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The years that passed felt like it was just a few months ago. Every thing was different and definitely with a lonelier feeling, although they got used to it. There were times that they thought if things were different, then they wouldn't be as though they are suffering. They weren't given a chance, a proper reason behind.

Taeyong dealt with everything just to earn his foster mother's trust again. He spent his days studying, distracting himself as much as possible. He assisted his mother in their real estate company and tried to become independent as well. Although he didn't always try to become a 'good son,' he would also take his time to breathe and write letters.

He wasted most of his time with writing unsent letters, for Jaehyun. They would ever met again, he'll personal give it to him. Hopefully, he didn't forget about him.

Taeyong would always smile at the thought of seeing Jaehyun again, almost after a decade. Surely, he's a grown man now but despite that, he would always be a playful person. He'll be the same Jaehyun and Taeyong told to himself, if he's able to finish college, he'll be standing up on his own. He'll cut his ties with the Jungs, and start living up to his family's name, Lee.

His foster parents allowed him to, but will still consider him as family. Now that he's working at the Jung's real estate company, as a supervisor in the Human Resource department, he's still close to his mother and father.

"Taeyong, Mr. Kim is here," Jungwoo called.

The boy nodded and thanked him, grabbing his wallet and phone with him before he excuses himself for the break time. Taeyong smiled as he walked towards the man who's waiting for him outside of their office.

"Hey," the boy greeted.

The man leaned and pecked on his lips, intertwining his fingers around Taeyong's, "Let's go. We'll just have a short lunch since I'll be having a meeting with someone shortly."

"You don't have to come here every time. You can just text me then I'll meet you on the ground floor or something," Taeyong said as they walked into the elevator.

"Why? I want to be a good boyfriend."

"You're Kim Doyoung if you forgot. Press would be all over you."

Doyoung chuckled, "Ah, what's wrong with having a headline with you? Let them be."

Taeyong frowned, "You aren't usually this confident. What's with you?"

"What do you mean? I'm always like this."

They soon got out of the elevator and walked towards the car. They stepped in and drove away, arriving at a small restaurant they usually hang out in.

About their relationship. Taeyong and Doyoung met at a party because of mutual friends. Doyoung eventually liked him and asked Taeyong if he could court him. At that time, the boy was very hesitant. He sees the other as his friend...and nothing more. Although the guy was very persistent, so Taeyong just thought to give them a try. Of course Jaehyun came into his mind, although, he was afraid about waiting for nothing so here he is.

"So, have you thought about your decision on transferring to our company?" Doyoung asked, looking at the menu he has in his hands.

Taeyong furrowed his eyebrows, dropping the menu down and sighed loudly, "Doyoung, we talked about this..."

"Think about it. I already gave you enough details for your benefits, your potential salary, your position...I won't make you do much work too--"

"You can't give me that kind of treatment, Doie," the boy interrupted, going back on reading the menu.

The man sighed, "Then scratch that. But hey, you'll be working with me. I don't have to go to your building like you want me to."

"I can't. I need to work in my parents' company. I'm trying to repay them back after they took care of me and gave me a chance to study. I wouldn't be here, infront of you, if they didn't do that. Please, Doyoung, just understand my situation. I don't want you to keep pushing me into the idea," Taeyong explained.

Doyoung grabbed his hand, "Fine, fine, I won't bring it up ever again," then proceeds to give a small peck on Taeyong's knuckle, "I promise."

The boy suddenly had to pull away because of his phone ringing. He looked at the screen and saw his foster mother's contact name. He immediately accepted the call.


"I have someone to pick you up right now."

"Wait, what's happening?"

"Your uncle's in the emergency room. We need you, please, Taeyong."

Bright city lights, noisy and crazy streets, people and the high life, Jaehyun has never been this sick of it. Everything seemed to be bothering him. He was used to be in quiet places with no one but him and the clock ticking as the only sound. He got used to focusing on one thing; his studies, and now, his work. He guessed making yourself busy will pay off eventually. Look at what he has now; a well-known real estate company as a renowned business man across America.

If he held on to those promises they carelessly made, he wouldn't be here. He wouldn't be able to reach and have the things he has now.

Maybe he did forget about Jaehyun. He was just his younger "brother" anyway. He didn't really weigh much in the boy's life, maybe he weighs nothing. He was just a stupid boy. As much as he hated the feeling of being thrown out, Jaehyun was able to keep a straight face as he boils in his own anger.

Standing infront of the big window for a cinematic scene, especially at night, in his office, Jaehyun observing the people and cars along the streets and roads. His mind was full of his work and whenever he wants to take a break, he watches the event behind his desk and just stares it until he gets tired. Smoking on the last bit he has on his cigarette, he sighed and threw it away in his tray.

Why does he have to think of him again?

Catching his attention, his phone suddenly rang. He walked his way towards his desk and accepted the call after he knew it was his mother calling.


"Yes, mom? What is it? Calling me to ask my day again?"

"No. This is about your f-father..."

Then he heard his mother sobbing, which made him to furrow his eyebrows a bit.

"What about him?"

"He died just now b-because of heart failure..."

Jaehyun hummed and took a second before he spoke and tried calming his mother down. After, he ended the call and placed his phone down with a heavy feeling. His hand made its way to comb his hair back, sighing, as he makes a decision for himself. He then called in his secretary who immediately attended and walked into his office.

"What can I do for you, sir?" he asked.

"Book me the earliest flight to Seoul this week and call in for a meeting tomorrow. I'll bid my last words before I transfer."

Since his father's gone, he needs to take over. He better find a good substitute for his position in this branch. It's about time to go back to Korea anyways.

Well, he does wonders if he'll see familiar faces after a decade.

A/N: taeyong will be calling his foster mother 'mom' or 'auntie' some times,, and it is (kinda) legal to separate yourself from your foster parents when you reach 18 or 21 (if that doesn't exist, then pretend AHSHASHAHSHA this is fiction mixed with some reality anyway)

just saying for everyone who might be confused with the names

also,, dotae hehe unfortunately, dotae would be in this story for several chapters ;;

Love lots ♥

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