Chapter 42

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[Happy Halloween everyone!

This isn't a Halloween special but it's still an update soooooOoo.

Hope you all enjoy it! Make sure to check out my instagram for special Halloween art and some cosplay pics! Have a great Halloween and stay safe!]

Stay Creepy, My Friends!~

Chapter 42

Elizabeth's POV

After much thought, and advice from the twin, otherworldly servants, and even the former SCP doctors, who presided safely with the twins, I had a plan and it was already set to go. I would have to work quick though. The cabin doesn't have a very 'homey' feel to it yet, and Caedis and I will have to work on it whenever we're there.

The specimen the doctors' provided to me has proved to have a purpose in this new plan. I still don't know his name and he has only spoken a few words to me (when I had asked him if he had a name, he had simply said, "I know of no names.") but the doctors were right about his abilities.

The plan begins only in a few days, but each hour—each minute—feels excruciating.

This shadowy specimen of mine will play a key role in this new plan. If he screws it up by engaging with them or provoking anyone, I might have more problems on my hands. All I need him to do is gather any information, observe any intriguing activity, so that I can know what Ao is up to. Should anything come up that will interfere with my plans, I'll figure out a countermeasure. But even if my specimen screws something up, all that matters at the end of the day is that I will have him...

What Ian told me just a few days ago has stuck with me, yet I end up wanting to challenge what he said rather than heed it. The mouths may be tortuous and Zalgo may have a place in my mind, but I will not be lost to myself. I will prevail over this crushing darkness that has burrowed itself in me, in the form of tattoos and an ever-persistent father. I will overcome any wicked desires that are against my will, forced upon me. For him, the one I love. I will give him his ring back, what is rightfully his, and a new home free from what haunts him, what he rightfully deserves.

I will bring Jeff back to me. I will bring him home. And no one will take this last bit of happiness from me.


Ao's POV

It took a few days to get everything together. I had asked Ms. P about her experiences in traveling, bringing up the stories she carried over of her times in places like England. Although my teleportation isn't strong enough for great distances, Ms. P's magic can work wonders.

Even though it would only be a short trip to Japan, Ben made sure to dress as cool and, well, as 'Ben' as possible.

"What's with the glasses?" I asked him, referring to the pink, heart-shaped shades he donned on his face.

"I gotta let the Japanese people know I'm one with the 'kawaii' shit," he answered.

I shook my head. "We're not going to be going out in public, you know."

"Still. You never know. Maybe we'll hit up a shrine and I've gotta pay my respects to the moe god."

"For one, there is no such god, and second, we are not doing that."

"Fine... Can I keep the shades on though?"

"No," I deadpanned.

"Ugh, fiiiiine," he grumbled, took them off, and tossed them aside carelessly.

Jack came into the study, adjusting his belt, which held a knife in the sheath at his right side. He also wore his blue mask, along with the blue scarf I had gifted to him a little over a year ago. I chuckled and sauntered up to him to fix his scarf.

"You know it'll probably be warm over there," I informed him.

"I know," he said.

"You won't need the scarf."

"It's alright. I'll suffer."

I giggled and placed a kiss at his neck, having to tiptoe to even get to it.

Ben piped up behind me, "Oh, so you let him take a scarf he doesn't need but you won't let me have my sunglasses?"

"His scarf isn't as...flamboyant," I replied.

"You know what, I'm taking them anyway."

"Ben," I started, "no."

"Ben, yes," he remarked with a mischievous smirk, now sporting his pink, heart glasses once again.

I groaned inwardly. Ben and his fashion sense are about as untamable as Corrupted.

Ms. P came in a few minutes later, bearing an elated smile, until she set her eyes on Ben and said, "What the devil are you wearing?"

"Art," he simply responded.

After scrutinizing the glasses, Ms. P turned her attention to me and started, "Are you ready for your departure, Ao?"

"Yes, ma'am."

"And Jack?"

The masked man gave a single nod.

"Good. Just remember that your arm is still unstable at times. If you must use it, be cautious of Ao and Ben, and don't cause attention to yourself."

I chimed in, "I'll make sure we stay low-profile on our visit."

We took a couple of minutes to recheck that we were ready to go. Once we were absolutely sure we were fully set, Ms. P had me stand in the center of the study, holding her nimble hands in mine. On either side of me, Ben and Jack placed a hand on my shoulders. With this, I took a deep breath and closed my eyes, envisioning where I wanted to be, imagining every aspect of it, from the scent to the sounds. Gradually, I felt Ms. P's magic flow into me and I embraced it. I focused my magic to fuse with hers for this one purpose. Soon enough, our concentration had worked. The moment I couldn't feel her hands in mine anymore and felt a gentle breeze brush my skin, I opened my eyes and awed at our new environment. A beautiful, healthy, nighttime forest replaced the study at the mansion.

"Did we make it?" Ben asked, looking around (I couldn't take him seriously with those glasses, dear god).

"Let me check," I said, then navigated my way through the trees cascaded in night. If my envisioning had been correct, we should be close to where we want to be.

Sure enough, we were. Beside the forest was the Nishijin district of Kyoto, illuminated by street lamps and building lights. I'd recognize this place anywhere. I saw it in the photo albums my father had kept at the old estate, I remember it from our trips here in the past. I knew it well without having known much about it other than it was my father's place of residency before moving to America. We had made it. We were in Japan.

Behind me, Jack and Ben emerged from the forest. The elfin wraith gazed at the scenery before us, astounded by it all. "Wow, look at that...!"

"I can't," Jack murmured.

Ben sighed. "God dammit, Jack."

"C'mon, you two," I began, "let's take the back streets. We can't be seen here."

"Will anyone really be concerned if they see us?" Ben inquired.

"I'd rather not take any risks, especially since it's night," I replied. "Like I told Ms. P, we have to be low-profile. Now, let's go."

The two listened to me and walked with me back into the forest for the time being until we came across empty, dimly lit backstreets.

While we trekked through traditional Nishijin, we went over our prospect and his abilities, from what I remember: able to manipulate or even dislocate his joints, agile and fast, can mock the voices of others perfectly, and most importantly, claws. Even though it didn't seem necessary, I had mentioned that our prospect loved his wine. Jack and Ben remembered everything we went over as we traversed through my father's hometown.

After about a ten to fifteen minute walk, I recognized the iron gate meters away ahead of us. Quietly, we slinked through the lonely, neighborhood streets and met up in front of the gate. Although it would've been handy to teleport to the other side, I wasn't sure who could be watching. No risks for this mission.

Jack helped Ben and I go over the fence, holding us up by our feet so we could climb over. He managed to climb and vault himself over the top, missing the rusty, pointed edges by a few inches. Ahead of us was an overgrown pathway that used to be delicately cared for. The trees that had once arched over the stone path now reached for it with craggily branches, and the stone path itself was cracked and covered with dozens of dead leaves. Pushing aside the memory I had dreamt about in my head, I walked forward towards the long forgotten machiya house where I first met the demon Kagekao.

Other than the decaying paint and grimy windows, the house looked the same as I remembered. Even the remnants of my favorite bamboo chimes, which my mother bought, were left hanging above the front entrance; they were merely dangling strings with a rotting top platform that could give out any second. Now that I'm back here, it seems like only yesterday I was that adventure-minded, six-year-old girl on her first trip to Japan. The memory feels so fresh yet it's so far away.

Lighting up my hand with magic to show me the way, I walked up the steps and opened the front door, greeted by the scent of dust, stuffy air, and negligence. The machiya was completely empty, as if no one had bought it after my grandmother had sold it after her 'accident'. I don't think anyone ever did. I don't think Kagekao ever let them.

While Jack and Ben explored the house (Ben finally took off those glasses), I made my way to the back room that faced the garden. Just like everywhere else in the house, the room was empty, and the shōji doors were long stripped of the paper that clung to the wood. Opening them was a chore as the wood had somehow connected to the inside of its railings and caused me to push them aside in jerky movements. Finally, I got the doors open and the first thing I saw outside was an overgrown yard so dense I couldn't see the stone pathway built into the ground, and I remember it was somewhere in there. To think this unkept place used to hold one of the most beautiful, lavish gardens I had ever seen.

Pushing aside my imaginations of the old garden, I stepped back inside to execute my plan. I brought a bag along with me of a few supplies. I wasn't sure if they would be useful, but it was worth a shot.

Meticulously, I placed five candles in the center of the room, lighting them all at once by quickly moving the flame from my matchstick over the wicks with my telekinesis. Then, I lit the incense and placed three at the top left corner, top right corner, and very bottom of the candle circle. And the books said to offer a sacrifice to the demon I wished to summon (a small animal), but there's no way I'd do that. Instead, I had something else and it would work better than a gnarly sacrifice.

Carefully, I took out the wine bottle from the bag and put it in the center. I made sure the cap on top was loosened already just in case. I sat back on my legs, critiquing my work.

"Oooo, got an ouija board?" Ben's voice piped up as he walked into the room with Jack following behind.

"No," I chuckled.

"Hehe, probably for the best. I still have beef with Bloody Agnes. I doubt she'd want to come through from Scotland, but she's stubborn so, yiiiikes."

"Well, I won't be summoning anyone named Blood Agnes, but I'm hoping for someone else," I said.

"Will it really work?" Jack questioned with uncertainty.

"I don't know. I feel kinda stupid, but it's worth a shot. Oh, I almost forgot one other thing..!"

Quickly, I got up, picked up my bag, and then hurried outside to the porch. Gently, I set my bag down and took out a folded lantern. It was the kind you'd find at a dollar store, not an actual, traditional lantern, but it should still suffice. Yesterday, I had painted the kanji for 'home' in black upon the cheap, white, thin surface. Carefully, I sent the lantern upwards with my magic and hooked it onto a protruding, rusty nail. I stood under it for a moment, admiring it, getting those memories again. But then I thought back to how useless this all might be. Now I really felt weird.

"What do we do?" Jack inquired.

"Wait," I said. I didn't know what else we could do. It's all a matter of time.

An hour and a half passed. Ben ended up hanging out on the porch, lying down across it, playing a video game on his phone. Jack went to walk around the perimeter of the plot, more for the sake of comforting himself than to keep guard. I sat underneath the big oak tree in he yard, messing with my hair. It took me a while to realize I was instinctively trying to braid it. Although I could, my hair now was much too short for braids to look nice. As much as I may miss my long hair, the length I have it at now serves a better purpose. It's lighter, makes me feel cooler, and doesn't get in the way all that much.

But remembering how I ended up actually cutting it soured my mood.

It had been a week after I lost Sam on that fateful day at the TIRACorp building. The memories of him helping to braid my hair when I was busy doing other things was all that I could think about for many days. I kept tugging at my loose hair, trying to braid it, yet no matter how hard I had tried, that memory hindered me, paralyzed my fingers, numbed my thoughts. Eventually, the burden became too much that I chopped my hair off in a fit of distress. It had obviously been in the heat of the moment, but by the time I realized what I had done it was too late. I was a crying, sniveling mess when Ms. P found me, surrounded by my lost locks of hair, a knife in hand. She helped me to touch up the jagged cuts I made at the end of my hair and styled it to how it is today. I haven't let it grow out since, for fear that I would freak out on myself again. Yet still, my fingers yearn to weave my chestnut locks into braids.

Jack walked up to me and took a seat beside me, legs crossed, back straight, hands planted on his knees. Even after his walk, he's so alert. It's making me anxious. To fix that, I grabbed onto his left hand and just held it. He didn't flinch at all and gladly embraced my palm.

"Do you think he'll come?" he randomly asked.

"Kagekao? I can't tell for certain. It's been so long since I last encountered him. Maybe he's not even alive," I murmured. Ahead of us, I glanced past Ben at the offering inside, still illuminating warm light. I looked down at my lap and contemplated some sort of backup plan to all of this. I should've thought of something earlier. Then again, what could replace the achievement of speaking with Kagekao? There's no one else to go to.

"You're awfully quiet," the masked man commented.

"I'm usually quiet during missions," I explained.

"But not this quiet. You make small talk. This time I have to make the small talk."

I chuckled and squeezed his hand.

He went on, "Does being here bother you? Because of your dream?"

"In a way," I said. "It's not that I'm nervous about meeting a demon. I think...I just feel somber because I'm back in a place I used to visit...and it had been significant to my family. This place was special. It makes me think about a lot of things."


I pursed my lips, hesitant to answer him because I knew my words wouldn't stop. There's too much on my mind to narrow it all down.

"A lot of things," I repeated after leaving Jack in silence for a few moments.

"Like your father?" he murmured.

Unconsciously, I grit my teeth at the mention of him and sighed. I don't think I had to answer Jack's question. He could tell my thoughts already and squeezed my hand to comfort me.

Out of everything unsettling about returning to this place, the memory of my father is the most discomforting of all.

I could feel a rant brewing inside my head, spurred from the memory of what he did to me, and what he did to the others. To Jeff. My father wasn't the one that tortured him, but he helped to make such a thing happen in the first place. Because of him, all of us are left with scars that are hard to leave behind, some more so than others.

Just as I was about to ramble about that incident at TIRACorp and everything unholy, Ben howled aloud with surprise and came rushing to us. Pointing behind him, he exclaimed, "Guys, the wine bottle is gone!"

I gaped at him. "What??"

Quickly, I got to my feet, leaving Jack behind, and rushed towards the porch. Sure enough, the wine bottle was gone and the offering circle was left empty. None of us were near it. Jack had checked the perimeter several times and would have said if there was anyone else. Did the offering actually work?

"I swear I didn't touch it," Ben said, palms facing me.

"I believe you," I assured him. "Did you see anything out of the ordinary?"

"Nothing. I just turned to look at it and the bottle was gone."

Furrowing my brow, I said, "We need to find him, make sure he didn't just come to snag a drink and go."

Behind us, Jack growled, "Hey!"

Ben and I turned to see him without his mask. He touched the back of his head for a moment, then grumbled, "Ben, what have I told you about taking my mask?"

"What? I didn't even go near you," the blonde wraith replied.

Whilst in middle of their mini-argument, I readied my hands, forming a faint, red flame of magic in my palm. I turned to the offering circle again, narrowing my eyes as I thought. Slowly, I swept my gaze up to spot anything strange. Although it was barely noticeable, I spied a piece of roof tiling tumbling down off the edge on the corner. There was no wind and there hasn't been a breeze strong enough since we got here. The roof. He was just there.

The moment I prepared to move, Ben yelped again and I glanced at him just in time to see Jack's mask on his face, before a sharp, black claw was placed against my neck. I froze to such a stillness that could rival a statue's and halted my magic.

"Kobanwa," (good evening) Kagekao greeted with a voice much more dark and eerie than I remembered it to be.

"Kobanwa," I greeted reluctantly, trying to ignore the way the claw felt on my skin as I gulped.

"Anata wa sutekina teikyō o shimashitaga, seika o tonaeru no o wasuremashita...," (You made a nice offering, but forgot to recite a chant) he whispered just behind my ear.

"Sore wa don'na seikadesu ka?" (What chant would that be?) I questioned quietly.

He hummed with amusement and said in English, an accent barely under-toning his words, "So you still speak Japanese."

"Of course, it was my first language," I informed him casually. Ben and Jack held stern and wary expressions, their bodies tense and their senses alert. Especially Jack. I'm sure he can sense Kagekao next to me. The way his fingers are twitching tells me just how ticked off he is.

Kagekao chuckled and said, "Little mantis, it has been too long. You've grown so much from that tiny, naive child I met on Obon."

"You haven't seemed to age at all," I remarked.

"Thank you," he chimed. He came around towards my front, still pressing his claw against my neck. The first thing I noticed was the crack in his mask running down the right side and across the area of the eye, a scar made years ago by Sam.

The masked demon glanced at Ben and Jack and commented, "So nice of you to bring your friends. This meeting feels more interesting."

Though he didn't ask, I went ahead and introduced my two companions. "Kagekao, meet Ben and Jack. You Kagekao."

"Hey," Ben mumbled. Jack didn't utter a word.

Kagekao tilted his head to look at him. "What a skin color you have there. And a nice scarf. Mind trading?"

Jack bared his sharp teeth as he growled lowly. "I'll take that as a yes," Kagekao chuckled awkwardly and turned to me again. "He's not a very friendly man, is he?"

"You have your claw pressed against his girlfriend's neck," I muttered.

"Ah. That might make sense now."

"Listen," I began, "I'm not going to beat around the bush. We've come here to discuss an important matter with you."

"With little ol' me? So considerate of you. What is it?"

Before I would explain, I looked at Ben and Jack for comfort, then took a deep breath to begin. "We need your help."

"With what?"

"Have you ever heard of a being called Zalgo?"

With his other hand, he scratched the side of his mask as it contorted to an expression of thought. "It sounds familiar."

"He is the Lord of Chaos, a cosmic, demented entity bent on conquering this realm and everything in it. Or he was. Now his...his daughter has taken his place."

"Daughter? Demons can't have children..."

"Well," Ben piped up, "she's not his actual daughter. Something happened, I think she died? and then they made a deal, and—."

"Long story," Jack deadpanned.

"Clearly," Kagekao said.

"Anyway," I continued, "as I was saying, his daughter, Elizabeth Umber, has taken his place. Although she used to be our companion as well, we have reason to believe she'll go through with Zalgo's intentions. She's already declared war on me..." I glanced at Ben and we shared faces of recognition, recalling what happened that night he came to the mansion to deliver Elizabeth's message to me.

"Sounds complicated. Guess being the Proxy has its downs, doesn't it?"

I furrowed my brow. "How did you know I'm the Proxy? I never mentioned that."

"I can sense it on you," he stated. "I sense it just as I had sensed that spirit bonded with you all those years ago. By the way, where is he? He's not with you."

At the careless mention of Sam, I turned my eyes down to the overgrown grass and murmured, "That's...a long story..."

Kagekao shrugged nonchalantly, dismissing the subject along with me.

I carried on with the matter at hand. "Elizabeth wishes to defeat me. I don't know what her true goal is, but so long as she is in Zalgo's place, I cannot allow her to achieve it. She isn't okay; her mind isn't stable, she won't listen to reason. Because of that, I have to prepare to fight her as well. So that's where I ask you for help."

He cackled, slapping his knee and inhaling intensely in between laughs. I stared at him, feeling annoyed, while Ben and Jack stood patiently with confused miens.

After he had his laugh, Kagekao sighed and finally replied, "That's about the greatest thing I've heard in a while. Me, help to defeat a demon king's daughter? Haha."

"I take it you don't want to help," I said.

"I mean, I'm intrigued..."

"Being intrigued isn't enough."

"Maybe it should be."

"Look, I'm glad you find this amusing, but when it comes down to it this should matter to you."

"Why?" he inquired, a challenge in his voice. His mask bore a mischievous grin.

"Because if Elizabeth succeeds in what Zalgo failed to do, then this world will be taken over, along with every creature in it. That includes you. I know how much you love to mess with the humans, taunting them, deceiving them...doing away with them when they get boring."

The mouth on the black half of his face disappeared, transferring over to the white side with a sinister curl to it. "Yes, I do love that.."

"Well, that may end for you if we allow Elizabeth to take over," I said flat out. "She will be the one doing what she will with the humans, and possibly the supernatural entities that reside here as well. There will be no more entertainment for you. Everything will become hers, unless you can help us stop that."

"Convincing argument," he complimented dryly. "Tell me this, little mantis...what do I get in return?"

I blinked. "What?"

"What do I get in return for my service? You expect me to help battle a demon's daughter, possibly risk my life and time, and save the world only to send me away with nothing?"

"You would have a world which you can freely roam in."

"I will have nothing. It would be no different than it is now, if we succeed. Shouldn't we feel victorious and be reminded of that? It's such a disrespect to sacrifice so much only to have the same thing in the end."

I frowned at him. "What do you want?"

Kagekao's black eye leered at me and he leaned closer towards my face. "What do you think I want?"

Ben spoke up, "Bud, lay off. She's taken."

"I know.~"

Jack growled loudly this time, unafraid to step forward and grab for the knife at his belt. The second he came close enough to Kagekao, the black and white demon bent his other arm backward at an impossible angle and pressed a claw against the center of Jack's chest. Jack stopped in his tracks immediately, sneering down at the Japanese demon.

"If you think I am not fast enough to slit your throat and hers, then you are sorrily mistaken, grayman."

Out of caution and anger, I grabbed his wrist and sent Scarlet across his arm. He froze, uttered a choked groan, and I hissed, "And if you think you can threaten him without me doing the same to you, then you're completely foolish."

"What powerful...magic," he forced past grit teeth (if he has an actual mouth under that illusory mask).

"This is between you and me, Kagekao," I said. "I am not here to fight, but will do so if you wish to act like a child right here and now."

"Alright, alright, little mantis," he groaned. Within the blink of an eye, his arm snapped back into place and he eased the claw against my neck. I called off Jack and had him return to Ben's side. He was reluctant but listened to me anyway.

Kagekao faced me, the two of us ready to attack the other; his claw against me, my magic crawling on him. It was silent for a moment. The air was thick with tension. We stared at each other, his fake smile against my hard frown.

"I can give you something that you may want," I claimed.

He tilted his head. "Do you now? Tell me."

I gulped, knowing that this was a bold offer. Tightening my other fist, I said, "If you agree to help us in our war and we succeed...I will bring my father to you."

The black and white demon chuckled maliciously at the mention of his lost prey. "My Tetsu-kun? How is he doing? Still running from his fears I presume?"

"In a sense," I muttered.

"What is it that would make you offer your own father to a demon, to abandon your filial piety?"

"He abandoned me," I stated sharply. "Betrayed me. It's only fair that I return the gesture."

"Ahh, how the naive, little mantis goes devious."

Although he was right to say so, I hated the comment. Deep down, I didn't want to give my father up to a demon he had been running from for years, a demon who had tried to kill me, a demon who killed his brother and thus started his drive to protect the ones he loves as much as he can, even if it hurts them. Kagekao inspired my father to become the scientist I've known him to be for all my life, the scientist I looked up to for inspiration and support. But he betrayed that love I put into him for the sake of his love to me. He played his part in this mess. Kagekao played a part too. Everyone plays a part to something grander and they don't even know it. And unlike my father, I intend to have Kagekao take responsibility for the role he's played in this complex stage-play we call life.

"You have your father then," he remarked. "Imprisoned for his crimes against you?"

Hesitantly, I answered, "No.."


"I...We don't know where he is."

His mask donned an irritable pout.

I went on, "He disappeared a year ago, but I know he's out there somewhere, hiding away. If he had died, I would have known. The whole world would have."

"How do you expect to give him to me if you don't know where he is??"

"I'll find him," I promised. "I'll bring him to you and complete our deal."

"That doesn't sound promising coming from the Proxy.."

I groaned inwardly and hissed, "What is it that you want? Why won't you take the offer?"

"I want a deal that will be met with one-hundred percent results, not a promise to possibly find a man you haven't found all this time."

"The world is at stake here."

"And so is my patience now," he hissed, his mask bearing yet another scowl. Before I could continue, he went on, "What if I don't become subject to this Elizabeth's cruel reign? What if I go to her instead? I'm sure she would find a suitable reward for my services. Plus, she could allow me whatever devious freedoms I desire since she wishes to have the same. What's to stop me from taking her side and not yours? If you really wanted to persuade me, you'd use that magic of yours to do so."

"I'm not going to threaten you to join."

"Why not? It would work. I know you're capable but you refuse to let that power loose."

"That's not who I am."

"In war, it doesn't matter who you are, it's what you do that defines your success," he growled, and I grit my teeth at his bit of philosophical insight.

"I refuse to threaten you. It won't do any good in the end," I insisted.

"Then you are not a strong leader that I can follow. This meeting is over, little mantis."

Kagekao, after this entire time, finally removed his claw from my neck and turned away to leave. I stood still, watching him, at a loss of what else to say. He won't listen to reason. What more can I give?

Suddenly, Ben blurted, "Wine!"

All of us looked at him, confused.

Ben shifted in his spot awkwardly and said, "I-I can hook you up with wine. I'm practically everyone's dealer for stuff they want. All the wine you can have."

"There's no way he'll take that, Ben," Jack commented.

"I'm listening," Kagekao deadpanned.


Ben kept his offer going. "Hell yeah, I'll give you a whole bunch, a lifetime's supply, and I'm a wraith, so I'll never die, so that's like a forever supply! And it'll be from the best distilleries you can imagine. The whole shebang!"

I managed a small smile. "Ben, I don't think—."

"I'll take it," the Japanese demon declared.

"You have got to be kidding me," I muttered, bearing an ironic smile.

Kagekao shrugged at me. "I'll take any chance I get to get free wine. Well, wine is always free for me because I steal it...sometimes from the people I kill—look, I'm taking the forever supply of wine."

"'re going to help us?" I questioned, a bit of hopefulness coming through my voice.

Kagekao stared at me, his black side yet again inhabited by half of a white smile. "On one other condition."

My heart sank a bit. "What is it?"

Kagekao came closer, elongating one claw and pointing it towards me. "I will have Tetsuya Matsukochi as well, if we succeed in this war of yours. But if you do not bring him to me, then I will have..."

Slowly, he pointed his extended claw to none other than...Jack.


I gaped at him, genuinely shocked. "What...?"

"Haha, you really thought I'd want you? You're the Proxy. I know you probably have tricks up your sleeve to escape me. But him? He can't get away so easily. No magic to him."

"Ahem," Jack cleared his throat as he rolled up his left sleeve. In an instant, his bare arm flared a bright, sky blue, the same as my magic. The eyeless man glowered at Kagekao as if he was challenging the demon.

Kagekao chuckled wryly. "Ah, there is some magic. It is not yours though. Plus, that can be easily solved by cutting your arm off, and I'm real good at that."

"You will not hurt him," I growled.

"If you don't want him hurt then I suggest you bring me your father at whatever cost!"

"No," I fumed. "I told you this is between you and me, and I will not have you claim Jack as chattel. You're not going to do so just to spite me either."

"That's exactly why I'm doing it."

"This part of the deal is off limits. It will not exist at all."

"Then I don't join you," the black and white demon countered.

I was about fed up with Kagekao's unreasonable requirements. If he had some rational mind, maybe this would be bearable, but he's completely difficult, even for me. I'm not so sure I'd even want him amongst our ranks at this point.

Against my contentions, Jack called off the magic from his arm, stepped forward and declared, "It's a deal."

I whipped my whole body towards him, eyes so wide I thought I'd start tearing up. "What?"

"If Ao doesn't succeed in bringing her father to you, then I'll take his place."

I shook my head wildly. "Jack—!"

"Ah! Noble grayman!" Kagekao interrupted me and waved his arms in a flourish. "This cause must be so special to you to give yourself up to me. Hehe, you'd better hope your girlfriend does as she says."

"I know she will," he replied, not with challenge to me but with utmost placidity. He believes in my wholly.

Kagekao patted Jack's face, which caused the eyeless man to twitch his upper lip slightly, and announced, "Well, we finally have an alliance established, yes? Great!"

"Great," I said unceremoniously.

Kagekao pivoted on his heel towards me and said sweetly, "I'm glad I could get to see you once again, little mantis. Let's see what this Elizabeth of yours has to offer to us."

"I'd hope not a lot," I remarked. The masked demon just laughed.

Regardless of the back and forth argument we had, and the frustration he caused me, I held out my hand to him and declared, "Welcome to the team, Kagekao."

The smile on his mask brightened and he gladly took my hand. But instead of shaking it, he leaned forward and gave it a kiss, or what would've been a kiss if not for his mask. It still startled me nonetheless. Even Ben looked taken aback and was trying his best not to smirk and snicker. Jack couldn't tell what had happened and I felt bad for it.

"What soft, lovely skin," Kagekao boasted of me anyway. "Your grayman is a lucky one. Perhaps I should've made the deal to take you. I really wanted to."

"Too late," I grumbled before Jack could step forward with his knife. Swiftly, I swiped my hand out of the Japanese demon's grip and stepped away.

Kagekao laughed brightly and pranced away from us. "Maybe this calls for some of that wine you gave me."

"I don't drink," I said.

"Wine's not my style," Ben put in.

"I'll throw up," Jack stated bluntly.

"Okay...more for me..?" the masked demon mumbled. "Alright, let's go. You all are taking me to your base of operations, yes?"

"Unfortunately," Jack muttered.

"Hop to, then," Kagekao chimed.

As Jack retrieved his mask from Ben and followed Kagekao to wherever the demon thought he was going, Ben came up to me and said, "Our first recruit and it's this guy."

"We take what we can get," I sighed.

"Bloody Agnes would've been game."

"She hates you."


Ben glanced at Kagekao again, who was galloping around waving Jack's mask in the air, while Jack himself was trying to catch him. The blonde wraith sighed as well. "Can't believe I have to be his wine dealer. Do we really need to take him..?"

"I heard that," the subject of our conversation exclaimed. Ben frowned.

"We already made a deal and we need help," I justified. "Even if it's from an aggravating, childish, selfish demon."

"I heard that one too!"

"Good," I grumbled. Once I saw that Jack was still struggling to get his mask back, I raised my hand to take it from Kagekao. A cool-blue light wrapped around it and it glided towards me across a few meters. The Japanese demon stood still for a moment, taken aback. I called Jack over so he wouldn't continue running about, exasperating himself.

"Let's go," I declared. More towards Kagekao, I added, "And let's all behave."

"Yes, ma'am," he purred.

And, using Ben's teleportation instead of Ms. P's magic, we were able to go home with our first new member. The last thing I looked at in that machiya backward was the lantern I had hung, the kanji for 'home' emphasized by the light shining from within, an ironic sight for a place to be abandoned once again.


When we arrived at the mansion, we had shown up in the grand foyer. Kagekao stumbled away from us, holding out his hands for balance. He looked at us and muttered, "I'm not used to that kind of travel."

"Happens all the time," Ben remarked.

The black and white demon gazed about the area with his hands at his hips. "Wow. Not too shabby..! How is it that no one wishes to join?"

"Maybe because our work is dangerous," Jack said.

"Fair point."

Beyond the foyer, we heard the fast pat-pat-pat of small feet running on the floorboards. Sally came bounding out from one of the doorways, a quizzical gleam in her bright green eyes, holding Charlie in her arms. The moment I saw that curious gleam turn to an excited flare, I knew what was coming next.

"Hi," she chirped once she hopped in front of the masked demon. Kagekao flinched back, surprised.

Ben looked at me with a mischievous light in his red eyes and both of us smiled. He sauntered up beside the black and white demon and said, "Kagekao, meet Sally! She's a longtime resident of this mansion. Sally, meet Kagekao."

"Charlie says hi too," she said, holding up her teddy bear.

"Ah, hello," Kagekao greeted the ghost girl and her plush friend. He seemed amused by this. That was about to change.

"Sally," I started, "why don't you give Kagekao a tour of the mansion?"

"And better yet," Ben joined in, "show him your room and all those toys you've got!"

The little girl perked up and blurted, "Ooooh, yeah, definitely!"

Kagekao chuckled. "Alright, I guess I don't see why not—."

"C'mon!" Sally exclaimed and practically yanked the tall, lean, full grown demon off his feet out of the foyer. As they left, I saw Charlie give us all a wicked grin and I gave him a thumbs up.

Once they were far enough away, Ben sighed contentedly and said, "Ahh, she's gonna put him through pink, girly hell."

"As is customary for all members of the mansion," I commented.

"Welcome to the team, indeed, hehe."

The blonde wraith stretched his arms over his head and groaned, "Welp, I'm off to go chat with a pretty boy and cry over him."

"...Is that good or bad?" Jack murmured.

"No, they'll be happy tears."

"How's your beau doing anyway?" I asked.

The same excited flare Sally had was what had brightened Ben's eyes as he jumped forward and gushed, "Oh my god, okay, the other day he sends me this picture right, and he looks real fuckin' good, like too good, and I want him to stop but then I want him to keep going because he's my boy and I'm his, and I like that he's taking care of himself and texting me about how I'm doing, like I'm not that important right now, I wanna talk about you, and—ooooohhghghh, I can't talk 'bout this right now, I'm gonna throw myself out a window!"

"Okay, be careful," Jack said, and I gave him a light smack on his stomach.

"I gotta go! He should be awake for school right about now!" With that, Ben flickered away to his bedroom—I assumed—to talk with his pretty boy.

The next second, I heard the front door open and turned around just in time to see Jack walking out. He left the door open for me to follow him and I did. When I closed the door behind me, Ladon had already noticed us and was waiting eagerly at the edge of the porch. Jack was the first to pet the burly, adolescent creature and ran his hand over the stitched mask-face. Ladon nudged Jack's legs and the man took this signal to sit down on the porch steps. I chuckled seeing Ladon lay his head on top of Jack's lap and relish in the company and attention.

Something was on my mind, though. I took a seat next to Jack and placed my hand on Ladon's head to pet him as well. The black-furred beast purred with content and shimmied closer to the two of us. While I scratched Ladon's head, I spoke to Jack, "Why did you agree to Kagekao's deal?"

"It was the only way he would join. If we denied his offer of taking me, he wouldn't have listened to anything else we had to say."

"I could've figured something else out."

He flashed me a smirk. "So you're telling me you might not find your dad or win against Ellie?"

I frowned. "I'm not saying that."

"Then why are you so nervous about giving me to him?"

Crossing my arms over my chest, I muttered, "I'm not nervous. I just...don't like that we had to stoop to that."

"I don't think I understand you," he said. For a second, I thought he was serious, but then I realized he was teasing me about being vague. That smirk of his got me to fess up to how I really felt (he always does this!).

"Fine," I grumbled, "look, I'm upset because...I don't like the idea of you giving yourself up to someone. Especially since you'd just be treated like some...thing. You shouldn't have to subject yourself to something like that. I don't want you belonging to someone else."

"So...," he drawled, "what you're telling me is that you're not nervous..."


"You're jealous."

"Ri—wait, no!"

"Well, you don't want me to belong to someone else. You want me all to yourself right?"

"That's not what I'm saying," I argued, feeling a blush invade my cheeks.

"It's fine if you do."

"No," I said. "You shouldn't even belong to me. You...You should belong to yourself."

This time it seemed that Jack was confused. He tilted his head slightly, furrowing his brow. I elaborated some more.

"Everything that you do and say should be for your own sake, not because you're owned by someone else. You've sacrificed a lot, even when nothing good happened to you, and I don't think it'd be right to give yourself up. Believe me when I say I'll do whatever I can to ensure Kagekao's bargain doesn't come to fruition, but it bothers me knowing your freedom hangs over my head when it shouldn't. It shouldn't hang at all. You should have it all for you. Although you devote yourself to me a lot and I appreciate everything you do, even I'm not worthy of having your freedom. I don't want you to belong to anyone else but yourself. That's what I mean. That's why I'm upset."

During my rant, Ladon had tumbled away from us to prance about on the front yard, leaving Jack and I sitting on the porch in silence. I hadn't looked at him the entire time I explained myself and I felt embarrassed knowing my feelings were a little immature. But when I finally looked up at him, he was smirking at me again. I pouted.

"What's so funny?"

"Hmm? I'm not laughing," he retorted.

"But you're amused."

"Maybe a little."

"I was being sentimental, Jack," I groaned. "I poured my feelings and thoughts out."

"You're very good at that."

As he kept that playful grin on his face, I frowned and leaned away from him a bit. "Not funny, Jack."

"Was I supposed to be...?"

"Maybe you should've told a joke instead, that would've been a lot better than saying I'm good at rambling words," I muttered, crossing my arms again.

"But you are."

"I'm acting stupid about the deal, aren't I? That's what you're trying to tell me without telling me," I guessed.

"Am I??"

"Maybe Ladon will make me feel better instead," I said and began standing up so I could be with my big, furry buddy.

The moment I even tried to step off the porch, Jack grabbed onto me and pulled me back down. I yelped in surprise and allowed myself to fall backwards next to him. Before I could really comprehend what he was doing, his lips were already pressed desperately against mine.

I lay on the wooden porch, hugging onto Jack's sides as he needfully kissed me. There was no way I could refuse this. I closed my eyes and kissed him back, squeezing him tighter in my embrace. He was fervent yet humble, rough yet gentle with our kiss. It was kind of hard to breathe yet I felt exhilarated for it, wanting more, needing his passion coursing through my lips. No matter how much he pressed himself against me, I yearned to be closer, hugging his sides tighter. One hand traveled to my waist and he pressed his fingers against me, almost keeping me in place, but there was no reason I'd squirm away. Every second that I laid under him was nothing but warmth, love, and thrill. Like everything we wanted in life, and everything we deserved.

My lips felt lonely and cold without his once he pulled away. He held himself up above me, breathing against my forehead as he placed his lips there. Quietly, he murmured, "I want to belong to you."

Brushing my fingers through his hair, I started, "Jack—."

"It's what I want for myself," he said. "I will own myself by seeking out my freedom in you. For the longest time, I never felt like I had a purpose until you came along and changed that. You made me discover happiness. Although I've sacrificed a lot—maybe too much—what matters to me now is that I have you to guide me. If devoting myself means achieving my freedom, then I'll give my all to you. I'll be vigilant, for you, for everyone here, for the fate of this realm. I want to belong to you. Only you. So don't feel scared or upset to ever lose me, because I'll fight like hell to come right back to you."

Gazing up at his handsome face, my chest couldn't help but swell with delight. My lips curled into a smile and I caressed his ear tenderly. Then, pinching his cheek, I said, "You could've just told me straightforward, you know."

"So could you," he replied.

"Jerk," I said with a chuckle, and pulled his head down so I could kiss his lips again. Against his lips, I whispered, "I'll never let anyone take you away from me. Absolutely no one."

"I know," he murmured back. Another sweet kiss. Another moment that felt like falling in love all over again. "I love you."

"I love you too," I sighed. After our little mission, this felt perfect.

"Uuuuuuuhhhhh," another voice uttered and I looked up to see Jeff standing by the door with Smile at his side.

"Oh," I gasped, "um, hi! Hey! Hello..! Hi... Hehahaaahmm."

"You guys, uh...need another minute?" the dark haired man asked.

"Uh," I started, "no, we're—."

"Yes," Jack interjected flatly.

Jeff cocked an eyebrow and raised his hands. "Psssh, alright, alright. I see how it is."

"J-Jeff, hehe," I chuckled nervously.

"It's about time you two did something."


"Nothing," he quickly blurted and quickly shoved Smile and himself back inside the mansion. He slammed the door closed, leaving Jack and I still lying on the porch.

"Well," the eyeless man began as he picked himself up and sat down, "now that we've established our feelings, how about you get something to eat already?"

"I'm not hungry," I responded.

"You need sustenance."

"But I don't—aaHh!"

Jack suddenly picked me up and started taking me back inside. Instead of resisting him, I just rolled my eyes and enjoyed the free ride. What a strong, intelligent, quirky dork. I love him..~

I never want to give him up to anyone, demon or otherwise. He's all mine. Mine to love, to guide, to comfort, to seek support in, to protect. And I am his to do the same. So incomprehensibly bound to one another. I wouldn't have it any other way.

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