Our Last Chance

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"That's it! I'm done!"
Cam stormed out of his room with Maria following close behind him.

"Cam what are you doing?"
"I'm done letting Lucas get away with killing everyone! He needs to be stopped!"
"And how are you planning on taking him on? In case you haven't noticed he's been able to beat every single one of us."

Cam stopped and turned to face her, his eyes were ablaze with fury.

"Then we're going to need some backup."
"What do you mean?"
"Lucas wants to kill us all right? Well let's get everyone here to face him."

"All the Avengers, X-Men, Fantastic Four, independent heroes, all the SHIELD agents. If Lucas wants a fight let's give him one."

Maria considered his idea.
"I can contact Reed, and we've already got Charles' support and all of SHIELD, but what about all of these "independent" heroes?"

Cam grinned.
"Leave that to me."


"I'm fine Annette, seriously."
"You just got stabbed in the stomach Alexia. You'll be fine when Peter or someone else says you are."

Alexia sighed and leaned back in her chair. She knew that she should be relieved that she was alive, but how could she after Annette had told her that Skyler had given her life for her?

Why'd you do it Sky? It didn't have to be you.

Peter sat in silence nearby. He hadn't said anything in awhile, the silence was starting to bum Alexia out.

She wanted Conner, she felt safe with him.

I hope he's alright. But what's he going to say when he finds out about Sky?

The door opened and Charles came in, followed by Steve and Elizabeth.

Elizabeth sighed in relief when she saw Alexia up, but she was still clearly upset about Skyler.

Alexia noticed that Steve and Bruce were supporting Anthony, who could barely walk on his own.

"What happened to him?"
Annette's voice trembled nervously.
"Lucas hit him with something. He seems fine now though."
Bruce helped him sit down in an empty chair.

"I am fine."
Anthony snapped.
"I just need to rest."

Alexia then noticed Conner walking towards her, she could tell immediately that he already knew about Skyler.

She wanted to stand up and put her arms around him, comfort him, tell him that everything would be alright, but she couldn't bring herself to move.

Why did they have to go through this? All this death, all this pain, what point was there to it?

All of them sat in silence for what seemed like hours, but was only a few minutes.

Annette was the one who broke the silence.
"What'd you guys do with Nicole?"
"We've got her contained here. Isabelle is with Thor and Loki."
Steve shook his head and gave a small laugh.
"Ironic that our first enemy is helping us fight someone far more dangerous than he was."

The room went quiet again.
Alexia grabbed Conner's hand and gave it a small squeeze.

"You okay?"
"I'm really sorry about Skyler. I know how closw you two were."
"She was my closest friend. I mean, she was probably closer to Peter than anybody. But still, she was always there for me."

"And she still is."
Charles stated.
Conner sighed.
"Yeah I know, she's not really gone as long as we remember her. I've heard the speech

"That's not what I mean Conner."
Alexia glanced at him in confusion.
"What do you mean then?"
"What I mean is, she is not dead."

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