Chapter 5 - Sonics realese/ the shocking news

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Manic was relieved that Sonic was soon recovering from his minor cold and is going to take it easy since his since he sustained some minor bruises......Manic sat down on a bench he thought as he looked at the sky, man I feel relaxed if anything.....I'm glad Sonics feeling better.....when I visited him the day before yesterday and asked him if he's going to rejoin the goth demon-angels once he permanently comes back to mobotropolis....he sounded like as if he's bragging about me....*chuckling* what a goofball.... Manic stood up and walked towards the entrance and to his surprise he sees Sonic walking out slowly trying to take it easy....the blue hedgehog looked like he was about to pass out..... Manic smiled as he ran towards him and hugged his little brother. Manic said, Sonic...I never you.....*he noticed how sleepy Sonics eyes are*.....Sonic are you feeling okay? Sonic said as he tried to keep awake, I am it's just.....I hardly slept last night....every time I wake up I felt like throwing up.... Manic just stood there and said, you must've had an upset stomach.....*Manic looked the other way then looked at Sonic again*....I arranged the funeral to be tomorrow so you didn't miss it.....come on let's go...*Manic picked up Sonic and let his head rest on his shoulder as he walked to their house* three hours later they arrived at the suburban areas of mobotropolis and their house. It was just a plain house nothing more and nothing less....Manic walked inside and placed Sonic on the couch... he turned and called out, HEY FELIX I'M BACK! Black and grey porcupine wearing dark grey clothes came down stairs and mumbled in an irritating tone, about time..... then said as he walked into the living room, well its about time you got bac....*his eyes were widened by surprise as he saw a familiar blue hedgehog sleeping on the couch*....Manic is that your baby brother?....*Manic nodded*....whoa I haven't seen him since....I don't know when he left.....Shawn was a real but picking him to go live in that dumb village.....he not only took a band member away from us but he also took away the soccer teams greatest player.... Manic whispered, sshhh.... yeah yeah I know we'll lecture Shawn about it later but in the mean time could you keep it down my brother hasn't had any sleep.... Felix nodded and whispered as Manic placed a blanket over the sleeping hedgehog, okay sorry...but at least Boomers there to keep an eye out. Then Manics cell phone rang he looked at it to see it was Boomer... Manic said as he walked out of the house, Felix I may have to take this outside I'll be right back..... Manic answers it and said  as he closes the door, yeah what up Booms?....(Boomer: uhhh...bud....I need to tell you's about Knuckles)....yeah what about him...(Boomer: well uhh....during one of our fights with the bald-headed windbag..he went berserk and after the battle..*Boomer started to get real nervous*....Knuckles went crazy and killed him by using a cleaver to cut, chop, and stab him)....HE DID WHAT?!.....(Boomer: look please don't be mad Manic I didn't even know what he was thinking.)'s not you I'm mad it's that stupid echidna I am frustrated at....I wanna speak to that idiot immediately....(Boomer: that's going to be a problem...he's doing time in prison...)...we'll bail him out...(Boomer: I'll try buddy but it's not going to be easy....oh by the way how's Sonic doing?)....he's doing okay he's just needs to take it easy for a while....(Boomer: well that's a relief)....yeah look I gotta go Felix is probably going to scold my tail again....(Boomer: alright Manic talk to you later)...laters.. he hangs up and walks back inside and closes the door. Felix who was not in a good mood right now said, yo going to chat or not.... Manic said, Felix I allowed you to come over to my house if you and your dad can help get Sonia things and moms things to a public auction...this is very obvious.... then they heard a moan behind them. Manic walked in to see Sonic starting to wake up... the blue hedgehog was balling his left eye while sitting up....Manic walked towards him and chuckled as he petted him on the head. But both were not looking forward to tomorrow.

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