MoF Day 30: Worst Possible Timing (IMPORTANT A/N)

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**Ah! This is the end of the month of fluff!! I had a blast with these, especially because they were so sweet and silly and fun to write! I have some requests to get to, and I finished Lost in Translation as some of you know, so... dumb roll... I'm writing a new book! I've already got the title: Stark Men Are Made Of Iron. It's a Spiderson/Irondad, with biological Peter Stark. And, to spice things up, there's a torrid love affair, lots of angst, broken up dates, and identity reveals. And I am writing a new ship!! So that's super fun and exciting. Enjoy, my friends. I'll have the first chapter up in a couple days. It's another shorter one, I think my outline is like... 12-15 chapters? In the meantime, enjoy the last MoF chapter!**

Peter happily fingered through his hair, adjusting his curls so they sat softly over his eyes. He'd forgone the gel that Tony had given him, deciding that his natural hair, however frizzy, was much more casual and date-like. Plus, MJ had once said she liked how fuzzy Peter's hair was, so he hated using anything in his hair, for fear that she wouldn't like it when it wasn't as 'fuzzy'.

He was wearing simple jeans and a tee shirt (Pepper had helped him pick it out the night before) and a pair of Vans. He still has an hour or so to get to MJ's house and pick her up, but the subway sometimes (all the time) got delayed, and the last thing Peter wanted to do was ruin the first official date by being late.

He checked his phone again, making sure he still had time to get a quick snack before he left.

"Hey," the teen said as he skidded into the kitchen and headed straight for the chips. When no one responded, he looked around. The team was no where in sight. "FRIDAY? Where is everyone?"

"Ms. Potts and Boss are upstairs in a meeting. Everyone else went out earlier today and I haven't seen them since. Would you like me to send a message to anyone?"

"No, no, no," Peter put his hands up and shook them back and forth. "That's okay!"

The last thing Peter wanted to do was remind everyone he existed if they were out and distracted already. The teasing had been relentless leading up to Peter's big date. Maybe the teen should just be happy that everyone had seemingly forgotten the one thing they'd been holding onto all week and let it go that no one was at the Tower to tease him before he left. It's not like this was all on purpose to surprise and embarrass him at the coffee shop with MJ. Right?


MJ handed over a $5 bill for her latte. Despite it being a date, she'd politely declined Peter's offer to pay, saying that it was only right she pay for her own coffee on the first date.

"You can pay the next one."

"There's a next one already?" Peter asked, giving MJ a sly smile.

"We'll see."

The two found a table and sat, both smiling at one another but not really sure what to say next.

"Have you done the book report for Ms. Yang yet?" Peter started as he played with the coffee cup sleeve.

"Of course. I finished it last weekend."

"What'd you chose?"

"Oh! I picked this phenomenal book, it's called The Poisoner's Handbook. All about early 20th century poisons, forensics, and chemical autopsies." MJ kept going on about her book, giving Peter all the details and names and stories from the book. Peter had a goofy smile on his face, the one he only pulled out when he was totally falling for the beautiful, smart, silly girl in front of him.

"-So thats how prohibition influenced both social and political change, but also development in crime solving and medical chemistry."

Peter had a silly smile on his face as he listened to MJ talk about her book. He reserved this particular smile just for her, when he was falling harder and harder for the beautiful, smart, funny girl in front of him.

"What are you looking at me like that for?"

"Like what?" Peter asked, startled out of his daze.

"Like that! You always have that silly looking expression when I talk about books. Do you secretly hate reading or something?" MJ asked, smirking at Peter's discomfort as she called him out.

"Oh, no, he loves reading. Reading comic books."

"Real mature, Clint."

Peter looked up, horror flashing across his facial features as he recognized the voices. There, at the front of the cafe, was the entire team, minus Pepper and Tony, of course. Steve took the lead and headed over to see the two teens.

"Fancy meeting you here, Pete. And who's this?"

MJ extended a hand. "MJ. I'm Peter's date for the afternoon."

Natasha let a lopsided smile pull at her lips. "Just for the afternoon?"

"We'll see how things shape up." MJ shrugged, causing everyone to laugh. Peter was terribly embarrassed, his face red as a tomato, but also somewhat pleased and proud that MJ, his MJ, was making the Avenger's laugh. She was so good at the whole "people" thing, even if she pretended otherwise.

"What brings you all to a coffee shop 20 minutes away from the Tower?"

The team exchanged glances.

"It's not like you came all the way out her just to embarrass sweet Peter, here, right? I'm sure that would be seen as teasing, and if you haven't heard, there's a pretty serious anti-bullying movement right now, so careful." MJ kept going, in her typical fashion, until Wanda and Natasha cut her off with hysterical laughter.

"I like her, Pete, you better keep her around," Wanda said through her chuckles.

Peter spluttered a little before finding his words. "Guys! You have to go!"

The team reluctantly left, letting Peter make a show of pushing them through the doors.

"I'm so sorry," the young man told MJ when he sat back down.

"It's okay. They're your family, I get it."

The two sat in silence for a moment, both sipping their drinks down a little.

"You never answered my question," MJ commented, swirling her coffee around. "Why do you make that face at me when I talk about books?"

Peter took a breath, finding some confidence buried in his chest. "That's my 'I'm falling for the smartest woman I've ever met' smile."

MJ blushed, a rare look for her. "You know, if you keep it up, we'll be having our second date right after I finish this coffee and we head to the movies."

"I was thinking more bookstore? I was hoping I could buy you a new book." Peter smiled, his eyes twinkling a little.

"And that was the magic phrase."

Peter furrowed his brow. "What do you-"

MJ leaned over the table and kissed his cheek, sending a jolt of electricity down Peter's spine. "Oh."

"Come on, loser, let's go book shopping."

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