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My palms sweated like there's no tomorrow. There was a mysterious feeling inside me building up as I waited for Hyunjin to show up infront of the porch.

That feeling when you start being paranoid about if you're idol is going live while you're not around. It's that kind of feeling. Inside me, I feel like Hyunjin would tell me something. I just don't know where to pinpoint it out.

A knock interrupted my clouding thoughts. As I stood up, I ran my hand over and over my pants, trying to remove the wetness from it. Twisting the door knob, I opened the door and my eyes were blessed by a dashing Hyunjin.

"Wow." I breathed out. Both of my hands over my mouth. I saw him do me a once over and then smiled proudly. What was he proud about?

"I could say the same to you." Hyunjin had this smug grin, I wanted to wipe out of his face from utter annoyance and overjoy. It's like I haven't received a compliment for years.

He reached out to hold my hand. Intertwining it with his long, pretty one. It only added to my nervousness, my hands were wet a bit. His were cold, but it fitted well with mine.

"So, where to?" I asked, trying to sound casually when I was really having a havoc inside me. Hyunjin never stopped smiling and that's one of what I like about him. His genuineness about what he truly feels.

He swayed our intertwined hands back and forth before answering. "This will be pretty cliché but what's important is I got to spend the day with you. Let's make new productive memories together." It's not the answer I expected, but it was better.

I smiled back at him and gave our hands a small squeeze. "It's not cliché if I spend it with you. I'd love it." We both had a goofy smile as we rode the bus.

We went to a waterpark. The fish loomed over us through the tunnel like way, making us look up to appreciate every specie in there. Hyunjin bought me a cute mini whale stuff toy, which I'm going to name after the two of us.

I watched as Hyunjin copied the puffer fish, opening and closing his mouth. "I'm going to take a pic of you with that fish, keep acting." I laughed as I took the picture of him and Mrs. Puffs from spongebob. Hyunjin had bloated his cheeks and crossed his eyes from the picture, to others it would look unnatural but he has a pretty face he can do anything with.

After the waterpark, we went to the public library. I gave him a weird look, which he only replied with an adorable laugh. 

"Why are we here again?" I asked whispering for the sake of the whole library. We sat face to face, a table splitting us apart but our hands were still connected.

"Nothing. I just want to look at you here. Explore." I blushed for 'I-don't-know-what' reason. As Hyunjin said we did stare at each other, but not too long when I stood up and called to play hide and seek.

Hide and seek in the public library sounds lame, but we did have fun peeking through the book shelves just to see if the 'it' from the two of us is near.

I hid to the farthest section of books, with no one around. Peeking everytime to see if Hyunjin was near to finding me or not. I laughed as I saw him jumping from one shelf to another, like a child.

After a minute, I took a look again but he wasn't there anymore. He can't find me. I glanced at my watch, it was 11am already. I've been hiding for about 12 minutes now.

"What's taking him so long oh go—" A familiar set of hands slipped through my waist, hugging me from behind.

"Found you, Minnie." Hyunjin whispered near my ears. I swatted his arms lightly and faced him. "I thought you left me and didn't plan on finding me anymore." I 'hmph'-ed as a sign that I was mad at him.

"I would never do that. If you leave me and set out to an adventure somewhere, I'd probably still search for you from everywhere all around the world." I rolled my eyes but blushed deeply nonetheless.

"Yeah right, Jinnie." I said in a careless tone. He had wide eyes, trying to convince me. "I will! Don't doubt me." And before we even got kicked out from the library we went to the park next.

Hyunjin and I watched the sky as we layed on the grass. Watching the earth move is always calming to me. Seeing the clouds slowly walk from the sky, sometimes covering the sun but it never stopped shining.

"Seungmin." I hummed as an answer to Hyunjin's call.

"I remember everything you chose to forget." And that's where my heart sank to my stomach. I tried my best to not act frantically as I looked at him beside me.

"R-remember what?" I asked masking the sound of my nervous voice with a confused one. Hyunjin stared back at me, his face serious.

"That we had talked through telepathy." Is this what the mysterious feeling I was feeling earlier? Maybe it is.

"Since when?"

"Since the day I confessed to you." He answered. I looked away as my eyes started to wet a bit.

"Then you really don't like me right?" My voice sounded gruff. I gulped the every forming feeling inside me that was about to explode.

"I do like you. I've thought about everything and every word I said to you before, when we still have connected thoughts and I just want to say sorry. Sorry for being such a jerk to you. Sorry for trying to hate you. Sorry for calling you hurtful words. Sorry—" Before he could finish, I stood up.

"I don't need your pity. I never liked it when I hear your thoughts. It's privacy invasion, honestly. I'm sorry for that, but all I wanted you to do was to like me back. Never to the point of those things I erased. You crushed my feelings when you decided to have a girlfriend. Did you know how much it hurts like hell when I hear your thoughts about her? No, maybe yes. You chose to hurt me." The tears I was stopping, dropped. Everything I kept inside me poured.

"Seungmin, please listen to me. I know that's why I'm saying sorry. Please forgive me for everything I've done to hurt you. I don't deserve your love." Hyunjin sat up and looked down the grass, while I stood here watching him with tears falling.

"I'm sorry too Hyunjin. Don't say you don't deserve my love, it's me who chose to feel this way for you." I hate how happiness turns into sadness so fast, like this. It's like a drama, where we reached the climax and everything is just... Drama.

"If I said I love you, will you still accept me?" I huffed at what he said, wiping my tears.

"I should be the one asking you that." I held out my hand to him. He grabbed my hand and I pushed him up to stand. We were now face to face. His eyes staring my emotional one.

"Seungmin, I'm sorry—" I cut hin off, "Stop saying sorry oh my gosh." Hyunjin only laughed. How ironic, I was crying earlier now I'm laughing.

"Seungmin, I love you from the bottom of my heart. I've been a jerk to you before, but can you please be my boyfriend?" Only if he knew how I waited for this once in a lifetime moment to happen.

"Yes, of course I'll be your boyfriend Hyunjin!" He hugged and lifted me up from happiness. We never went to a themepark, but it's like we did with all this rollercoaster feelings.

"I love you too." I whispered to his ear. I didn't noticed that I was crying again. What a big crybaby I am.


Hey ho! first day sucked balls big time, tiring but we did absolutely nothing but orientation :/ sorry for any typo^^^

Just to let you know there's only 2 chapters left then epilogue <\3 it's been a long journey.

What's your favorite season?

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