Chapter 3

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"Cannonball!" Snowball shouted about two weeks later. That was the one and only warning he gave before he was blasted out of a cannon he had gotten for his birthday from Ozone and Leonard. Flying through the air, the white rabbit sailed over the counter in Max and Duke's kitchen, grabbing the small sugar cookie that Norman had been holding up for him, before crashlanding on the other counter beside the refrigerator. He held up the cookie in triumph for all the terrified animals in the living room to see.

Opening the refrigerator door where she had been secretly eating a ham sandwich wrapped up in foil with Katie's name on it, Chloe grumbled, "Will you be quiet? I'm trying to enjoy my third lunch in peace and quiet." Without another word, the obese gray tabby cat shut the door.

"Snowball, what have we said about firing yourself in my apartment?" Max asked, raising an eyebrow at the rabbit. Duke, meanwhile, went to get Chloe out of their refrigerator. Hopping down from the kitchen counter, Snowball replied, "It's my cannon. I can do what I want with it Tiny Dog." Flashing the Jack Russell terrier one of his famous pearly white smiles, the white rabbit tossed the sugar cookie into his mouth and happily ate his treat. Max was internally screaming. Leaning towards Mel, Buddy whispered, "Maybe we shouldn't have gotten him a cannon." Sweetpea chirped in agreement.

"Technically, Curly Hair and Hairless got Ball of Fluff that," Pops piped up.

Nuzzling her boyfriend, Gidget reassured Max, "He'll eventually get it. Don't worry." Sighing softly as he nuzzled the fluffy white Pomeranian back, the Jack Russell terrier murmured, "I know. But I fear someone's gonna lose an eye by the time he does."

"I'm right here you guys!" Snowball exclaimed, throwing his paws into the air as he glared at the two young lovers.

"You were told not to fire yourself in other people's apartments you imbecile," Tiberius grumbled from where he was perched up on a shelf. He had this tired look in his light brown eyes, indicating he was not in the mood for anyone's stupidity. Everyone glanced up at the hawk. Narrowing his eyes, Ozone muttered, "What's your problem pigeon?" Leonard facepawed himself but it was too late for the cat to run as the hawk swooped down and grabbed him by the throat. His face turning blue, the feline mumbled, "Okay, I see your point..."

"Drop him," Gidget ordered. Sighing heavily, Tiberius reluctantly dropped Ozone. Turning away from the rest of the group, he muttered, "I think I'm gonna make myself scarce from any activities the psychopath here has planned for today." The hawk left without another word. His jaw dropping, Snowball whispered, "That dude is a mind reader..."

"No, he read the list you have here," Duke corrected, picking up a piece of paper on the table.

"Is it just me or has that guy been moody ever since... forever?" Chloe asked. Mel and Buddy raised their paws in the air, agreeing with the tabby. Sweetpea chirped and whistled. Nodding his head, Pops translated, "We should get ready for Christmas." The little parakeet facewinged himself before whistling something harsh towards the elderly basset hound. Everyone gasped before Duke muttered, "First off, language. Second off, he said someone should talk to him." Immediately, all eyes turned towards Gidget.

Sighing softly, Gidget mumbled, "I'll go talk to him." She headed towards the window and began the long climb up towards the rooftop.

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