Chapter 4

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"Why can't there be an elevator that goes up here..." Gidget whined, reaching up with one small shaking paw towards the rooftop. She had to climb up the green fire escape, starting at the fifth floor, all the way to the roof where her best friend lived. The fluffy white Pomeranian was on the very top step and just needed to get up on the edge. However, she was extremely exhausted from her climb and her paw had just missed the edge. She was about to try another grab for it when a familiar raspy voice spoke, "There is an elevator that comes up here. You guys just don't look hard enough." Something then grabbed Gidget's scruff and pulled her up to the roof.

Laying on the rooftop on her belly, Gidget panted heavily. Glancing up at her best friend Tiberius, who had helped her up, she mumbled gratefully, "Thanks." Rolling his light brown eyes, the hawk pointed out, "Seriously, the elevator is located right next to the stairs and goes from here to the basement."

"I'll keep that in mind, thank you. I'll also let the others know," Gidget murmured. Squinting up at the blazing sun high above them, she groaned quietly. With her fur being as fluffy and as thick as it was, she felt like she was baking. At least she had white fur so it wasn't as bad as what Duke was experiencing with his shaggy brown fur. Everyone was still feeling the heat though. Even Ozone was having problems with the sun, not so much from the heat but from the sunburns he was getting. Looking over at Tiberius, Gidget could tell he wasn't enjoying the weather either. Returning the gaze, the hawk muttered, "I take it you were the chosen one to talk to me. Am I correct?" Gidget nodded her head. Sighing, he continued, "Come on, the shed has more shade than out here."

Once she entered the creepy shed in the one corner of the rooftop, Gidget sighed with relief. It was so cool inside. However, her thoughts were interrupted by the snap of some dead squirrel's spine under her paw. She jumped with fright. Hearing Tiberius snicker quietly, the Pomeranian pinned her ears back out of shame but held her head high as she muttered, "What's so funny?"

"Nothing," Tiberius murmured, glancing off to his right. Yawning, he laid down on some of the bones in the back corner of the shed. After moving a little to get more comfortable, he looked up at Gidget. "Alright, get this done with quickly before I fall asleep on ya," he muttered, yawning again. Still standing where she was, Gidget sat down after moving some skulls belonging to various rodents. Glancing over at her friend, she couldn't understand how the hawk was comfortable laying on them, let alone sleeping. Seeing the frown on her friend's face, she realized that she hadn't said a word yet. Shaking herself, Gidget explained, "Everyone thinks that something is bothering you."

"Yeah and it's called a world full of idiots," Tiberius replied. Feeling a pigeon's wishbone poking him in the rib cage, he picked it up and tossed it off to the side. Watching quietly, Gidget responded quietly, "Somehow, I feel like that was somewhat part of the truth but I don't think that's what's been bothering you."

"Oh really? What makes ya think that?"

"Well, you've been acting like this since... okay, I got nothing."


"I wasn't going to say that."

"Sure and I'm a blind hedgehog."

"Just tell me what's bothering you please. Is it the heat?"

"The heat's bothering everyone."

"Please Tiberius, I'm your best friend. I'm here if you need anything."


"I'll just come back later," Gidget mumbled, getting to her paws. She was about to head out into the blazing sunlight when Tiberius murmured, "It was that thing you said to me two weeks ago, bout friends doing things for each other." Turning back around, Gidget saw her friend gazing at one of the walls of the shed, a distant look in his eyes. The Pomeranian was taken back to when the two of them had first met. The old hawk appeared to never had a friend in his life or at least for a couple of years. Padding over and sitting down beside him, Gidget patted Tiberius gently on the shoulder as she spoke softly, "I'm sorry if it hurt your feelings."

"It didn't hurt. Just something that keeps me up at night," Tiberius mumbled. Sighing softly, Gidget remembered that, usually, she and the others had relied on the old red tail for help with things from opening a stubborn jar to saving their furry behinds from a squirrel apocalypse. He even did some tasks without being asked. "Well, all you need to do is give a call and we'll help you out with something," she stated. She was about to leave when something came across her mind. Turning back around, Gidget chuckled quietly as she admitted, "I'm sorry for this random question but... when is your birthday? I don't know why but it just came to me that-"

"Don't worry bout it," Tiberius interrupted Gidget, adding, "I don't."

"What do you mean?"

"Well... let's just say that I don't celebrate it."

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