Save The Egg

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Chuck and Bomb were headed down the mountain, pulling a wagon carrying the eggs. Chuck was still worried about his egg, but Bomb managed to calm him down.
Then, they heard Red scream out “NO!!!" It was distant, but still pretty loud.
“What happened?!" Chuck exclaimed. “Was that Red?! It was Red! Something happened! Did it happen to my egg?! What did Red do my egg?!"
“I hope he's okay," Bomb muttered.

Having nothing to hold on to, Red let go of Silver's rope. Crying in anguish, he covered his face with his free hand.
Ross was in disbelief. Silver would give her own life for him and the egg? Maybe she was right. None of this was reasonable.
Ruby, meanwhile, was wrestling with Leonard. Unfortunately, despite her strength and agility, Leonard was just too big for her to fight. He pinned her down, punched her in the face, grabbed her torso, crushed her ribs with his thumbs, and threw her to the side of the ship. Lying on her stomach, Ruby groaned in pain. She looked up and saw two rocks and some boxes of TNT. Then, she had an idea. It was crazy, but it just might work.

Once he was done with Ruby, Leonard went to the bow of the airship. He grabbed the rope, pushed Red aside, who was too devastated to think straight, and pulled up Ross and the egg.
“Nicely done, Ross," he smiled. “Now let's get back inside. It's freezing out here!"
Ross looked at the egg then down the mountain. He remembered when he found Silver's egg and how he was about to eat it. But then it hatched into a beautiful baby girl, and he fell in love with her. And now, his baby's gone. She gave her life for this egg.
“Ross, let's go!" Leonard ordered.
Ross didn't follow. Instead, he just gave the egg to Red, who was confused by his selfless act.
“I'm sorry, Leonard," he sighed sadly.
“What are you doing?" Leonard asked, quite annoyed.
“I can't eat it," Ross replied. “If I ate Silver's egg, I never would've known her. This one's no different."
“Silver knew what was coming to her," Leonard argued. “Which is why she let it happen. We don't need her anymore."
Now Red was raging mad. How dare he talk about Silver that way?!
“Silver was a child!" he growled, getting up and putting the egg down. “A child! She didn't deserve ‘what was coming to her!' She didn't deserve to be treated that way! Silver loved you, she looked up to you. And all you did was take advantage of her. Did you have any feelings for her?!"
Leonard didn't answer. He just tried to attack Red. But both of them just fell over the edge of the airship.  Red managed to grab a rope with one hand and hold on to the egg with the other. Leonard fell further down, but he grabbed the same rope and was climbing up quickly.

It seemed bad, but Ruby moved on with her plan. Her vision was blurry, she had a black eye, blood trickled down her beak, her whole body ached, but none of that would stop her. She crawled as far as she could, reached out for the rocks, and grabbed them. She began to rub them together rapidly.
“Come on, come on, come on," she muttered weakly. Before she could lose the last of her strength, a spark came. The spark turned into a tiny flame, which slowly began to grow.

Ross tied his rope to a boulder and lowered himself down until he could reach Red.
“Hold on to me!" he said. Red bit hard on the rope and used his hand, now free from grasping the rope, to hold on to Ross.
Ross climbed back up the airship, Leonard came closer, Ross could feel the tips of his hooves! And then, they made it back up the dirigible.
“What do we do now?!" Ross screamed. Red untied the rope from Ross' waist.
“See that cliff?" Red asked, pointing to a nearby cliff. Ross nodded. “Take the egg and see if you can jump for it. I'll go get Ruby."
Ross took the egg, jumped off the airship, and landed safely on the cliff.
Red noticed the fire, he had to move quick. He picked up Ruby and held her close to his body. He followed Ross and the two of them ran off.
By the time Leonard climbed back up the dirigible, he saw Red and Ross running off with Ruby and the egg. He was about to go after them, but suddenly...
The airship burst into flames. And the castle began to burn as well. The mountain shook, causing an avalanche which destroyed the rest of the castle.

King Mudbeard was never seen again.


“Where are they?" Matilda wondered, her voice full of worry. It had been five minutes since the avalanche. Chuck and Bomb made it back with the eggs, but there was still no sign of Red or Silver.
Tony inspected the city, now covered in snow. He saw a red wing and began to dig. Very gently, he pulled out Red, who was holding on to the egg.
“My baby!" Chuck cried out joyfully. He ran to Red, took the egg, and returned to the flock. He held his egg tight. “Don't worry, Daddy's got you. Thank goodness you're alright. Another minute down there, and you would've been frozen!"
“Yes! They made it!" Bomb cheered.
Tony pulled out Ross and Ruby. Ruby had fallen unconscious and Ross held her in his arms. Tony double checked the area. There was no one else there.
“Silver?" Matilda asked, confused and worried.
Red lowered his head in sadness. They knew what he was saying. The Blues began to cry as Ross and the rest of the flock mourned the loss of their beloved falcon.

I'm sorry for killing off Silver. Truly I am. 😞

And whoever's upset about Leonard's death, I'm sorry about that too.

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