Good Morning DC!!

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Just people from the DC universe as weird things I've said/heard people say/do at school!

"Today was a weird day."

"Hey, is Maroon just Navy Red?" Wally asked, he and Robin sat on the couch just playing a video game.

Robin paused the game and looks towards the speedster. "Like Navy Blue?"

"Yah but with red."

"Today was a weird day."

Artemis was walking up to the front doors of Gotham academy. But when she got near she saw a group of kids standing right outside of it.

And they were standing like flamingos? Like the one leg up and arms tucked.

She looked at them oddly, then one kid spoke cheerily.

"Hi welcome to the Hell Hole!"

"Today was a weird day."

"So I was watching this make-up tutorial-," Dick started.

"Why the f*** were you watching a make-up tutorial?" Jason laughed.

"I was bored." Dick said as if the question wasn't even asked. "But she said that you have to pick the Sharon along with-," Dick continued but was interrupted yet again by Jason.

"The Sharon!" Jason wheezed, Dick quickly corrected himself saying he meant shade.

"Today was a weird day."

Wally sat down in his math class, sitting besides a very smart person whom he had made friends with.

"So did you finish your Exam Guide?" Adrian (the friend) asked. Wally looked at him confused.

"That was due today? I was gonna do it all tonight!" Wally exclaimed before quickly pulling it out. Adrian had his done and it was seated on top on his desk.

Wally quickly flipped through finding all the easy problems to do, "Penny for the poor?" He smiled up at Adrian. Adrian only laughed as Wally scribbled down numbers in the page.

"Golden Child." Wally mumbled.

"Hey!" Adrian said, fake offended. Wally laughed.

"Today was a weird day."

"He's hohosexual." A kid said in the halls. Dick tuned in, gravely confused.

The second kid looked at his friend oddly, "He's attracted to Santa Claus?"

"Today was a weird day."

"I can belly dance!" A girl (whom I shall name Queen A**hole!) (AN: If you didn't notice I despise this girl!) suddenly yelled at the lunch table.

"The f**k is wrong with her?" Dick whispered over to Barbara as they continued to look away.

"Today was a weird day."

"Nooooooo!" Roy whispered painfully. He, Wally, and Dick were walking down the crowded halls of a building.

And 100 mints fell from Roy's pockets.

Yes mints.

The white life saver mints.

"Today was a weird day."

"Wait, aluminum?" Artemis asked Wally as they did science homework together.

"Yeah Aluminum." They we're making a model of a catapult and how differently a pompom would fly if you dropped an aluminum or silver cube on it.

Artemis scrunched her face up in confusion, "But I though that was in the ground?"

"Today was a weird day."

The song 'Poison' by Bell Biv Davoe, was playing as Bruce and Dick drive home.

"I like this song . . . But I hate it." Bruce said out of the blue.

Dick looked up at him with an amused smile, "Why?"

Bruce continued, 2000% serious, "It reminds me of a Sesame Street skit that I cannot find. Like nowhere. Not even YouTube."

"Today was a weird day."

"You don't have to take the test." Wally whispered over to Dick (yeah yeah I know they aren't in the same class, grade level, or school)

Dick shrugged "I'm gonna take the test." Dick had been gone for a week thanks to an injury from patrol.

"The following student don't have to take the test. Dick Grayson, Max H-"

"See I told you-you don't have to take the test!" Wally whisper shouted.

"I'm taking the test!" Dick whisper shouted right back.

"Today was a weird day."

"That's a highlighter not a pencil." Dick corrected Wally as he took the cap off.

Wally raised a hand at him in a 'no' gesture. "I'm not hungry."

"Today was a weird day."

Jason picked up Tim's pencil that'd he'd left on the table as Tim left the room. "If I licked this, he'd never know."

Dick looked at Jason with a form of confusion only the Batfam could create.

"Today was a weird day."

Wally shoved a handful of popcorn into his mouth, "He said 'when someone threatens your life' who says that?"

Dick chuckled. "I don't know."

"People who wear rainbow colored sneakers that who." Wally said completely seriously.

Dick almost choked on the popcorn in his mouth when he started to laugh.

"Today was a weird day."

Dick's class randomly got onto the topic of clothing. Female clothing at the moment.

"What the heck are tights?" One boy said, all the girls in the class groaned.

"There like, really thin tight pants," One girl said simply, "They go all the was to our feet."

"Oh you mean the king socks things!"

All the girls groaned again while Dick and some of the other boys burst out laughing.

"Today was a weird day."

Kaldur stood to empty the recycling bin in the mountains kitchen. They only truly had one thanks to M'gann.

Wally and Robin, who were both bored out of their mind, starting chanting "Empty the recycling bin! Empty the recycling bin! Empty the recycling bin!"

Once Kaldur finally got the thing emptied, everyone groaned as Robin and Wally cheered way to loudly.

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