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Taeyong took a second before he pushed himself away in a panic mode. His face turned red and looked away from Jaehyun with a very flustered expression. His heart was beating so fast that it's about to explode. He doesn't know what to do, he just wants to disappear right now. His mind is all over the place so he couldn't think straight.

Jaehyun just watched the older, finding it quite funny. Unconsciously, he gave out a soft chuckle which caught Taeyong's attention.

"You're embarrassing me..." the boy whined and covered his face with his face, "I-I'm sorry about that."

"You're sorry about what? I was the one who initiated it," the younger said, smiling innocently which made Taeyong so confused.

The boy swallowed the saliva blocking his throat, "But why...?"

Jaehyun was just looking straight at him then shrugged, "I like you for a few years now. We're just brothers by papers, hyung."

Taeyong sighed loudly, "Jae, your mother still expects us to treat each other like brothers."

"But I don't want to."

"Such a stubborn kid."

"Hyung, I'm not a kid. I'm just two years younger than you," the younger folds his arms and leans back on his backrest.

Taeyong stared at Jaehyun, "Just to make things clear between us...I like you too."

The younger smiled widely, "You're complaining about us being "brothers" because you like me back?"

Taeyong rolled his eyes, "I blame you for making me not straight."

"Hyung, that's not right to put the blame on me."

"It all started because of you!" the boy's voice gradually lowered, "On the serious note, Jaehyun, we can't let your mother know about this."


Taeyong furrowed his eyebrows, "Yet?"

Jaehyun moved closer, teasingly, making the boy to lean back a bit, "There will be a right time for everything, hyung."

"Why are we talking about this already? We aren't...a thing, Jaehyun."

"We can--"

"No," the boy said, "I-It doesn't mean I don't want to...You're young and I am to. I'm still confused a-and maybe you are too. Things can change too."

Jaehyun gently grabbed Taeyong's hand, softly running his thumb over the soft skin, "I am certain that you'll be my first and last."

The boy didn't pull his hand away but felt his heart fluttered with the younger's words. Everything suddenly felt so right but at the same time, very wrongly. Taeyong's thoughts were all over the place that could a reason why he'll be having a headache later.

"Okay, here's a deal. When I turn 21, be my boyfriend."

Taeyong smiled softly, "If your feelings won't change and things will be different, then I will."

Things were pretty normal between them after they confessed. They still spend most of their times together, but days were sweeter. They have small dates and subtle skinship. The love they have for each other is very innocent and pure. Their stomachs would always be filled with butterflies and their hearts skipping. Although, they were very careful with everything.

What they have right now is enough for their love to bloom slowly.

Spending their time in the terrace of Jaehyun's room, leaning by the railings, Taeyong was just enjoying how the cold air touches his skin and his hair blowing as the sky is slowly turning dark, filling it up with stars. The boy took a deep breath before he thought about looking back at Jaehyun who was just beside him but he jolted when the other was looking back at him.

"You're staring for?" Taeyong asked.

Jaehyun chuckled before he shook his head and looked away, "Nothing."

The boy took a second, thinking about opening up but of course, he wanted to tell everything to Jaehyun. He doesn't want to keep secrets from him. He wants to keep him close, just transparent to him.

"What if things changed?"

The other boy looked back at him, "What do you mean?"

Taeyong shrugged, "There will be chances that what we have right now might...just disappear. I know it's stupid but..." then he looked away, "I'm afraid that it might happen so sudden, that's why I'm asking you."

"Well...if that happens, I'll still come back to you. No matter what," Jaehyun chuckled, "But I doubt it. I already told you, you're my first and last. I already see myself with you for a very long time."

The older smiled, "I want to be with you for a very long time as well, Jae. I want to be the one who you could love freely. I want to treat you better than this. But for now, we'll grow and reach our dreams together."

Jaehyun held Taeyong's hand, tight and assuring. Many people would think it's puppy love, maybe it is, but they know they're already soulmates right from the start. Their situation just makes things confusing, but as long as they're not doing anything that will hurt anyone, then what they have is safe.

"I want to be worth to be with you," Taeyong added.

"You already are."

Then Jaehyun just leaned in for a chaste kiss, pulling Taeyong closer to him. The older blushed but kissed back.

If things are good and settled, I won't let you go.

All of a sudden, Jaehyun was sent to America to continue his studies. Taeyong didn't know why but the only excuse he got was because his mother just wanted him to. He was upset that he couldn't go with him. He wanted to...he tried to, but since he's just about to go to college, they decided to let him stay in Korea.

Taeyong looked at the thin silver ring Jaehyun gave on the night before the flight. The boy didn't know he find himself in a lonely place again. Although, they could still talk but it wouldn't be the same in person.

On their way to go back home from the airport, Taeyong was just looking by the buildings passing by. He was too occupied with the thought of Jaehyun. His fingers fiddled with the ring, hoping that this would just pass faster than it should.


The boy broke his thoughts and looked infront, "Yes, mom?"

"I need to talk to you when we get home."

He doesn't know why but he shivered on his foster mother's tone of voice. She usually talks softly and sweet, but she spoke quietly but stern. It suddenly gave him a bad feeling about it. What could it be?

They arrived shortly with Taeyong feeling so awkward inside the tense atmosphere inside the car. He stepped out of the vehicle and goes into the house, his mother following behind after. The boy took deep breaths, calming himself and his mind down. He was already having cold sweats and nothing is happening yet.

Why am I sweating?! This must be just about my grades.

Hearing her heels against the tiled floor, Taeyong jolted when she stopped and stood infront of him.

"To my office."

She said then proceeds to walk her way towards the room. Taeyong sighed and followed. He hesitantly comes inside, closing the door behind him.

"I want you to tell me the truth, Taeyong."

The boy never wanted to see her straight face when she found something that upsets her. She doesn't express anything but her eyes were menacing. She was sharply looking at Taeyong that looked like she could see his soul.

"What do you have...with Jaehyun?"

Taeyong didn't know what to say or what to do. His fingers started fidgeting, nipping on his nails and skin as a habit. He swallowed and cleared what blocked his throat. He couldn't look straight at her anymore. He dropped his head, looking away, as his jaw clenched.

"I-It's nothing more than bro--"

"I saw both of you kissing," she uttered, crossing her heels and slowly walking towards the boy, "Jaehyun is going to be and will be the future of our company. A successor for the Jung family. Whether you'll like it or not, I'm not going to let you ruin my plans for him."

Taeyong looked back at her, "But I-I don't mean to ruin anything," he defended, "M-Mom...we just have f-feelings for each other b-but we don't have any relationship other than being brothers..."

She didn't do anything, just stared at the boy, "From now on, you can't talk or contact him ever again. I don't want you to be in reach with him, neither he will. You'll forget about those "feelings" eventually."

The boy's eyes widened, taken aback from the sudden decision of his mother. His mouth opened, wanting to say something, but he was still picking out his words, "I don't mean any harm to him--"

"Do you know how much this would cost him, us, if the press and his future business partners would ever find out he had a relationship with a man? You do things without thinking, Taeyong! You're such smart boy but doesn't acts recklessly," she raised an eyebrow, her stare tensing and her jaw clenching with her fists, "I'm sorry. But this is for the best."

Taeyong went speechless. His eyes started to tear up and all he could think of is Jaehyun. What will happen to them?

"I will collect all your gadgets. You can use them, but with my permission. Every thing you do is under my control, do you understand, Taeyong?"

Every word she said were stern and given with stresses. The boy never felt so small and vulnerable under anyone. His hands were shaking and his tears were rolling down his cheeks. He just wants to crawl and curl himself into a ball. He wants to wake up if ever this is a dream. He wants to end this day already.


She nodded, "Good. You may go."

Despite his knees were shaking, Taeyong was able to walk out of the room. He softly closed the door as he cried quietly. His heart felt heavy. Everything suddenly fell apart and he isn't capable of doing anything. He was able to reach his room and as soon as he closed his door, his knees gave up and made him fall on the floor. He covered his mouth with his hand, not wanting to cry too loud.

Taeyong wants to do something but he couldn't.

I'm sorry, Jaehyun.

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