Chapter 3

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"You're not seeing her anymore, are you?" Taehyung's mum asked him with the so-called motherly, stern tone, as she poked a piece of lettuce on her plate with her fork.

Taehyung's grip on his fork tightened as he stopped chewing on his food. All he had hoped for was a peaceful lunch, but apparently the wish had been rejected like undesired waste.

"What if I am?" He asked couragiously. He was tired of being controlled when it comes to Yuna.

"Taehyung. I've told you she comes from a poor family. You need to talk to-"

He slammed his hands on the table as he stood up from his seat. "I don't like wealthy people!"

He shot his vexed gaze at her, who was sitting at the other end of the long table. His tone altered to softer as he refused to avoid her enraged eyes. "I like her a lot. She's the only one outside the household who cares about me and not my anxiety disorder."

Her eyes turned warmer, too. "Your father won't be happy with this."

"No. He'd be fine. You're the one overcomplicating this."


He sprinted up the stairs to hide himself in his room.
His mother was tender and benign, but he found her attitude towards Yuna intolerable.

Remembering what happened every time his mum saw Yuna, he resisted the urge to go back to her and scream again.


He wasn't bothered.

He sighed deeply before plopping on bed, closing his eyes as exhaustion clouded his sight.


He woke up in a daze, confused about the time of the day. The brightness from the window told him that his nap didn't last long - in fact, his phone told him he had been in nap land for about an hour.

He forced himself up as he sluggishly stepped down the stairs to go to the kitchen to treat himself a glass of water.

Suddenly, he felt his instincts wake up too as they quietly manipulated him to go to his study room.

And just as the kicks of his instincts were right, his eyes met Yuna's innocent and pristine ones from outside the window, creating a friendly and warm aura in the room which he had yearned for.

"Taehyung! I brought you something!" She welcomed him with a wave.

"A book?" He asked as his eyes landed on the cream covered object in her hands.

"Yeah! I loved this book since I was younger. The story is so similar to our lives. I bought it for you." She held it out to him with an angelic smile.

That was another quality about her that he liked; she would share what she enjoyed with him, making it even more entertaining as they did it together.

But the moment was soon shattered to pieces as they heard a shout from the garden, not too far away from them.

Taehyung's mum.

"You again! What are you doing there?!" Her thunderous voice buzzed against their ears like a roaring radio, which Taehyung found so annoying.

"Mum, please!"

She stepped closer to them, her yells not proceeding to an end. "I told you not to come here again."

"I'm sorry." Was all Yuna could ruefully mutter as she stared at the ground.

Taehyung felt disgusted at the scene.

"Get out."

"Mum," his stern voice made the woman finally focus on him. "Please, stop it."

"Taehyung," Yuna's almost inaudible voice made him gaze at her in pity - and he felt awful for feeling pity towards her. "It's fine. I'll go."

But it didn't feel right to him. She would usually apologise quietly. But that felt like a goodbye, which Taehyung never thought about her doing it to him. He panicked as he tried to touch her face with his shaky hands. "Hey, no."

He wanted to break as her eyes looked up to his, showing nothing but shades of pain. Yuna whimpered out a sob as she held his hands on her face, before slowly letting them go.

"Yuna! No!"

But she was already running towards the gate. Adrenaline burst in his veins as he jumped out the window, but he was easily caught by his mother.

Sobbing uncontrollably, he tried to break free from his mum's deathly grip, but Yuna's figure was gone.

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