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How are you finding the book!? Like are you all liking the book?

Also Happy October!
And happy Navratri❤️

I ENTERED THE CLASSROOM looking a mess. My jeans and kurta had sand over it and I looked homeless. Still I knew I had to attend the class.

I had Dramatics as my first class, and I couldn't be grateful. Apparently, Anish and I shared this class and I knew atleast hiddenly I had a support.

"You are late, miss uh.." the teacher spoke as she raised her eyes from the book in her hand.

When did my name change to 'uhh'?

It is a grave important matter which needs a solid discussion with Ma.

"Who are you?" So subtle.

"New student?" I offered. Like dude you are the teacher apparently you should know me.

I didn't know I gave her an oscar by telling her that I was a new student because as soon as she heard it her face beamed. Shooting her white teeth at me with the biggest smile she could muster.

"Ooh, my new target is here." She announced happily.

"Huh?" I asked thinking I heard something wrong.

"Come come inside, late comer."

I so wanted to tell her that I was a new comer.

"Introduce yourself to the entire class." She beamed as I gulped.

I smiled at her in affirmation as I turned my head to face the entire class. All of them were staring at me like I was plague.

Dude, I ain't even that beautiful.

"I.." I paused. My eyes scanned the entire room when they zeroed on the familiar face.

"I am Ragini." I answered.

I guess that was enough of introduction, cause who in today's world was bothered to know which colour I liked and what my hobbies were. Lets keep the intro crisp.

"So miss Late comer,-"

"Ragini." I corrected. I couldn't tolerate her behaviour.

Like, I was late okay? But was it necessary to make it that obvious. She certainly wasn't happy with ny interruption but she still continued.

"So miss Late comer, we certainly ain't interviewers. So we need you to give your introduction like a 8th grade student would." She smirked.

Was this teacher ragging me? Cause it felt so.

"Oh ohkay. I am Ragini as you all know and ma'am for you I am miss Late comer." I smiled at her sarcastically," I hate people who spoil my name," I again smiled at the teacher," I like the colour grey which reminds me ragging by teachers, have you all read the book?" I asked when I got only rose eyebrows as response I continued," My hobby is to not disrespect elders. Thank you very much." I announced and headed towards the first empty seat I saw.

"You performed a serious shit there," the girl next to me whispered.

"I know, but she was legit annoying me," I answered.

"She was but thats how sadist she is. But now that you managed to get on her bad list she will make your life hell." The girl told me.

"Is she always like this? Why don't you complain about her?" I asked.

"Cause she is a two faced person. Infront of our principal she acts as if she is the most innocent soul."

"True actor," I chuckled.

"By the way, I liked your guts," she winked at me as I smiled back.

"I am Radhika," she told me.

"And as you know, I am Ragini."

"I have a feeling we'll be great friends."

"I do hope so." I replied as we turned out attention towards the lovable teacher.

After two hours the lecture was almost over, when the devil announce," We have an important discussion tomorrow on mythological plays. And as Ragini, our new fellow friend seems so interested we should give her the chance to show her talent. You, will present the topic." She announced glaring me.

"All the best," Radhika whispered as I cursed under my breath.

Too much attention not good


"You can have lunch with me and my friends today?" Radhika proposed as I was packing my bags.

"Would love too." I answered.

We left the class, and headed towards the cafeteria. On my wah I decided to extract some information about the college.

"Hey, by the way you know someone that goes by the name Shanaya?" I asked her casually. Her answer wasn't something I expected.

She stopped dead on her tracks, and I looked at her confused.

"She is the daughter of our principal."

Excuse me? So what was I? Alien?

A sassy Ragini a day keeps Villains away- quote of the day.

Alsooooo hola hola!!


(Target-30+ votes cause bhaisahab views hai😂)

Chaloo bbyeee!!

Take care!!

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