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It was the day of the company's annual party. Taeyong was nervous coming into it. It was his first time anyway. He was never interested in this type of event. One, there would be so many media around, two, he just gets anxious around many businessmen, and three, it's just not his type of event. Jaehyun's mother's always there as well.

Although, this time, Jaehyun's going there. He knows Jaehyun would want him to come so he did. They even got suits from the same shop. He was excited, to say the least. It felt like he was going to prom with his boyfriend. Wait, he shouldn't think about it like that!

He prepared religiously. He never prepared this much before. Well, he wanted to look good anyway. He even tried to search up on the internet how to look presentable for a party. The boy did a skin and hair care routine, and even took a haircut for extra effort. The things he does for Jaehyun.

Taeyong took his bath and tried to smell as good as he can with body spray and deodorant. He wore the suit and left the jacket for last. He tucked his dress shirt and made sure it looks good. His shoes were already shined well by him. Styling his hair took the longest. He doesn't know what he should do with it honestly, but he did end up doing a simple slickback.

He wore the jacket and buttoned it up. He looked himself in the mirror and thought he looked decent. Then he thought he should atleast add very little makeup. He touched up his eyebrows and lips. He used the tinted chapstick he owns for a while now since his lips get chapped whenever he's in the office because of the cold air.

Right when he finished, he heard a knock on his door which he immediately went to answer it. Taeyong thought it's Jaehyun so he grabbed everything he needed before he opened it then he was greeted by the driver.

"Good evening, Mr. Lee. I am here to pick you up for the party," he uttered.

Taeyong nodded, "Okay. Let's go."

Both of them went out of the building. He expected Jaehyun to get him though but maybe he's at the party already. He must be needed there for the preparation. He'll maybe meet him there.

The door to the backseat was opened for him. Taeyong thanked the driver before he stepped in. He closed it and when he tried to adjust to the side, he jolted badly to see Jaehyun seated beside. The boy held his chest and sighed.

"You scared me!" Taeyong exclaimed.

Jaehyun chuckled, drinking the champagne in the glass he has in his hand. Sitting with high class, legs crossed, swirling his drink and dressed to impress.

"Champagne?" Jaehyun asked.

The boy shook his head, "No, thank you. I bet I'll be drinking some later anyway...Why are you here?"

"What do you mean? I'm going to attend the party with you," the man said.

"Aren't you needed?"

"Let them be. The fuck I care if they mess up," Jaehyun said and smirked at his boyfriend, "You look prettier tonight."

Taeyong chuckled, "Thank you. I like your hair, by the way. Suits you...Also, are you drunk?"

"I just complimented you then you asked me if I'm drunk?"

"You just have a habit to be drunk, right?"

"You want to know if I'm drunk?"

The boy looked, interested, with his big eyes. The man leaned in and kissed Taeyong, catching him off guard, although, he did kiss back in a snap. Using their tongues, Taeyong tasted the sweet champagne in Jaehyun's mouth. They sucked each other's lips, the man humming on the flavor of the boy's lips. The boy cupped the other's jaw, rubbing his thumb softly against the skin.

Jaehyun took another peck before he pulled away from Taeyong. If they weren't dressed and not in a hurry, they would probably do something more.

"I like your chapstick. Tasty," the man commented.

The boy rolled his eyes playfully before he went to wipe the smudged tint on the man's lips, "Uh-huh, and if you guessed the flavor, I'll kiss you again."

"Just a kiss?"

Taeyong raised an eyebrow, "What do you want?"

Cutting their conversation off, the driver stopped the car and excused himself.

"Excuse me, Mr. Jung, but we have arrived."

The boy nodded and thanked him. He looked back at Jaehyun, "So? Go ahead. I'll follow behind."

The man gave him another peck and smiled, "I'll wait for you inside, okay?"

"Of course."

Jaehyun fixed his tie before he stepped out of the car. As soon as he did, several cameras started clicking and lights flickering. It looked like a red carpet from Taeyong's perspective. It just knocked at him that Jaehyun's reputation is really this big. His name alone is a fortune. Hundreds of eyes are on him and just a little mess up, they would immediately make an article about it.

He was intimidated.

But Jaehyun never made him feel like he's at the higher level than him. The man would even treat him like a king. If they'll stay in this relationship, would things really be for their best? Taeyong never doubted but he's worried than he might taint Jaehyun's name.

"Mr. Lee, would you want me to escort you inside?"

Taeyong shook his head, "You don't have to! But thank you. I will see you later."

The driver nodded and smiled before the boy stepped out and walked into the other entrance that was meant for other visitors, like the media.

Taeyong slid himself in and tried finding Jaehyun right away. His eyes looked around. There were so many people in classy gowns and suits. He felt very outcasted. He didn't really expect him to fit into this class and he got tensed. He doesn't know what to do honestly. Should he try calling Jaehyun? He's feeling so lost.

"You look like a lost puppy."

The boy looked behind him and felt relieved that it was Jaehyun. The man wrapped an arm around his waist and smiled at him.

"I got overwhelmed," Taeyong sheepishly chuckled.

Jaehyun hummed, "Don't worry, I felt the same when I attended my first annual party. You'll get used to it. Let's go? I already gave our table readied."

The boy nodded and they walked towards the table's direction. They sat and were grouped with Jaehyun's other invited friends that Taeyong doesn't know about. The man did introduce them to him, they seem to be very friendly. Still, Taeyong wasn't as comfortable as he would like to be. But he wasn't being pushed away. In fact, they are quite interested with the boy.

Jaehyun was there to occasionally save him in other questions. Taeyong likes the atmosphere.

"You good?" the man asked, whispering.

The boy smiled as he nodded, "Yeah."

Under the table, Jaehyun's hand reached over to Taeyong's thigh. He rubbed the clothed part with his thumb and caressing it softly while they talk. Then he went to grab on to the boy's hand, lovingly holding it.

They didn't know that someone sees them from behind. Her blood was boiling and her hands are shaking from anger. She holds onto her wine glass tightly that it could almost shatter in her hands. All her thoughts were only full of annoyance. Their relationship was ticking her off. She wants to do something to separate them.

"Mrs. Jung, you are already on cue," the coordinator whispered.

She smiled, "Right. Let's go."

Though, her smile was fake.

Given a microphone, she immediately took everyone's attention. She smiled at her guests and camera's started flicking.

"Good evening, ladies and gentlemen! Thank you so much for coming to our annual event. This is a very important night for me and my family, and I am happy that we are able to celebrate another year with you."

Jaehyun rolled his eyes at his mother and looked at his lover, "I want to go already. This is making me sick."

Taeyong chuckled softly, "Stop that. You need to attend this."

"We could've just stayed in my place. It's much interesting to do other things."

"Like what, Mr. Jung?"

The man shrugged, "I don't know. Movies, eating, playing games...Why? Do you have other things in mind?"

Jaehyun wiggled his eyebrows and earned a gentle slap from Taeyong who laughed softly.

"Whatever. You're the one thinking something else."

"You want to find out?"


Suddenly, Taeyong got wine pouring on his head and down his face, making its way to dirty his white dress shirt and ruin the suit Jaehyun bought for him.

Everyone gasped at the scene unfolding and the boy tensed. Jaehyun was stunned. The man looked at the person who did it and he immediately got angry.

"Oops," his mother teasingly, "Sorry, it slipped."

Jaehyun's clenched his jaw and stood from his chair, "What the fuck is your problem?!"

Tears started welling up on Taeyong's eyes. He was humiliated. Cameras were on him and taking pictures of the boy who got drenched with wine by the Chairman of the company. He wants to stop Jaehyun but he couldn't. All he could do is to cover his face.

"I was just going to get my son but my glass accidentally fell," she uttered plainly, putting the microphone down.

The man's fists were shaking, "I know you did it on purpose!"

"Is that how you talk to your mother? Stop this attitude, Jaehyun," as she faked a smile to the public with an eyebrow arching at her own son.

"You stop this fucking attitude! Do you want everyone to know how you treat your son? Your people? How you only see us as pawns?!"

"Jaehyun. Sit down--"

"You sit down! You've never once been a good person in my life! If you don't stop, I'll make sure you regret this."

"All of this is for you, Jaehyun!" she shouted.

"But none of this could ever make up for your mistakes. You are that selfish."

Jaehyun went to comfort Taeyong who was crying quietly. The man cupped the boy's face and felt his heart broke. He didn't deserve this.

"Let's go," the man whispered and relieved to receive a nod from the boy. Both of them stood, with Jaehyun assisting Taeyong.

"And where are you going?!"

The man looked back at her, "Leaving. Don't even think about following us."

"I told you, you can't leave! This is your responsibility!"

"Then I quit. I don't want to be a part of this ever again! And I swear, I will make sure this company will go down until you suffer and come crawling. Unless, you apologize to Taeyong."

"Y-You can't do that--"

Jaehyun scoffed, "Oh, I can. You were never a family to me anyway."

"You think that love will be enough to make you alive?! That boy is good for nothing! He's only stupid little bi--"

"Continue and you're getting what you're looking for."

The venue was quiet, watching the scene that was like from a TV drama. No one dared to even intervene. Everyone was in a shock. Jaehyun just led Taeyong out of the area, leaving his mother in tears and anger.

Both of them went to the car and the driver was worried but Jaehyun told him they were fine. Taeyong was in a car and just let all his tears to fall. The man could only hug him tightly. He rubbed the boy's back and told him sweet nothings while Taeyong cried, hugging him back. His skinny hands were tightly gripping on the man's jacket.

They spent a few minutes, just calming down. Once the boy's cries died down, the man pulled away a bit and cupped his face. His thumbs wiped off the tears stain on Taeyong's cheeks.

"I know this is all of a sudden...but are you willing to still be with me, Taeyong?"

Taeyong looked at him with his teary big eyes. He could only nod, not wanting his voice to crack and make him cry like a big baby again.

Jaehyun smiled, "Then what do you say about staying with me, in America?"

The boy wasn't able to answer but the man understands.

"I know it's really anxious to leave everything behind but I promise that you'll never be treated like this ever again. I'll take care of you better and we have our own lives there. We can start over..."

It was a no-brainer. Taeyong would want to live with Jaehyun and away from these but he was just nervous. Things will haunt him. But then, he knows everything will just get better with the man.

Taeyong smiled and nodded, "I want to be with you, Jaehyun. I-I promise that I'll be a better and worthy partner for you..."

"You already are, sweetheart."

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