Chapter 3 - hospitaliezed for a week

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This chapter involves a certain city but in a different kinda background (not like bamboo and stuff) but kinda like a future-style could just imagine how amazing it is. This involves some brotherly love.

*beep* *beep* *beep* *beep* *beep*

Sonics eyes began to open slowly as he thought, wh..where am I? He looked around as he remembered everything that had happened....he found himself in a hospital as he thought, oh yeah....I forgot....I've been escorted back to mobotropolis by the police......I think Manic was so angry right about now...I swear he is so overly protective....but it is who he is and I had to accept really was a bad idea to send me to live there.....they even overreacted the tiniest of things..... Sonic heard two familiar girls he knew when he was in middle school saying a lot of bad things that he can agree said, all that fuss because he told him he's just a guy and called them people?...That is just the stupidest overreaction I ever heard of....he was only trying to protect them and what do they do?....they just go lying about him GGGRRRR!!! "So much better than the rest of us" MY BUTT! Sonic didn't mean any fact he didn't do any harm beside Sonic would never even think of such a thing even if he tried to satisfied those so-called people they just do nothing but blame him....but their the ones who are acting like bullies to him....I swear they are so selfish and sloppy to him. The second voice said, I know...I overheard they didn't even try to help him in fact I heard they forced him to do stuff he didn't want to do....these villagers don't even know how to treat city people like Manic, Sonic, me, you, or everyone else... Sonic clearly recognize them as one of the two girls who was a bright pink cat with white stripe patterns on her face in a nurses uniform walked in and said, oh Sonic thank goddess your okay? Sonic answered, oh...hey...Christina & yeah...but...not have you been? Christina answered with a mournful frown, I can't say I'm the same way...*she sits right next to the ill blue hedgehog* Christina said in a sad and sincere tone, I'm terribly sorry about your sister and your mother... Sonic felt guilty as he said, hey don't worry about's was too painful when I found out..... Christina walked outta the room for a minute and another one of the two girls who was a dark violet skunk with her hair in pigtails, a black hair-beret with a ruby in the middle wearing silver top, jeans, and heels. She said, well...long-time no see speedster... Sonic said, oh hey's been a while.... Selena was chipper for a few seconds before frowning and sitting where Christina was and said, *tried to act chipper* so I...see ya managed to come back to mobotropolis in one piece.... She was trying to act like the most chipper of all but she knew Sonic is not fooled easily..... the blue hedgehog asked, are you feeling alright Selena....? It's Olivia isn't it? Or it bothers you that I'm back... Selena shook her head no and said, no I'm glad that back....& it isn't Olivia...this time...she's doing well....*she hesitated but had to tell him*...well since we have some catching up to do I guess I can let ya in on a little detail about Christina.... Sonic asked, wh..what about Christina? Selena explained, well you see when your mother and sister were killed in an accident it hit her a little close to her situation... Sonic asked, what do you mean Selena? Selena answered, well a few weeks after you left her father died in an accident too. Sonic was shocked to never hear about what happened while he was away..... Christina who heard the whole thing said, Selena you said you weren't going to tell anyone... Selena said, Sonics the only one who hasn't heard of it I had no choice.... Selena walked outta the room Christina turned to the ill hedgehog. Sonic said as he cough, I'm so sorry Chrissy...I didn't really hear about it...I didn't know it really hit you that hard.... Christina felt bad and said as she sat next him again, you don't haft to apologize Sonic it wasn't your fault....besides you were only trying to know why was I upset. Sonic just sat there for a moment staring at the ceiling. Christina said, okay anyway.....your going to be in the hospital for a week if you don't mind. Sonic whispered, well...I feel very weak....oh by the way....when did you started becoming a nurse Chrissy? Christina said, you mean Selena didn't tell you that part....*Sonic shook his head*...well you know how you said I was always interested in biology and physical stuff? *Sonic nodded as he recalled that day in middle school ( a 12 year old Sonic was walking with an 11 year old Christina who was looking at a biology book.... Sonic said as he looked at the biology book, man your really into this biology and physical stuff aren't ya Chrissy? Christina said, yeah I am. The two smiled and laughed together as they walked into class)* after I finished middle school my mom decided to home school me in a medical style way....who could've guess she was a retired medical school teacher? Sonic asked, am I going to be okay? Christina answered with a small smile, well yeah....your lucky it wasn't a major cold...that would've been bad....but anyway you sustained some minor bruises so you might wanna take it easy okay.... Sonic asked, if I had to ask...where's my brother? Christina answered, he's in the lobby....want me to let him know your awake?..... Sonic nodded... Christina walked away once more but stopped and said as she turned with a small smile, oh yeah...welcome back Sonic..... Sonic whispered, thanks Chrissy..... Christina cheerfully giggled as she walked out. Meanwhile Manic was in the lobby walking back and forth worrying about his younger brother.... he was waiting in the lobby until the nurse came in and said, Manic he's awake you can see him now... Manic said in a relief, oh thank goddess.....I knew Sonic was going to make it threw this..... Manic walked outta the lobby and into the room where Sonic is.... he sees Sonic a bit dazed until he saw Manic and whispered, oh....hi...big brother..... Manic walked towards him and sat next to him.... he grabbed his hand gently and felt it shivering violently as Sonic squeezed them back.... Sonic whispered with tears falling down, oh....Manic...I....I missed very much.... Manic whispered in a sad tone, I missed you too Sonic...*started to cry himself*....I...I missed much too....

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