23- battle

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Warnings: this story is rated M for its language, violence, and sexual relations between two men (Yaoi).  Please do not read if you are not into those things.  Please leave me your comments and reviews telling me what you think! I claim no rights or anything associated with the Bleach series and/or its characters.

Special Keys: "regular human speech", 'thinking to ones self', *mental telepathy*, (authors notes), bold - point of view, italic - spirit's speech

Twenty Three - battle

Ulquiorra POV

Ever since mating with Grimmjow, I had felt slightly different than usual.  It was almost as if my powers had become heightened.  I could remember Shiro telling me that much like Ichigo and Grimm, we had spirits within us and a mindscape very similar to our mates.  Shiro had told me that mine was named Murcielago.  With Mayuri’s and Aizen’s second stage all ready under way, it was only a matter of time before the secret about both Shiro and I was known to everyone.

*Do not fear Ulquiorra, I shall be with you.  Together we shall get through this.* stated a voice within my mind that I had never heard before.  Suddenly I found myself within unfamiliar territory as the sky was as black as night while a full moon hung over head.  Skinny skeleton trees grew within the sand as I could see a large white done in the distance.

“Where in the world am I?” I asked out loud.

“The mindscape, yours to be more precise.” answered the voice.  I turned suddenly to see a being whom looked much like I did except his hair was a bit more wild as he had large black bat wings and stood up on the back black hind quarters belonging to a bat.

“Mercielago?” I asked in question.  My spirit simply nodded his head yes.

“It is nice to finally meet you at long last Ulquiorra.  With Grimmjow’s mate mark upon you, it had undone the seal that I have been under for so long.” Murcielago stated.

“It also means that all of your true powers has been unsealed.  It may not be as strong as your brothers but it shall help in the up coming battle.” stated another voice as a young looking man with long wavy black hair stepped out.  He wore what appeared to be a trench coat with a hood attacked.

“Tensa…… what in the world are you doing here?” asked Murcielago.

“The others sent me in order to tell you and your host not to hold back.” replied Tensa.

“The others?” I questioned.

“The other spirits much like me.  The other halves to our host body.” replied Murcielago.

“Ichigo has my older brother Zangetsu, Grimmjow has Pantera, while I exist within Shirosaki.” replied Tensa.

“Ulquiorra I know that this battle couldn’t had happened at such a worse time but I will be here to help you through it all.” replied Murcielago.  I could feel Shiro begin to pull me out of my mindscape.

Shirosaki POV

I shook Ulquiorra waking him as I could sense that he wasn’t conscious.  My guess was that he was speaking with his spirit.  We had arrived at the station as the town looked like a war zone.  A few areas were blocked off due to the attack.  We entered in the station as everyone was there.  Head Captain Yamamoto stood in front with a map of the town displayed behind him.  Certain areas were marked off as they matched the areas that were secure.

“Thank you for all coming on such short notice as we are currently facing a crisis that Karakura Town has never faced before.  Reports are coming in about animal hybrids attacking.  We are asked to help contain them and to stop them.  We have no idea of where these creatures had come from or even what they are capable of.” stated Yamamoto.

*You should tell him.* stated Tensa in the back of my mind.

“About that head captain there is something that you have to know.  Remember the case that Mayuri Kurosutchi hired us for?” I asked him.

“Yes I remember.  What about it?” asked Yamamoto.

“It turns out the experiment that Mayuri asked us to recover was actually a being that was a cross between animal and human.  I was kidnapped by Mayuri and experimented on as he wanted my powers in order to increase his creations.” I told him.  Everyone looked at me as only a few people in the room actually knew about my abilities.

“I see…..  I take it that you never saw or dealt with these creatures.”

“No sir….  Only what Mayuri had told me while he was experimenting on me.” I answered.

“Very well.  Shirosaki Ogichi and Ulquiorra Schiffer, I want you both on the front lines.  Everyone else is to act as their back up.  If anybody can stop this threat it will be Shirosaki and Ulquiorra.” commanded head captain.  “Dismisssed!”  Everyone got up heading out to the door as a few people stood angrily glaring at both me and Ulquiorra.  Renji came up grabbing me by the shirt collar.

“What makes you so high and mighty?” he asked angrily.  I easily grabbed his wrist tightly forcing him to let me go.

Normal POV

Renji was forced to let go of Shirosaki as the albino held his wrist like a vice.  Shirosaki’s black and gold eyes were glowing fiercely.

“I don’t ask to be so high and mighty Renji.  It is the way that I was created when I was born.  I just know that I am much better than you and far more superior than you.” replied Shirosaki in a snarl as he pushed Renji away from him.  This only served to piss Renji off as he swung at Shirosaki.  Renji’s fist was easily caught by Ulquiorra as he wrapped his pale hand around Renji’s fist.  Ulquiorra’s eyes were also glowing as those who never saw the twin eyes glowing now noticed it.  Power seemed to swirl in the air around both Shirosaki and Ulquiorra.

“I wouldn’t attempt it Renji.” Ulquiorra snarled angrily.

“Boys……  that is enough!” yelled out a familiar voice.  Both Shirosaki and Ulquiorra looked up to see Kisuke Urahara standing besides head captain Yamamoto.  Ulquiorra let go of Renji’s hand but not before showing Renji a small test of his strength.  Nothing broke but now Renji seemed to know his place as he backed away from the twins cradling his hand.  Something about Shirosaki and Ulquiorra seemed far more dangerous than before.  “Ulquiorra…..   Shirosaki….. That is enough.  Save it fro those animal hybrids!” snappede Kisuke.  Finally the power that seemed to be swirling around the two began to dissipate as their eyes stopped glowing.

“Yes father!” both replied in unison.  This caused everyone to look at Kisuke in shock.  Nelliel and Kenpatchi were trying to get their partners to calm down.  Finally it seemed that Shirosaki and Ulquiorra had fully calmed down as they turned to their father.

“Why are you here Kisuke?” asked Shirosaki.

“I am offering my assistance.  It seemed that Mayuri had mass produced the animal hybrids at an alarming rate.  I knew that if things would get bad that you both would fully reveal what you truly were.” replied Kisuke.

“So that is why you are here.  Leave it up to you father to have a plan or two up your sleeve.” replied Ulquiorra.

Ulquiorra POV

Kisuke simply smiled at me as he took command quickly.  Those whom refused to work with either me and/or Shiro were told to provide back up and get ordinary people out of the way.  He then handed everyone a set of wireless headsets that would allow us to stay in contact with everyone and weapons armed with a specific type of ammo that could harm and kill the hybrids.  Both Shiro and I looked at him in shock as he did come prepared.

“I know that you both won’t need it but don’t hesitate in calling them for help.” he told us in a dull whisper.  Both Shiro and I knew whom he was referring too.  Grimmjow and Ichigo, our neko mates.  Both Shiro and I nodded our heads that we understood as we left the station towards the battle front.

The center of Karakura town looked like hell as bodies laid everywhere.  Several buildings had been destroyed as they laid in rubble.  The army and military stood trying to keep the animal hybrids back and to get citizens to safety.  Both Shiro and I couldn’t believe the destruction caused by these creatures.  It seemed that four of them were in command over the rest.

“Shiro are you thinking what I am thinking?” I asked in a low whisper.  Shiro nodded his head yes.

“Attack the four main ones.  They seem to be the ones that we should focus on.  Are you certain that you are up for this?”

“I better be Shiro.” I replied as I could feel Murcielago’s powers flowing through me.
*Lets end this once and for all!* he told me mentally.

Normal POV

Both Shirosaki and Ulquiorra moved to the front lines.  Power swirled around their entire being.  The four animal hybrids of a wolf, gorilla, spider, and viper saw and felt the two albinos presence and power.  Wicked grins were stretched across their faces as they were the ones that their masters had told them about.

“So at last the ones whom came before us show up.  These damn fucking humans aren’t even worth our time.” stated the wolf known as Kaien.  Much like the nekos Grimmjow and Ichigo, Kaien had black wolf ears and tail.  His black hair was wild as it was cut in similar fashion as both Ichigo’s and Shirosaki’s.  His eyes were more like a wolf’s as his enlarge fangs showed over his lower lips.  His nails on his Caucasian hand were long and sharp almost like claws.  His upper half from the waist up looked human but his lower half from the waist down was that of a black wolf.  The viper named Szayelaparro nodded his head in agreement.

“They don’t look that special to me.” he hissed.  The viper had the brightest pink hair that Shirosaki and Ulquiorra had ever seen.  His eyes were exactly like a snakes (similar to Orochimaru’s eyes in the Naruto series) as his upper half from the waist up was completely human while his lower half was that of a green copper head rattlesnake.  His long fangs also showed over his lower lip.

“The lord and master wants them both dead no matter what.” grunted the gorilla named Yammy.  Yammy was far different looking than his brothers.  Both his arms and legs were completely that of a gorilla as he had a human body and head but his facial features was completely that of a gorilla has he had human eyes.

“Who cares lets kill them all ready!” snapped the spider named Nnoritora whom looked the most human out of the group despite having six arms.  All of Nnoritora’s arms were covered with black fur as his hair was as long as a girls.  Nnoritora had extra two eyes similar to a spider above his other red eyes as you could see small fangs hanging over his lower lips (Nnoritora’s full released hollow form).  The four hybrids moved quickly attacking the two albino’s.  Both Shirosaki and Ulquiorra managed to dodge the attack as they could feel their power pulsing through their very being.  Suddenly their power began to condense as white masks formed over their faces as swords began to form in their hands.  Shirosaki’s mask looked like a regular human skull as red marks covered part of the face (Ichigo’s hollow mask).  A pitch black katana formed in his hand with a small chain at the end of the hilt (Ichigo’s bankai sword).  Ulquiorra’s on the other hand looked more like a demon skull complete with horns as blue marks lined part of the mask (Ulquiorra’s skull helmet that he wears) as in his hands he held a scimitar (Ulquiorra’s sword that he has in the series).

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