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Sanskar's pov

"You ready?" i hissed over the Adarsh( Sanskar's brother)

"yay"he confirmed,a devious smile forming. Of course he was..

Adarsh jumped off of the roof, his feet landed perfectly before he dashed to the bank. He shot me a thumbs up before the real game started. i dissappeared in a flash,slipping off the radar, quickly passing Adarsh and Pari. She, ofcourse, stayed out of costume, using her fine arguing skills to distract the young employee. she mumbled something and by her expression i knew its something about me.. She should have been known till that i go whenever i wanted . Adarsh followed my lead( we are of same age) and went to the best looking woman to flirt with , she was to be our designated escape route.

Using the night to my advantage, my shadow snuck into the safe where hundreds of shelves were filled entirely with cash. In one swift movement i unlock the safe door from the inside, allowing Adarsh to enter, and we both slide into our bags and when all bags are filled , we ditch. He hands the bag to me and we enter a car and Pari pulls up to the side exit.

"Thanks babe", I heard Adarsh say from the front seat . He sparked a conversation with the girl he was- with no doubt is hot though shje wore the clothing on the more conservative side. I saw Pari scaling up Adarsh's conversation with that girl . i bewgan to relax as the car sped away knowing we were far away before the cops would come. i smiled seeing the bag on my lap realising we hit jackpot.

Ragini's POV

I am actually going to live with a murderer, I thought while chewing on my pen. I was at a hearing with a few fellow students looking to learn about the justice system. It was true that i wasn't listening - ironic that its called a hearing haha - but i got to the point. the man presented to us was Rajan Shah, a low key drug dealer. I was having a tough time to figure ouit how could he be innocent, but in cases like these ,there just simply wan't a reason. Rajan sold drugs to teenagers and put them inside candy to get kids hooked. I wote in my notes my opinion and had left it alone. Today, I had bigger problems. SANSKAR MAHESWARI was moving into my appartment at three o clock.

Withinm an hour the session was over and Rajan was placed in a jail. It served him right. There was no evidence that could have saved him. I walked out of building minding my own business when I recieved a tap on my shoulder.


Updated do read...

Sorry friends for short update..

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