Chapter 15 - The truth untold

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Morning was beyond your expectations. Even though, you've woken up next to him for a few times before already, nothing could compare to this moment.
The gentle rays of the sun streamed through the window, playing with your naked bodies.
The smile didn't leave your face, there was a slight flush on your cheeks at the memory of last night.

You turned lazily towards him.
His sweet, sleeping face was the most beautiful sight. If you would start each day like this, life would be easier.
Unruly wisps fell randomly across his forehead. His mouth was slightly parted, he slept like a little badger in winter. You smiled the corner of your mouth at the thought.
The sweetness lying next to you was nothing like Jungkook from a few hours ago.
A shiver ran through your body again. There was no need to hide - you wanted more, you hoped, that you would see this wild side of his again.
Your fingers traced his forearm, all the way to his palm, when he finally laced your fingers together, letting you know that he was awake.
You put your head to the pillow next to him, staring at him like a painting. He opened his eyes lazily and immediately gave you his charming smile.

You were in love. You couldn't defend yourself against it any longer.
So before he could even say good morning to you, you mustered up all your courage.
"I love you."

The words flew out of your mouth so naturally, you just felt that it was meant to be, nothing else should be said now. And when you saw his eyes glazed with happiness, you were more than sure that you didn't need anything more in your life.

"What did I do, to deserve you?" he asked suddenly, surprising you in a way. Because you were actually an average person who, apart from loving him, did nothing more. And yet, in the tone of his voice, you could hear, that he was grateful for even that.
If you knew how much is hidden behind these innocent words, you would have looked at it completely differently.
For him, it was more than a mere relationship. It was his first love, a feeling, that was born suddenly and grew stronger every day. From the infatuation with which he gave you that first evening, everything turned into a bond he did not understand, and which he cherished so much.

While you smiled happy at him, his head was working at full speed.
Remorse and guilt haunted him. He knew, that what happened between you, should have happened much later, when he will finally summon the courage and, just like the man, tell you the truth.
But everything was mixed up. He got carried away and, in love as a teenager, put everything away, hoping that the inevitable could be delayed. Now all he thought about was how he would undo it all, how he would fix what was just starting to break.

"You probably wanted to say what I did, to deserve you? You appeared in my life the same day I returned to my homeland. Everything was like a fresh breeze to me. I was alone and scared. Forced to start with a clean sheet of paper. And you have been with me since the first chapter I started writing, you supported me and gave me a sense of security. You are my gift. "

He was trying to be tough. After these words, it was practically impossible. He felt his eyes fill with tears. They were burning mercilessly.
"Did you enjoy last night?" he asked teasingly, and a blush crept across your cheeks. You nodded your head in agreement. Dirty thoughts inadvertently began to creep in there.

"More than you would expect" you added like a little imp, and he giggled like a little boy.
You finally looked around. This is the first time you were in his bedroom.

Jungkook realized it too, and his heart leapt into his throat. But it was too late to do anything. So no matter what happens now, he'll have to deal with it somehow. His breathing quickened. His nerves prevented him from thinking rationally.
He didn't plan on bringing you to the bedroom, so all his things were in the corners, just not hidden in place. So you could actually find absolutely anything here, and all of his secret might be gone up in smoke in a moment.

Your attention was almost immediately drawn to the shiny clothes that hung on the wardrobe. Elegant but a bit too fancy. The jacket with gold trim shimmered like a fairy dust in the morning sun.
"I've never seen you in something like this," you laughed as you touched the sharp material.
"It's lovely." you added after a while shifting your eyes to the next details.

"Mm. I have a few of these ... you never know when the opportunity arises to wear them." he replied, trying to be calm.
For example, today, at a concert ... he added mentally, fighting with the stress.

"Do you wear jewellery?" you asked, eyes wide in astonishment. You knew he had a piercing, but the rings on the dresser were something new.

He laughed nervously. "You don't know everything about me yet."

You tilted your head funny way. You leaned over him and kissed him. "Hope to find out more then" you added innocently and got up to take a closer look around.

Jungkook just dreamed, that you would no longer pay attention to your surroundings. He tried to distract you, but you laughed everything off and continued to scan the interior with your eyes.
BTS signed albums.

"Wow, Jungkook. My friend would have had a heart attack. She's a huge fan of this group. And you have autographed CDs. Lucky you."

Kook could have sworn his heart stopped for a moment. He heard the name of his band on your lips for the first time. In addition, it turned out that your friend is a huge fan. It was getting less and less safe. He prayed in his soul that you would not touch the albums, for fear that you would see the photos and everything would fall apart like a house of cards.
"And you? Are you not a fan?" he asked, although he knew he was playing with fire. That all that leads to this truth is like walking on thin ice. But he had to know how much you know. How safe is he at the moment.

"I heard a few of their songs. I liked some of them, but this is new to me, I have never listened to K-pop, so I am still ... convincing myself." You told the truth, and his heart stopped for a moment.

Oh naive, silly JK. He didn't even think, that a friend could drag you along to the concert...
He gasped when he saw his microphone in your hand.

"Microphone? Really? Are you such a fanboy?" you laughed out loud.
The microphone was cold and heavy. You quickly realized it was real. But you still haven't put the facts together. You figured out, that if he is a musician, he would normally have a microphone. And that this one is such colourful ... well, if he is a fan of a Korean boysband, why would he not have one fancy mic himself. If you were ARMY, each of these things would be obvious to you individually. But you remained in sweet ignorance, deluded by a man whom you blindly love for what he is, not for who he is.

But Jungkook knew the end was near.
He knew, that he could no longer pretend. That it was time to confront the truth. You didn't deserve to be cheated. Your feelings were too pure to play with.
"Will you stay for breakfast?" he asked in a broken tone. "I'd like to talk to you about something really important."

You wanted to get out of bed, but he pulled you to him, closing in his arms.

"Don't run away. Stay here longer. I haven't got enough of you yet. You just told me you love me. I wanted to wake you up with these words, but you were faster. You are the cause of my euphoria." he hummed at the end, and you closed your eyes, enjoying his voice.

Nothing, absolutely nothing popped into your head when he, for the first time, hummed a song that you should know, because Sang-hee had played it to you a few times. Maybe it was this moment, that fogged you up, maybe you didn't want to admit other thoughts, maybe you didn't expect ... Or maybe fate wanted to play on your nose.
You were just going to nod at his request to stay for breakfast when your phone vibrated several times.
You lazily reach for it, only to read Sang-hee's message:

Girl, I'll be at your place in a minute, I'm just parking in front of the building, you'd better not be sleeping. We have too much to handle. Make coffee, I dream of caffeine!

"I would love to stay, but my friend is already here, so I have to ..." you started explaining, collecting your things and hastily putting on your clothes. "I won't be able to see you until tomorrow because I'm busy with Sang-hee today," you added, to which he nodded.

"I have a busy evening too. Hope you have a lot of fun with her." Even after the sweetest kiss he got from you, the strange twinge in his chest did not go away. He knew he shouldn't let you go without explaining everything, but you were in a hurry and there was absolutely nothing he could do about it.
"I'll tell you everything after the concert. Regardless of the consequences. I love you too much to lose you now." He said to himself when you left his apartment.

If only you knew, that your plans today were linked by fate and that, he played a game with you in which neither side can win.

You closed your boyfriend's apartment door.
With a smile the size of a banana, with dishevelled hair, and absent-minded eyes, you walked happily towards your apartment. And Sang-hee was standing in the middle of the hall.
She was staring at you, lips slightly parted. She was shocked, but after a while a mocking smile crept on her lips.
"I want to know absolutely everything about it!" she screamed almost in your ear, and you, for fear that she would embarrass you, dragged her to your apartment in a hurry.
"Whose apartment have you just left? How long has this been going on? Why didn't you tell me anything? Is this serious?" she inundated you with questions.

"Sang-hee ... coffee. Coffee first. You wrote that you dreamed of caffeine, right?"

"I dreamed until I saw my friend, completely ruined, leave some guy's apartment. Now I don't need caffeine anymore, it woke me up enough", she laughed as she settled comfortably on the couch.

You sighed deeply. "But I still need it, so sorry, you gotta hold on." You stuck out tongue and ran to the kitchen, happy that you would run away from this interrogation even if just for a moment.
Fortunately, even though she was a curious beast, at the moment something else was a priority. She was content with the promise that you would tell her everything in good time and that you think he is your boyfriend, although you do not know what to call your relationship.
Now she opened the suitcase, which was filled to the brim with clothes and accessories.
Your eyes widened. "You weren't kidding that you were going to spend all day getting ready," you sighed, taking a sip of hot coffee.

"This is a BTS concert, we have to look like princesses. The girls hunt tickets so close to the stage extension for some reason. You know why you silly? Because guys sometimes get in touch with the fans, by eye, or if we're lucky they'll give us a hand, they'll make a heart with us. , they'll record something with our phone, they'll throw something to us, you have no idea ... but don't worry, I'll get you ready! "

You stared at your friend and wondered if she was completely crazy now. Calling her a fan is not enough. She was obsessed.
But you didn't want to argue with her, it was better not to, just to have some peace of mind. It is for this peace of mind that you have even agreed to a million accessories that she put on you. Tight, in your opinion, even too short clothes, surprisingly, looked better on you than you would have expected. It emphasized your shapes and showed a completely new face of YN. And with the makeup that she gave you, you were virtually unrecognizable.

The hours passed much faster than you would have expected. Sang-hee has infected you with her enthusiasm. You laughed, joked and made sweet faces like you both were always fans.
Finally, she put ARMY bomb in your hands, and explained that you have to wave it.

"ARMY" you repeated silently, trying once again to remember where else you had heard the term.
But she dragged you by your hands and you couldn't focus anymore.

"YN, if we won't go out soon, we'll be late."

"How are we going to be late? There are still a few hours to the concert. You said we had an assigned seat, why do we have to stand there so long?"

Sang-hee looked at you incredulously. "Just trust me, don't fool around, and finally get that fine ass of yours out of here."

You didn't argue anymore. Like a beaten dog, you followed her.
What was about to happen was inevitable.
Sang-hee was right when she told you to hurry up. Although you had a seat bought, you had to be there earlier, show your documents and set up in a dedicated place.
At 8 o'clock in the evening you entered the stadium. You entered the first gate at the same time the guys were getting ready on the backstage.
8:55 PM - one step away from tragedy. You were playing with your ARMY bomb, oblivious to anything. Until suddenly it turned off, along with all the lights, astonishing you.

"It begins" Sang-hee whispered excitedly.

Someone had set the domino tiles in motion and one by one knocked over more, now there was no turning back.

At 9:00 PM, the concert started with a blast of fire on the stage. The fans all over the stadium went crazy. Your ARMY bomb got on with a beautiful purple light, you lifted it up, getting carried away by the emotions that prevailed around you.
The screams grew louder as the guys finally appeared on the stage. They rushed out vigorously with the whole group on the stage waving to everyone, giving the fans their most beautiful smiles.
Sang-hee wasn't lying when she told you that BTS live, they look amazing on stage. Their costumes glistened in the colored lights, and their harmonic movements amazed you every few seconds.
They were so close to you, that you had the feeling, that if you stretched out your hand more, you could touch them.

"How much did you pay for these tickets?" you laughed at your friend.

"You better not know." She smirked. "I don't convert Bangtans into money, but into emotions, and these are worth it all."

The stage lights blinded you, the music made you shiver, the emotions that accompanied you were indescribable. You were happy that you let her take you for this concert. You needed such a dose of positive energy. You had as much fun as she did. Even though you didn't know the words to any of their songs, you jumped and danced like crazy.

The first to appear before you was a cute boy with a boxy smile. He was so handsome, you had a hard time believing he was even real. For a split second your eyes met. So this is what the famous eye contact looks like. You smiled at him.
Someone behind you just threw him a bouquet of flowers. He looked surprised. As if he had never gotten them before. You thought, amused.
He tossed the bouquet back to the fans and yet the flowers landed in his hands once again. He gave his most beautiful smile and took the bouquet with him, amused.

"It was Tae." Sang-hee was like your private encyclopaedia.

"Handsome ..." you murmured to her and she laughed out loud.

"Wait until you see them all."
She looked like she was about to pass out. "You're so lucky, he looked straight at you" she whined to you, to which you replied with a loud laugh.

A moment later another of them appeared before you with his rapping verses.
You were delighted. The rap in these songs was definitely your favourite part. You stared at the tall blonde man, his every move, the words he rapped. Sang-hee nudged you sideways, amused.

"This is Namjoon, the leader of the entire band."

You nodded your head in agreement. You liked the concert more and more. She was right when she said BTS live hits different. You will surely go to their concert more than once. You even planned to buy the album as soon as you got home.
Hell, I think she infected me with her fan obsession. You laughed in your mind.

Another of them walked past you without stopping. For a moment he seemed so strangely familiar to you, but he was too short here for you to get a good look at him. His silver hair shone from afar, he joined the rest on the main stage.

"It was Hobi, another rapper" Sang-hee once again didn't let you down and immediately rushed to explain.
It was close.
If she used J-hope or Hoseok, you would probably remember your lunch together, which you had the opportunity to eat at your home. But Hobi ... you haven't heard that yet.
They all looked so sophisticated, that you didn't spend too much time focusing on one of them, not to miss the next one.

It was Yoongi who noticed you first, who recognized you as he passed by. But you didn't notice him as you followed Hobi with your eyes.
Yoongi knew, your presence here was nothing good.
He knew JK hadn't told you anything yet, though he had urged him so many times not to hide it anymore. Now he couldn't even warn him, it was impossible in the middle of the song.
But since he gave him advice so many times, and the youngest still did not use them ... he decided to just enjoy the drama.

But still, when he saw JK making his way towards you, something stabbed him inside. He loved this maknae like his own brother and didn't want him to suffer. He tugged his arm, which distracted him a bit from the choreography and which was completely unplanned. But the youngest did not understand what that meant and, singing his part, ran to the extension of the stage, literally stopping in front of you.

He gave you his rabbit look. It was only a second. He didn't even recognize you at first. He took another few steps and came back to you once again.
The second time your eyes met, sudden realization came.
It was meant to be.

You felt the ground move away from under your feet. Everything around was gone. For that one moment, you were just the two of you. Your eyes, which stared at him silently, asking: why did you do this to me? And he himself, feeling everything inside him tighten with terror. You stared at him as if you had become a statue, a single tear ran down your cheek, you weren't even aware of it. But he noticed it. His heart was just breaking into a million pieces, he was fighting with himself to finish his lines at all.

"There ..." you began with a trembling voice and suddenly felt a wave of heat pour over you. "There is ... my ... boyfriend." you stuttered to Sang-hee.

"Where?" she asked shocked when you pointed to the stage where JK was already with the rest of the band, crouched in the corner and hiding his face in his hands.
"Who?" she asked completely not understanding what you want to convey to her.

"There ... Jungkook ..." you pointed at him and looked at her with eyes full of tears. But your friend couldn't understand you, it was something out of context for her, something that she perceived completely differently.

She burst out laughing. "Ah, yes. Him. Yes, every girl is calling him that." She took it as a good joke.

You, completely surprised by her reaction, treated without any support due to her ignorance, returned your gaze to the scene looking for him among all seven.
He tried to sing for a while longer, but his voice soon disappeared completely.
Tears were running down his cheek without any control. Everything started to fall apart.
But you didn't hear anything anymore, the loud music only seemed to sound somewhere in the distance, the lights stopped blinding you, and soon they went out completely. When everything turned black, you fell unconscious to the ground.
Hoseok noticed what had happened and directed the security from the stage to help you.

Sang-hee was acting like it was her, who was unconscious. At first she didn't notice what happened, even though you were right next to her. But when security came in, she went out with them, not wanting to leave you alone.

You got professional help in the medical tent. An oxygen mask was put on your face, your blood pressure was measured, a drip was connected. Sang-hee was tapping her fingers nervously on the edge of the camp bed on which you were still lying unconscious. Even though the paramedics reassured her again and again, she couldn't concentrate.
She went out to call somewhere, and when she came back you finally started to wake up. She ran up to you and knelt down next to you.

"For God sake, YN! You scared me.!" she squeezed you tight, but seeing you frown she quickly pulled away.

Everything started coming back to you. Concert, stage, him. Sadness and anger mixed up so much, that you didn't know what you really felt anymore. The pain in your chest felt so real. You felt your whole body and heart go numb. In your nerves, you ripped the oxygen mask off your face. Tears flowed from your eyes once again.

"What happened there, YN?"

"Sang-hee" you muttered. "Tell me what I saw there was just a bad dream."

"Did you react so emotionally to the band members? And I thought, you weren't a fan. You even knew Jungkook's name." She smiled gently at you, trying to cheer you up.

"Did you even listen to me? Jungkook? My boyfriend? Up there on stage?"

She looked at you in horror.
"I think you're still not well." She cut off your talking. "I called dad. He should be here any minute, to pick us up and drive us home."

You didn't want to explain anything to her anymore. At the moment, with such emotions, nothing was reaching her anyway. You agreed to everything. You wanted to go to sleep, wrap yourself in a blanket and forget everything. You didn't know what was going to happen now and you weren't even sure what you wanted.

|| JK's POV ||

BTS has finished the show. It was very difficult for Jungkook to get through this. He couldn't concentrate neither on choreography nor singing, his voice refused to cooperate. Deep down, he was glad that the concert was finally over. For the first time, he did not bestow his famous smile with his fans, did not pose for pictures and said nothing at the end. He disappeared from the stage as quickly as if he wasn't there at all.
The rest of the team watched him silently.
In the hotel where they stayed a few hours after the concert, they all sat down together before returning to their homes.

Jimin put an arm around him. He had been worried about him ever since he noticed that something was wrong. Tae was already watching everything when Jungkook hid his face in his hands on the stage for the first time. He looked in your direction and saw you fainting. He saw his most faithful friend break down and put all the facts together. Now he just walked over to him and hugged him in a gesture of support.
Jungkook pulled him close and broke down into hysterical tears.

"I have to talk to her. I have to fix this." he mumbled. "Or I'll lose her." He broke. "YN ..." he called in amok.

Namjoon sat down in front of him. He had mixed feelings. On the one hand, he could not watch one of his brothers despair with such a broken heart, on the other hand, he was furious that such a situation had occurred and almost ruined the choreography and singing. It was close, and it would be a disaster. He understood perfectly well as a leader why they could not and should not date or develop such close relationships while they are still at the top of the charts. It's just that some things are more important and cannot be done differently.
But at the moment, Jungkook needed his support. And he was going to give it to him.

"I think you should wait. That it would be better to first think what exactly you want to tell her. Looks like you didn't tell her who you are. I don't know how close you are, but it probably won't be that hard for her to forgive you after a good explain yourself. But take your time so as not to make more mistakes. "

He listened to him, nodded, trusted him. But he had no idea, that it was exactly what was wrong.
If only he had listened to his heart instead of his mind ... If only he had known, that you had been waiting all night for even one short message ... If he had known ...
But it didn't work out. He waited too long. When his heart finally triumphed, pushing him like a sailboat towards you in the morning - it was too late.

|| Your POV ||

You lay in bed all night lifeless. You didn't change your clothes, didn't take off your makeup, didn't eat anything, even though the paramedic asked you to take care of yourself today.
It didn't matter to you. You listened to the raindrops beating against the glass. They mixed with your tears, and then you finally ran out of those tears.
You squeezed the phone in your hands as you waited for the message. For two or three words, anything, that would help ease the pain you were feeling. But he didn't write anything.

He cheated on you. You felt betrayed. Not by hiding who he really was, but by knowing, that you didn't want a relationship with a famous person, he still spent the night with you. And now, that he has taken advantage of you, he doesn't even dare to meet your eyes.
It was hurting the most.

In the morning you had enough. You felt your own thoughts sinking you, you couldn't deal with them. You knew if you will be here alone you won't be able to do it.
You packed your things fast, called a cab, and headed to Sang-hee. You didn't want to be in this apartment. At least for a while. You didn't want to meet him somewhere along the way, in the elevator, in the main hall, on the street. Your heart wouldn't survive this.
You knew, you had to learn to live again as if he never existed. You knew it would hurt you, but you were ready for it.

One by one messages started bombarding your phone.
"YN, can we talk?
I messed up.
Give me a chance to fix this. I'm just asking for a chance. "

You knew the first step would be the hardest. With tears, you picked up the phone.

Block a number?

-> Yes.

Number blocked.

"It's over ... she left me." he whispered when another message returned undelivered and he slid down by the door of your locked apartment.

"Goodbye" you whispered, pleading into the ether for it to hurt as little as possible.

It is said that when two souls join together, there is no force that can change their destiny. That even death cannot destroy such a connection, because death does not concern souls.
But when one of them voluntarily gives back the love given to her, does the thread break?

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