5. Twitter @FashionTwins1

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Satin & Chenille from our 'Twitter movie Trolls group' :) 

- Yes, they are inseparable, so even have One Account for Both! 😉

They don't quarrel about it, they tweet either together expressing their opinions as 'We' - or separate their messages starting a sentence with their names. They are really good sisters, they always help each other & never argue about anything. 'Perfect sisters' I could say - & always the Best Dressed Troll Girls :) . 

They are as kind & friendly as all Trolls, they usually tweet about fashion, Retweet lots of pictures of fashionable clothes, lipstics, eyeshadows or nail polish. They always know 'What's fashionable in this season', they eagerly join long RP stories our Whole Group invents together & they are happy to give Anyone some Fashion Advice if needed!  ^_^ 

And of course if you ask them what a specific type of any clothes or jewellery is by giving them the name of it - they always know the answer & they will explain it to you :) . ( Example: they recently explained that a 'choker' is a kind of a necklace worn close to the skin when they were asked about it ). They also like to tweet fashion related quotes like 'Fashion is my Passion' or 'Do it with Fashion - or don't do it at all' :) 

And in their tweets where they tweet about one thing as 'We' - they always use double identical emoticons! 😊😊

*And if someone is still not sure which one is which - I can tell you: Satin is Pink - & Chenille is the blue one :)

This short rhyme about them just came into my mind: 

'Satin is Pink - Chenille Blue

Their Fashion Experts

- I Assure You!'  ^_^

( They are the last 'Trolls' account from our Twitter Group... - but we have Two Befriended Happy Bergens accounts too! 😉 )

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