Chapter 4 - Knuckles in sadness and anger

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it's been five in a half days since Sonic went back to mobotropolis but Knuckles is the only one who misses him really bad. Knuckles was at what was once Sonics house but is soon going to be just an empty beach shack. He was sitting on the floor while moping. Knuckles thought, what am I going to do? If Sonic goes back to his hometown permanently.....I can't tell him that I had a crush on him......unfortunately I keep getting reminded of the consequences whenever I don't defend Manic is extremely mad.... if he goes back..... what's left for me to go back to Angel Island.....*sigh in sadness*.... Knuckles really needed to think of something and fast before it's too late..... Knuckles noticed Sonics communicator on the table and picked it up as he whispered, looks like Sonic left his communicator behind...guess he didn't wanna take it with him..... Knuckles communicator just was Amy.... she said threw the communicator, Knuckles enemy attack in the village.... Knuckles said in a mopey tone, I'm not in the mood to fight.... tears began to fall as he kept thinking of Sonic...he couldn't get him out of his mind.....even that time when he helped him clear his name <flashback> I don't wanna lose you your a valuable member of team Knuckles. <Flashback ends> Knuckles was sobbing his name as apologizing over and over....he kept weeping..... he stood up slowly and walked outta the shack....he looked to see several robots and a certain evil doctor laughing annoying-like in front of him..... rage took over Knuckles as he thought of what happened to Sonic.....he would never forgive this joker again.... Knuckles destroyed all the robots and pushed the evil-scientist on the ground..... Knuckles had a really cold look than his usual emotions whether when he was in battle or in public.... Knuckles said coldly as he was ready to beat him brutally, you can play your little can try to tare this village apart....but when you tease, hurt, and mess with the one that I love so very much.....I WILL CRUSH YOUR STUPID LOOKING HEAD!! He started beating the evil-scientist into a pulp and didn't stop... he started shouting, YOU DID THIS!! YOU RUINED ME!! I WILL NEVER FORGIVE YOU FOR THIS IF I LOOSE HIM FOREVER ITS YOUR FAULT!!! YOU NEVER LEARN EVEN ONE FREAKING THING DO YOU!? THATS IT I SHOULDA LET THAT STUPID COW-BOT BLAST YOU TO SMITHERINGS A LONG TIME AGO BUT ITS LOOKS LIKE I AM GOING TO POUND YOU TO OBLIVION!! then Tails and Boomer grabbed Knuckles as Tails yelled, KNUCKLES WHAT ARE YOU DOING?! HAVE YOU LOST YOUR MIND STOP!! Knuckles said as they saw their enemy run away like the coward he really is, LET ME GO! YOU GET BACK HERE YOU COWARD I AM NOT DONE WITH YOU YET!! *tears pulled down Knuckles face as he felt angry and sad at the same time* I WILL DESTROY YOU AND WHEN I DO I WILL MAKE SURE YOU WILL YOU SUFFER THE MOST AGONIZING PAIN OF YOUR LIFE!!! ITS YOUR FAULT! ITS YOUR FAULT! IT ALL YOUR FAULT!! Knuckles breath heavily as his angered eyes looked at the horizon.... the two geniuses let Knuckles arms go as they looked at him. Boomer turn to Tails and whispered, dude have you seen him act this way before? Tails shook his head and whispered back, no....I never seen Knuckles beat up anybody brutally outta anger like that before. They walked a few inches from him and continued talking. Boomer said, well whatever his problem is he really was scary he acted like Shawn after being waked up in mornings in fact I haven't seen anyone snap like that since the very last time me, Manic, and Shawn were together. Tails said, well anyway....he was scary that is a good point...but what coulda set him off like that? Boomer did he had enough of being picked on for being the dumb one? Boomer said as he shook his head, I don't think so....he was shouting while he was to busy in beatings-town so loud that we can hear him from the village.... the two geniuses looked at the echidna and sigh..... they walked off as Boomer said, Tails what should we do? Tails answered, well looks like the only thing left to do is to see why Knuckles was going crazy... Boomer agreed as the sun sets..... Knuckles who was in so much rage said as he shook his fist in the sand, .....that's not enough....we will be doing the same routine over and over again and again.....I swear by all means....I...WILL....KILL....THAT....YOKED-FOR-BRAIN....ENEMY....AND....END...THIS...BATTLE...ONCE & FOR ALL!!!......and I will do this for you.....Sonic. With that Knuckles stood up and wondered off into the jungle. Boomer and Tails turn to see that Knuckles was gone and they both said in shock knowing what this means, OH NO!!

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