILL USE FORCE! Sonic who was still lying on the ground thought with tears, the mobotropolis-police?...what are they?....oh.... Tails didn't want to answer the door because at first he thought it was a trick..... Knuckles said with a scared tone, TAILS DON'T JUST STAND THERE OPEN THE DOOR!! Tails shook his head and said, no are you nuts it could be a trap from..... before he could say much the door was forced open and dozens of FBI-style police officers came rushing in as a couple of them pinned Tails and Knuckles to the floor. A one officer said with a female voice, we've got a warrant to search here...EVERYBODY OUTSIDE!! The police escorted the two guys outside as the echidna was met with an angered green hedgehog who wore the same thing as Sonic but the scarf was dark red as his vest and had two tennis-shoes. Knuckles put on a nervous smiled and said, oh Manic....hehehe...didn't expect to see you here.... Manic was not amused he crossed his arms as the cop for cop on his knees.. Manic said in a unamused tone, alright muscles for brains where is he?  Knuckles lied nervously, wh...where is who? Manic growled knowing that he is ticked.... when a police officer yelled helping a very ill Sonic (who was really wobbly, covered in a blanket, trying to remain awake, and shaking violently), HEY MANIC!! YOUR NOT GONNA LIKE THIS!! Manics eyes widened in shock to see his baby brother ill, dirty, bruised, and completely terrified. The green hedgehog turns to the red echidna and said in anger as he hits him in the head, YOU IDIOT WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?! Knuckles said, OW....what did you do that fo...*looks over to Sonic*....oh you mean Sonic...ehehehehe...*Manic rolls his eyes*...he uhh...was running in the rain... Manic hit him in the head and said sarcastically, oh sure and I supposed that's why I got a call from my buddy Boomer Kenzie saying that....HE SAW YOU CARRYING MY BABY BROTHER WHEN HE WAS IN VERY BAD CONDITION!! Knuckles yelled, WHAT?! *turns to Boomer who was embarrassed*...I CAN'T BELIEVE IT!!! YOU TOLD HIM!! Boomer said, I'm sorry Knuckles....but Manics my best friend and I can't betray him.... the police officer yelled out, WHAT DO YOU WANT ME TO DO?! Manic yelled back, JUST ESCORT MY BROTHER TO THE HELICOPTER ALRIGHT?! I'LL BE RIGHT THERE! the police officer nodded and then escorted the blue hedgehog to the helicopter. Manic turned to the red echidna, shook his head in disappointment, and said, what good are you if you all do nothing but make a fuss over the tiniest of things.....obviously I don't think this village is ready for the protection of city boys or girls....dude I told Shawn it was a bad idea to send my little brother to live here...... Knuckles said, wa...wait a minute I can explain.... Manic didn't want to hear it anymore he said as he turned around, I am not listening to anymore of your excuses man.... if you would just defend him instead of going against him dude we wouldn't have these problems....but on this didn't just cross the line you stomped on Sonic along with it... Knuckles tried to explain but was cut off by Manic walking away.... Knuckles said, wait can't Sonic at least come back once a month? Manic turned and said, man you really don't get it do you stupid?...I gained full custody over Sonic and if the forms are complete Sonic is going to stay in mobotropolis....& you all will never see him again. Knuckles broke down into tears and whispered, can't do this..what will I do without him? Manic ignored the echidna and walked towards the helicopter where Sonic is....while other officers walked into their helicopters and flew off into the sky....Knuckles watched his long-time crush flew away right in front of his eyes...he fell on his knees and cried as he whispered, no....why...he can't take Sonic from me...HE JUST CAN'T! Tails who was confused about what he had experienced and turned to boomer as he said in a confused tone, uhhh...what just happened? Boomer explained, well you guys got your butts restrained by cops that were from a city, Knuckles got busted and scolded by a hedgehog that looks and dresses like Sonic but green and spikes on his forehead not to mention he had a red vest, he's also my best friend and partner since elementary school and he's also Sonics older twin brother & we saw Sonic get escorted in a helicopter and took him to a hospital. Tails said, that's a lot to take in when you say it all at once. Boomer said, oh man I know right.

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