7- brother

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Warnings: this story is rated M for its language, violence, and sexual relations between two men (Yaoi).  Please do not read if you are not into those things.  Please leave me your comments and reviews telling me what you think! I claim no rights or anything associated with the Bleach series and/or its characters.

Special Keys: "regular human speech", 'thinking to ones self', *mental telepathy*, (authors notes), bold - point of view, italic - spirit's speech

Seven - brother

Shiro's POV


The next morning I awoke with Ichigo sleeping soundly on my chest.  I let out a low moan as my head was pounding lightly.  I cursed lightly as I picked up Ichigo off of my chest placing him down onto a pillow next to me.  Ichigo was purring loudly as he looked very peaceful as if he was having a rather pleasurable dream.  My head was still lightly pounding from the vision that I had seen through Ichigo's eyes.  No matter what, I knew that I couldn't allow him to go back to that place.  I slowly climbed out of the bed to take a long hot shower while getting ready for work.  I needed time to think things over.  I knew that I had to do something for Ichigo.  Maybe perhaps rescue his brother from where they were being held captive.  But in order to do that, I was going to need help.  Lots of help.

I entered the precinct to find Kenpachi at our desk going over the mound of paperwork piled on the desk.

"Quit thinking so loud Ken, you might accidentally set off the smoke detectors." I told him.  Kenpachi looked up at me glaring.

"Very funny Shiro.  Where in the world have you been?  Yachiru said that she had received a painful telepathic cry from you.  She believed that you were hurt." growled Kenpachi.

"I am fine.  Yachiru shouldn't worry so much about me as I can handle myself." I replied lying to him of course.  I knew the real reason to why Yachiru received that cry but I wasn't about to drag Kenpachi into this mess, not yet anyway.
"That's besides the point.  Head Captain was looking for us.  Some new people are being transferred into our section." replied Kenpachi.  This was news to me as I didn't realize that Kenpachi and I needed more people but then again it did make sense.  Kenpachi and I was getting a lot more work with all of these strange and unusual cases.

"I suppose that we should go and meet these guys." I stated.

Both Kenpachi and I entered the Head Captain Yamamoto's office to find two people in the room waiting for us.  The first was a rather busty female with wild aqua green hair and light brown eyes.  What surprised me the most was the man whom was with her.  His skin was the same exact color of my own as he had jet black hair.  Even his fingernails appeared to be painted black which I knew wasn't the case.  I could sense his power even before I entered the room.  He appeared to be wearing sunglasses to hide his eyes.
"Shirosaki Ogichi and Kenpachi Zaraki, thank you for joining us.  I want you to meet Nelliel Tuodelschwanck and Ulquiorra Schiffer." stated Yamamoto.

"Please just call me Nell for short." stated Nelliel.

"Like wise.  Just call me Shiro for short." I replied shaking Nell's hand.  Kenpachi did the same.  That is when Ulquiorra removed his sunglasses revealing green cornea's with golden irises which were lightly glowing.  Green streaks ran down from his eyes like tears as he seemed to have black painted lips.  I had to even admit that he bared many similarities to myself that it was scary.

"It is finally nice to meet you at last.  I have heard so much about you." stated Ulquiorra as he extended his hand to shake mine.  As I made contact with Ulquiorra, visions danced in my head.  Ulquiorra's past, powers, everything about him was the same as from when I was growing up.  Both Ulquiorra and I retracted our hands quickly.  One simple thought came to my mind.  This Ulquiorra Schiffer was my brother.  One that I never knew that I even had.

Ulquiorra's POV

Who knew that I had an actual brother?  I watched as Shiro pulled off his sunglasses revealing his black and gold eyes which were glowing.  His powers were much stronger than my own.  I never thought that I would have family out here let alone a brother.  For all of my life I have lived alone and have been an outcast because of my power.  I didn't know whom my parents were or even where I came from as I was brought up in an orphanage.  Much like Shiro, I learned about my powers when I was younger.  I never realized just how much I would do the same exact things like Shiro has done because of my unusual gifts.  How much we were exactly alike even though I knew that he was older than me.

"Is it just me or are those two.........brothers?" asked Nell noticing our similarities.

"I don't see how.  But the similarities between those two are very scary." replied Kenpachi.  Both Shiro and I looked at each other as we had much to talk about.

Both Shiro and I went to lunch together were we could talk in private.  I had so many questions about a lot of things.  Some I was not certain if I should bring up or not.

"So how does it feel to have a younger brother?" I asked Shiro honestly.

"It feels weird.  To tell you the truth Ulquiorra, it feels nice to have some family." replied Shiro.

"I know what you mean.  I take it that you went through many of the same experiences that I did growing up."

"Your powers are a bit surprising as they are much like my own.  From one simple touch it seemed that we learned much about each other.  I didn't even realize that there could be a chance that I could even have a brother out there."

"I know what you mean.  It does feel weird.  And I think I should tell you that I know about Ichigo and his brother, Grimmjow." I told him earning a coughed reply as he was drinking some water.  "Sorry about that Shiro.  What do we plan to do about them?" I asked.

"I am not certain yet.  There is much that I have yet to learn.  Which reminds me, where are you staying for the time being?"

"No where special.  Why?"

"I was thinking it would be nice if you stayed with me for a while.  There is much we have to talk about."  I nodded my head in agreement making arrangements to stay with Shiro.

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