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Y/N Pov

I was put in observation for one night, Miku stayed. Zero Two wanted to but she was convinced otherwise.

Honestly, I'm not sure I want any company right now. The look on Zero Two's face is still burning in the back of my mind.

I replied Miku half heartily at first because I was distracted by my thoughts but this was quickly muted when Miku moved and her sleeve rolled down slightly revealing a mark.

Without saying a word, I grabbed her arm and pulled her sleeve up. There a faint red print with crescent imprints wrapping around her wrist. A handprint.

"It's nothing.." She quickly pulled her hand back and pulled her sleeve down over the mark.

A blurred conversation plays in my head.

"Did Zero Two do this?"

She didn't answer.

"Miku. Did Zero Two do this?" I asked harsher this time.

She looked away and nodded slightly.


"I don't know." She paused, licking her lips. "I just came here and she asked to speak to me."

I kept quiet listening to her.

This must be some sort of weird coincidence.

Miku took my silence as a hint to keep going.

"It was weird. She didn't say it explicitly but I have the feeling that she doesn't like that we are together."


She shrugs.

"I knew her first."

Miku blinked in recognition, nodding.

"H-how did you..?"

I bit my lip "It's hard to explain..."

"Anyway," I continued. "When did she grab you?"

Her free hand instinctively rested upon the hurt wrist.

"Erm...I was just saying how she should stay out of it especially since she already has a boyfriend..."

Nodding, a forced a smile on my face.

"I'm so sorry. I don't know what has gotten into her but I'll talk to her. I'm sorry she hurt you."

Miku stood up and pressed a kiss to my forehead, shaking her head.

"It's no big deal. I think she is just protective of you. I would be too..." A faint blush crept across her face.

Despite all the bad things coming out of her mouth, I can't help but think how cute Zero- No Miku is, being protective of me and all.

I signalled her to come closer and closed my eyes, leaning in to kiss her. A flash of pink hit my eyes as our lips touch. 

This is so wrong.

Miku readily kissed me back, one knee on the bed with her arms wrapped around my neck. 

I know this is wrong but it feels so right at the same time.

I told myself that it was just lingering feelings and that as soon as Miku and I get serious all these feelings will disappear...hopefully.

My hands trailed down her back, under her shirt and up her back. This sent a shiver down her spine.

We break apart and stared into each other's eyes.

"Thank you." I breathed.

"What for?"

"Being here. Being with me. Everything."

She giggled, shaking her head "So cute." 

Not allowing me to speak as she pressed her lips back against mine once more. 

Zero Two Pov (Special :) )

"Hey Zero Two, you alright?" Hiro asked sitting next to me on his bed.

I stared up at the ceiling for a moment longer before turning my head to look towards him. From my view, I could only see a section of his body and upper thigh in the side profile.

I sighed and turned back to look at the ceiling. "I'm fine. Come on let's do it." 

I pushed myself up and removed my clothes as Hiro did the same.

How did this come to be? 

Life has a weird way of turning out in ways you can't even explain.

I laid there as he did it, not much feeling as we went on. My mind filling up with the only person who I have ever cared about and the only person who has ever cared about me.

Looking back, it is really my fault for never telling her nor stopping her when she met someone new.

However, she is her own person and I shouldn't be interfering with her life, in fact, I should be happy for her.

Although, the fact is I am not; not happy at all not one bit. What does that pipsqueak red hair have that I don't? So what if she is in a better school, other than that I am so much better than her in so many ways, if  Y/N was to date anyone, it should be me.

My mind started to wonder about the 'what if's. What would it be to do it with her?

It was only as I was thinking about it that I got into the action and was actually able to get some pleasure out of it.

"What changed?" Hiro asked when we were both done.

"I thought of the person I liked?"

He was silent.

"We don't have to do this, you know." He added after some time.

I didn't answer.

"Why are you doing this?" He asked again.

I shrugged. "I'm not sure either."

A/N: Don't take it the wrong way I don't hate anyone but someone has to be the 'bad guy' and I know Hiro would never do this but hey it's my story so whatever XD

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