《 Chapter 4: Journey Into the Mushroom Kingdom 》

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Y/N, Mario, and Luigi are now outside where the flood was spreading, as those construction workers are trying to stop the water from flooding from the sewer hole. There are police cars and emergency vehicles around there.

The construction worker closed the hole with the lid, stopping the spraying water. He gives them thumbs up.

"I got this.", the construction worker said. But then, he was catapulted away by the big wave of water, as the cover did not help with stopping the flood.

"Heh ha! They're not even looking in the right place.", Mario said, pulling out the crow bar tool from the tool bag Luigi is holding. "Come on, Lu, N/N.", Mario said.

He looks around, before finding the sewer lid through the water and pushes the crow bar tool into the lid. Mario removes the sewer cover, causing the water sink down into it, as the water surrounds the Mario siblings.

Mario and Y/N gets determined and ready. Luigi sees that and gets worried.

"You two are not seriously considering--", Luigi started. He was cut off by his two siblings jumping into the sewers.

"Mario! Y/N!!", Luigi groaned. He hesitated for a moment, before covering his mouth and taking a deep breath, jumping into the sewers after them.

Luigi falls into the water where Mario and Y/N are waiting for him, and coughs out in disgust. Mario starts walking through the water and sees something ahead.

"We got to get to that pressure valve.", Mario said. The pressure valve could be seen rattling and white smoke coming out.

"Mamma mia...", Luigi whimpered. "You sure this is a good idea?", Y/N asked, looking concerned.

"I'm sure. No need to worry.", Mario assured her. He started climbing onto the pipe and moving towards valve with Luigi following behind and Y/N following after.

Once they're close, Mario tries to reach for the wheel of the valve, but the pressure was so high and when Mario grabs it, it breaks and falls. Then, the pipe they're holding onto breaks, as well as they fall towards the waterfall and break through the brick walls.

The siblings collapsed with a groan. They look up, finding themselves in another room of sewers.

"I knew saving Brooklyn was a bad idea.", Luigi said. "Hey, at least we tried.", Y/N defended, getting up.

"Come on.", Mario said, helping Luigi up. Mario and Y/N sees something ahead and walks towards it with Luigi following them.

"Whoa!", Mario gasped. Y/N glanced down at the sign that said "Restricted Area" and to the place that are full of pipes.

"What is this place?", Y/N asked. The siblings look down below and Luigi kicks some rocks, as they fall and hit the ground, showing how high they are.

They start climbing down the stairs to get a better look, as they look around the place they aren't familiar with. Mario, Y/N, and Luigi brings out a flashlight for them to see through the dark, as they look with curiosity and awe.

They walk past a familiar looking green pipe, as Luigi stopped and looked into it. "Looks like nobody's been down here for years.", Mario said.

"No wonder nobody wanted to come down here.", Y/N commented. Suddenly, they heard a clank noise with a hint of sparkling sound and turned to see the same green pipe they walk past by, but they find Luigi gone.

"Luigi?", Mario and Y/N asked in unison. They use their flashlight into the pipe to see the wrench on the ground.

"Luigi, are you in there?", Mario asked. "Luigi? Shout if you can hear us.", Y/N said.

No reply from him as they look deep into the pipe. Mario picks up the wrench, as he and Y/N shouts again.

"Luigi!!", Mario and Y/N shouted out in unison. Just then, the wrench flies out of his grasp and goes toward the hole of the pipe.

"What?", Mario asked, confused. "What in the--?!", Y/N exclaimed.

A sudden gush of wind starts pulling the two in. They tried to stop it by holding themselves together, until they were sucked in, causing them to scream.

They spin around rapidly, as they get sucked into a colorful see-through pipe. They stopped screaming to find themselves in a beautiful dimension view full of bright pinkish clouds with other more colorful pipes.

Their aweness was quickly cut off by Luigi's scream, as they look ahead to see him. "Luigi!!", Mario and Y/N exclaimed.

"Mario!! Y/N!!", Luigi screamed back. Mario and Y/N speed themselves towards Luigi and reaches out.

"Give us your hand!!", Mario and Y/N exclaimed. They managed to grab a hold of each other's hand on each as they spin around in unison.

"It's all gonna be okay!", Mario assured. "How is it gonna be okay?!", Luigi exclaimed.

"I'm telling you, nothing can hurt us...", Mario started. "As long as we're together!!", Y/N finished with a smile.

Luigi smiled at them, until it instantly get wiped off, as he gets sucked into what appears to be a dark grey fiery cloud, forcing him to let go of his siblings.

"Luigi!!!", Mario and Y/N screamed out. "Mario!!! Y/N!!!", Luigi screamed back.

The Mario siblings get teleported separately, as Mario and Y/N head into a nice big cloud. Before they knew it, the green pipe fired out the screaming Mario and Y/N, as they fall and hit straight at the giant mushroom.

Well, Mario gets hit by the mushroom, as he landed on another, face first, before sliding off to the ground and landed on his back, causing the yellow butterfly that was on the ground to fly off. Y/N landed on the mushroom feet first, before back flipping off of it and landed gracefully in a ninja pose, as Mario slowly gets up, twisting his shoulder.

"Show off...", Mario grumbled, making her smirk. Y/N fixes her brother's hat, before she and Mario gasps at what they're seeing.

There they find themselves looking around in a place full of tall, giant mushrooms called the Mushroom Gorge. Birds could be seen chirping, as they fly past by in the air.

"Wow!!", Y/N gasped in awe. Though, the more she looks around, the more she recognizes this place.

Mario notices a blue mushroom to which she notices as well. He looks at her, as if asking if it's safe, to which she shrugged.

He then slowly approaches it with his hand reaching out. Y/N followed him behind.

Just as he's about to touch the blue mushroom, a red mushroom popped out from behind the mushroom Mario was near. It revealed to be a small person with a red and white mushroom on his head, as he shouted at them.

"Do not touch that mushroom! You'll die!!", the red mushroom exclaimed. "WHOA! WHAT THE-!!!", Y/N cried out, backing away and doing her karate pose.

Mario screamed and backed away, falling to the ground in the process. The red mushroom capped guy took a look at the blue mushroom, before his expression soften and chuckled.

"Oh, I'm sorry. Heh. That one's perfectly fine.", the red mushroom said, hugging the blue mushroom, before moving away. "That's a little mushroom man. A little mushroom man talking to us, Y/N.", Mario quivered.

"I can see that.", Y/N said, warily, still on guard. "Pleased to meet ya. I'm Toad.", Toad greeted, holding out a hand.

Mario takes it, as Toad helps him up much to her surprise. "Uh... Mario?", Mario asked, confused.

"Y/N...", Y/N added. Toad then walks off.

Mario and Y/N spots a pair of bugs and Mario runs after Toad while Y/N stands there watching in awe, before she was tugged away by her brother, as they caught up.

"So this is... Uh... This is... This is not a dream?", Mario asked, looking around the Gorge. Suddenly, Toad turns and smacks him in the arm with his wooden staff, causing him to yell in pain.

"Aah!", Mario yelped. "Hey! What was that for?!", Y/N demanded, massaging Mario's arm to ease his pain.

"That hurt, right?", Toad asked, going back to walking. "Yes!!", Mario and Y/N shouted out, angrily.

"Definitely not a dream.", Toad gladly confirmed. "But did you have to hit him that hard? You could've asked him to pinch himself! That would've been better!", Y/N glared.

"My bad.", Toad smiled, sheepishly. "Then it's... This place is...", Mario started.

"The Mushroom Kingdom!", Toad happily said. Now that sounds familiar to Y/N, as she put a thought to it, while looking around.

Though, Mario was not happy to hear about that, as his hate for mushroom grew. "Mushrooms? Really? Now, that is a cruel twist of fate...", Mario grumbled in annoyance.

Just then, a circular, spotted creatures with tall, spiny green legs called Bramball moves in with their legs and stops above Mario and Y/N's head, as it faces them. "Hello.", Mario awkwardly greeted.

Y/N glares daggers at the creature, looking cautious. The Bramball ignores them and leaves.

Mario and Y/N then follows after Toad again. "Yeah, we're actually looking for somebody. Uh, our brother, in fact.", Mario said.

"He looks exactly like him but tall and skinny and green." Y/N added. "Last time we saw him, he... he was falling through a pipe. It was foggy, and... and I believe there was lava."

Toad gasped and froze.

''Uh, that is not good. Um, your brother has landed in the Dark Lands." he said, turning to them with a grim look.

"What?" Y/N gasped.

"They're under..."

Toad look around to make sure no one was here before whispering to them.

"...Bowser's control."

"Bowser??" Mario and Y/N questioned in unison.

"He's the most evil, wretched creature alive." Toad explained, hopping onto the big red mushroom.

Mario and Y/N jumped down next to him before Toad use his stick to push them to the other mushroom.

"I'm taking you two to see the princess. She can help you. She can do anything." he said, climbing up to the top of the mushroom.

Y/N easily climbed up and made it to the top with Mario struggling to catch up. She noticed it and helped him up.

"Princess?" Mario and Y/N asked after hearing about her.

They looked ahead and gasped to see a beautiful view of the Mushroom Kingdom with the rainbow over the castle that lies on top of the hill.

"Come on, Mario and Y/N! Our big adventure begins now!" urged Toad, running ahead.

Mario and Y/N look at each other and nod with determination.

"Hang on, Luigi." he said.

"We're coming for you." she added.

They followed Toad back to his homeland as they jump and run over the mushrooms.

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